Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1880: Activate the Spirit Gathering Array

Chapter 1880: Starting The Spirit Gathering Array

Liu Shadong suddenly asked in surprise: "This is the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom?"

Lin Kai smiled and said, "Liu Zongshi, good eyesight."

The Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom was in Lin Kai's hands, emitting a misty blue light, spinning slightly.

Inside the Yuxi, there is a golden dragon hovering in it.

This golden dragon was so vivid and terrifying, as if it were a living creature.

Liu Shadong even felt that the golden dragon seemed to blink slightly just now, and looked at them secretly.

When Liu Shadong took a closer look, it turned into a statue again.

Liu Shadong muttered to himself: "I was wrong, how could it be a living thing?"

Lin Kai chuckled and said, "Everyone, as long as you can find treasures of the same level as mine, your blessed land will surely reach my level."

At this time, the moods of several great masters became dignified.

The material of Chuanguo Jade Seal is not the best material in the world, but no one dare to say that their treasure can be compared with Lin Kai's jade seal.

Because this jade seal has been used by generations of emperors to control the life and death of all the people of China.

Its symbolic meaning, on the land of China, I am afraid that few treasures can match it.

They have reason to believe that the reason why Chuanguo Yuxi is so mysterious is because of the emperor status it represents.

Lin Kai looked at the solemn looks of these great masters, and smiled.

After the gossip, apart from Tang Feng, the other four great masters left.

Before Lin Hong left, Lin Kai also promised to wait for the Tang family to start the formation before going to the Lin family.

After they left, Tang Feng asked in a deep voice: "Lin Kai, you can make your request. No matter what, our Tang family will do it."

Lin Kai waved his hand and said, "Uncle Tang, it's not that serious. However, I really have something to do. Please ask the Tang family to investigate it for me."

Lin Kai whispered: "I want the Tang family to help me investigate the Leiyuan Group and trace Lin Yuan's whereabouts."

Lin Kai reminded: "Lin Yuan is very dangerous. He may be in the realm of a great master, and he is sinister and vicious. Uncle Tang must not be careless."

Tang Feng's expression also became solemn, nodded, and said solemnly: "Okay, I will pay attention."

Lin Kai stood up and said with a smile: "Uncle Tang, let's leave. Go to Tang's house to start the gathering formation for you."

Tang Feng also showed a smile. This Spirit Gathering Formation is related to himself and the future of many of the Tang family's children. Naturally, the sooner the better.

The Tang family also chose a mountain that is no less famous than Dongxian Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain is the residence of ordinary disciples of the Tang family.

The more you go up, the more you are a direct disciple of the Tang family.

The entire mountain peak is covered by top jade, as if it were a mountain range made purely of jade.

Lin Kai flew directly to the top of the mountain and sat cross-legged in the void.

He had a solemn expression, he was muttering words, and at the same time he made various handprints and flew into the mountains below him.

After not knowing how many mantras and handprints were made, Lin Kai suddenly opened his eyes and shouted softly:


I saw a golden light flew out of Lin Kai's hand and sank into the mountains.

The entire mountain range suddenly fell silent, followed by a buzzing sound, directly bursting into light.

All the jade stones are shining with bright light, and between them, there appears a bright light that connects all the jade stones together.

There was a slight shock between heaven and earth, and a trace of aura was attracted and gathered towards this mountain range.

Tang Feng showed a look of surprise. Although the spirit mist had not yet appeared, he had already felt that the spirit energy was gathering.

Over time, the mountains of the Tang family will also appear spiritually foggy.

Lin Kaifei fell and fell to Tang Feng's side.

Tang Ying hurriedly stepped forward, handed over the towel, and said distressedly: "You're tired, wipe off your sweat."

Tang Feng: "..."

Lin Kai saw Tang Ying's sincere gaze, so he took the towel and wiped the non-existent sweat on his face.

After Lin Kai wiped his face, he handed the towel to Tang Ying and said, "Uncle Tang, the gathering array has been activated. However, the treasure that you suppressed is slightly inferior to my jade seal, and in the end it cannot reach the richness of mine. Lingwu."

Tang Feng nodded and invited, "Lin Kai, go sit at home. I'll let Ying'er prepare meals."

Tang Ying also looked at Lin Kai hopingly.

Lin Kai hesitated for a moment, and said, "Next time. I have to go to Lin's house again."

Under Tang Ying's unwilling gaze, Lin Kai still cruelly turned and left.

When he left, he was still thinking to himself, why he didn't want to reject Tang Ying?

Is it because I haven't eaten the food she cooked for a long time?

Suddenly, Lin Kai smacked his lips and said in secret: "It seems that I have to find a chance to visit the Tang family again."

On the way, Lin Kai called Lin Hong.

After a while, Lin Yun drove up in front of Lin Kai.

He looked at Lin Kai with an extremely complex expression.

Lin Yun originally thought that Lin Diansha was a stone obstruction in his life. It won't be long before he will be able to step over this stone and stride forward.

Who knows, the stone was indeed easily crossed over.

However, their identities have been reversed.

He became an insignificant stone under Lin Kai's feet.

Lin Kai had completely left him behind and became the top group of people in the world.

Moreover, he is a very good one in this group.

This shocked Lin Yun, who was arrogant and arrogant, but he was also very weak.

Lin Kai's current height is something he can only reach in decades.

But at that time, where did Lin Kai go?

Lin Yun put away his complicated emotions, and said with a little bit of formality: "Mr. Lin, please get in the car."

Lin Kai nodded slightly and got into the car calmly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yun clenched his fists again.

The place chosen by the Lin family was also a mountain range.

At this time, most of the Lin family at the foot of the mountain were waiting here.

They all looked complicated, looking at the man in front of them.

On the same day, they also held a banquet together.

Unexpectedly, their identities are now very different.

They didn't even have the courage to talk to Lin Kai. Can only watch from a distance.

Lin Kai glanced around, everyone moved their eyes away from guilty conscience.

On that day, they made a noise, and Lin Kai almost couldn't get off the stage.

If Lin Kai retaliated, they would not be able to bear it.

Lin Kai didn't care about these people's thoughts, frowned and asked, "Sister Lin Xueer, why aren't you here?"

He suddenly remembered that on the day of the underground martial arts conference, Lin Xueer did not show up either.

After several contacts, he discovered that Lin Xueer was a particularly curious person.

She shouldn't miss things like the underground martial arts conference.

Besides, how could Lin Xueer be absent on such an important day today?

Not far away, Lin Hu pursed his lips slightly, but did not reply.

Lin Yun was also stunned and couldn't help looking at Lin Hong.

Upon seeing this, Lin Kai's expression turned gloomy in a moment.

His eyes flashed with cold light, and he looked at Lin Hong coldly.

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