Chapter 1881

Lin Hong glanced at Lin Hu and said with a smile: "My nephew, please enter the villa for a comment."

Lin Kai's face was indifferent, and he said coldly: "No need, tell me where Lin Xueer is?"

Lin Hong's face was ugly, and his expression was a little unhappy.

Everyone in the Lin family also looked serious, and their complexions were very tight.

They didn't think that Lin Kai was so shameless to their Patriarch.

In their hearts, Lin Hong is like a god.

If it's someone else, everyone in the Lin family will come forward to theory without hesitation, even desperately.

However, the young man who is talking now is another god.

None of them has the qualification and ability to intervene in the conversation between the Patriarch and Lin Kai.

However, under their solemn expressions, there was a faint expectation that they hadn't noticed.

Lin Hu's face was shaking, and he looked at Lin Kai with a moved expression.

He did not expect that when he was desperate, the appearance of this young man turned out a glimmer of light in his sinking into the abyss.

Now everyone's eyes fell on Lin Hong.

Faced with Lin Kai's aggressive attitude, how would Lin Hong choose?

Based on everyone's understanding of Lin Hong, their Patriarch is a majestic and uncompromising person, very domineering.

Even in the face of other great masters, he is very domineering, and no one can change what he decides.

Everyone looked at Lin Hong's increasingly icy expression, secretly saying that the family chief was furious.

Lin Hong walked to Lin Kai's face blankly, Lin Kai did not flinch, and stared at him coldly.

"Are you going to fight?"

Everyone looked excited, and a little worried about their own stability.

They all knew about Lin Kai's record of beheading the two great masters, but they also had confidence in Lin Hong.

Because, I don't know where the rumors came from, they are all saying that Lin Hong is the strongest existence of the five great masters in Donghai Province.

This rumor has been circulating for a long time, and none of the great masters actually refuted it.

This makes them more confident in the strength of the Patriarch.

Lin Hong coughed lightly and said in a low voice, "My nephew, give me some face. There are some things that are not suitable to be told outside. How about asking the villa?"

Hearing Lin Hong's soft words, everyone in the Lin family almost flashed their waists.

Especially Lin Yun looked at Lin Hong with an unbelievable look.

He didn't expect that Lin Hong, who had always been domineering, would actually be subdued in the face of a junior.

This made him feel like the worldview collapsed in his heart.

Lin Hong naturally noticed the strange expressions of everyone, but his heart did not fluctuate at all.

How would they know the magic of the Spirit Gathering Array and what it will bring to the Lin Family.

If the Lin Kai had a quarrel, then the Lin family might become the only family in the super family that did not have a spirit gathering formation.

If things go on like this, the Lin family will inevitably be eliminated.

So, now he just bowed his head to Lin Kai, how could he hesitate?

Lin Kai pondered, saw Lin Hong's pleading gaze again, and finally nodded slightly.

He said lightly: "Let's go then. Call Uncle Lin Hu with him."

Lin Hong nodded, beckoned to Lin Hu, and said solemnly, "Second brother, let's go together."

Lin Hu arched his hands and followed them in silence.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hong and Lin Kai said a few words, and they took off directly to the villa on the mountain.

Behind, Lin Hu's expression was stunned, his expression slightly distorted.

Many Lin family disciples hurriedly lowered their heads, reducing the smiles that appeared on their faces.

Lin Hu looked at the two distant figures enviously, and could only sullen his head and quickly ran up the mountain.

In the meeting room, a few people sat together.

Lin Kai's expression was indifferent, drinking tea without speaking.

At this moment, Lin Hong hadn't spoken yet, but Lin Hu looked at Lin Kai and asked, "Lin Kai, before I talk about Xue'er, can I ask you a question?"

Lin opened tea and said softly, "Excuse me."

Lin Hu asked in a deep voice, "Why do you care about Xue'er? Is it because she looks beautiful and covets her beauty?"

"When you see Xue'er, are you going to take her away? As your forbidden?"

Speaking of this, Lin Hu's rough face could not help but exude a trace of evil spirits.

Her daughter is never allowed to be taken as an object and robbed.

Lin Hong frowned and scolded: "Second brother, pay attention to your tone! Now, in front of you is a great master!"

Lin Hu pursed his mouth, but was silent, still looking at Lin Kai fiercely.

Lin Hong's brows furrowed tighter and tighter, and the expression on his face became solemn.

He finally coaxed Lin Kai into the villa, but he couldn't let Lin Hu offend Lin Kai like this.

Lin Kai waved his hand, and said calmly: "I met Lin Xueer and I hit it off right away. She is my good friend and I respect her very much."

Lin Hu carefully looked at Lin Kai's expression, his expression finally eased.

He said dullly, "Thank you for your confusion."

Lin Kai nodded and asked calmly: "Let's talk about it, what happened."

Lin Hong said solemnly: "I wonder if my nephew has heard of Xuanyin School?"

"Xuanyin Sect?"

Lin Kai's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "This is a very mysterious sect. It seems that it has been passed down for thousands of years on the land of China."

When he was in Jiulong Mountain, the owner of the mountain mentioned Xuanyin Sect to him.

In China Land, Shadow Gate is the most active and powerful dark organization.

However, hidden in the depths of darkness, there are many very mysterious and ancient sects or families.

These forces are far from the world, but they have terrible power.

Especially, in recent years, after the resurgence of Reiki. These forces also seemed to have moved the hearts of the people and began to move.

They seem to have been waiting for this era.

The Jiulongshan forces spread throughout China, but they know very little about these sects.

Some forces only know the name, and some forces don't even know the name.

Among them, Xuanyin Sect is the name of the power that Jiulongshan learned after sacrificing the life of a master.

As for who is in this force, there are no masters.

Now, Lin Hong suddenly talked about Xuanyin Sect. Is Lin Xueer's disappearance related to Xuanyin Sect?

Lin Hong said solemnly, "Xue'er was taken away by the Xuanyin Sect."

"Take it away, what do you mean?" Lin Kai asked coldly.

Lin Hong said solemnly: "Xuanyin sect came, and said that a big figure was interested in Xue'er's aptitude and wanted to accept her as a disciple. So, he took her away."

Lin Hong sighed, and said with a hint of disbelief in his expression: "Actually, eighteen years ago, when Xue Er was born, people from the Profound Yin Sect suddenly appeared."

"They said, don't let Xueer practice ancient martial arts, and take Lin Xueer away after 18 years."

"After so many years, I didn't expect the people of Xuanyin Sect to really come."

Lin Kai frowned and said coldly: "Are you all rubbish, just let Xueer be taken away like this?"

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