Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1882: To Dongwan City

Chapter 1882

Lin Hu clenched his fist and muttered, "It's all my father's uselessness that made this happen."

Lin Hong said solemnly: "I am the head of the family, and I have more responsibility and obligation to protect family members. This is not your fault, it is my fault!"

Lin Kai said impatiently: "If this is the case, why let Xue'er be taken away?"

Lin Hong sighed helplessly, and said, "If the two great masters come to the door in person, come and bring people. Nephew, what do you think I can do?"

"Two great masters?"

Lin Kai's expression was solemn, which he hadn't expected.

Lin Hong said painfully: "Although Xueer is only my niece, she is innocent and innocent. What is the difference between her and my daughter? However, I can't bring the Lin family into a deadly place for Xueer!

Lin Kai pondered, as if thinking about something.

Lin Hong glanced at him and suddenly said, "By the way, they seem to be going to pick up another person. They probably haven't left the East China Sea yet."

Lin Hu's expression moved, his lips squirmed several times, but he still didn't say anything to ask Lin Kai for help.

He didn't have this face, let Lin Kai help.

After all, they are two great masters, not to mention that there is a huge creature like Xuanyin Sect behind them.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Kai's mouth. Is Lin Hong trying to kill someone with a knife?

It's just that in Lin Hong's heart, whether he is the knife or the Xuanyin Sect is the knife, this is very interesting.

Lin Kai asked calmly, "Where are they now, tell me."

Lin Hong was taken aback and hurriedly stopped and said, "Xian nephew, don't do stupid things. Xuanyin Sect is not easy to provoke."

Lin Hu also looked shocked. Is his daughter so charming?

Make Lin Kai so obsessed?

Knowing the power of Xuanyin Sect, he even dared to **** Xueer back?

Lin Kai said lightly: "You don't have to worry about it, you just need to give me the address."

Lin Hong nodded and said, "These two great masters did not hide their traces. They should have gone to a small family in Dongwan City. There seems to be someone to pick up there."

"Dongwan City?"

Lin Kai's expression moved, and Dongwan City was the city where his maid Qian Lian'er was located.

I don't know, how is she now?

Lin Hong wrote down an address and said, "That family is just a mortal family. I don't know who was lucky enough to be favored by Xuanyin Sect."

Lin Kai didn't refute Lin Hong's words. To most people on the earth, this was a matter of a carp leaping over the dragon gate.

But, Lin Xueer, this lovely little girl, would you like it?

Lin Kai stood up and said lightly: "Let's go."

Lin Hong was taken aback, and reluctantly said, "Shall we go find those two great masters together?"

Lin Kai sneered. Seeing Lin Hong's behavior, he didn't plan to bring Xueer back.

Lin Kai said lightly: "Go and turn on the Spirit Gathering Formation. If you don't need it, then I will leave."

"Need, need." Lin Hong said quickly.

Lin Hong walked outside, as he did in the Tang family, and opened up a gathering formation for the Lin family in the same way.

Many disciples of the Lin family saw such a miracle for the first time, and they couldn't help but marvel at it.

Their awe of Lin Kai grew thicker.

After Lin Kai started the Spirit Gathering Formation, he didn't care about Lin Hong's retention, and went straight down the mountain and left.

Staying in the Lin family, the family that had this blood relationship with him, was far less comfortable than in the Tang family.

Lin Hong stood on the top of the mountain, feeling the gathering of a trace of aura, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Standing with his hands behind him, he looked down the mountain and said calmly: "Will he go and bring back Xue'er?"

Lin Yun stood behind Lin Hong and did not reply.

Lin Hong said calmly: "Why, did you disappoint your father?"

Lin Yun said solemnly: "My boy doesn't dare. My boy just doesn't understand, do you need to be so accommodating to Lin Kai?"

Lin Hong exhaled, a white practitioner resembling a giant python, directly spitting out several tens of feet away.

Lin Yun's eyes widened, and his expression fluctuated violently.

He is not an ordinary ancient warrior, he is a master.

He also knows a little about what kind of ability the great master has.

A great master can spit out dozens of feet away with just one breath?

Moreover, looking at its power, there is a building in front of it, which can blow directly out of the sky.

It is impossible for the Grand Master to do this!

Lin Hong's eyes were gleaming, like two giant searchlights.

He whispered to himself, "Lin Kai, don't let me down. Otherwise, I can only kill you!"

Lin Yun's expression trembled, looking at his father standing proudly in front of him, his eyes gradually became frenzied.

A few dozen miles away, Lin Kai suddenly turned around and looked at the mountain range of the Lin family.

He frowned and muttered to himself solemnly: "I seem to feel a wave of energy, is it my illusion?"

Lin opened up his mind and felt it carefully for a while, but found no abnormalities.

He shook his head, then turned and left.

"As the owner of Jiulong Mountain, I need to see the Xuanyin Sect."

"Does it continue to hide, or choose to be born?"

This is related to the safety of the entire China, and he has to be vigilant.

Therefore, whether it was for Lin Xueer or China, he had to meet these two great masters.

Lin Kai murmured: "Hope, it's a friend but not an enemy."

This idea just appeared, and suddenly I heard the prompt sound of the system.

"Ding, take Lin Xueer back safely and get rewards randomly."

Lin Kai's expression froze suddenly, and he gave a wry smile.

The system directly arranged such a task for him. It seems that he might be an enemy of Xuanyin Sect?

Of course, if the Xuanyin Sect continues to hide from the world or accept supervision after birth, why not give up this task?

Lin Kai flew all the way, far faster than any aircraft, reaching three times the speed of sound.

If it weren't for Lin Kai's spiritual power to control the power of heaven and earth, everyone would hear a huge roar.

Looking up at the sky, a white line suddenly appeared, leading straight to the sky.

This was Lin Kai's first full flight, and he only felt the pleasure of allowing him to travel around the world.

The heaviness facing the Xuanyin Sect also disappeared.

After arriving in Dongwan City, Lin Kai slowed down and flew towards the city while adjusting his breath.

East Bay City, downtown.

Zhou Haiting is a well-known billionaire in Dongwan City, and his Zhou family has also risen and become a very famous family there.

However, Zhou Haiting is not satisfied with this. He wants to make his business in Dongwan City, enter the market of Donghai Province, and even the national market.

But soon he was awakened by a head-on blow.

He learned about the existence of ancient warriors, and a family without ancient warriors can't grow bigger at all!

Just when Zhou Haiting lost hope, his life-saving straw appeared!

Two mysterious men fell from the sky!

This made Zhou Haiting pale in shock, and then he was overjoyed.

Without saying a word, he directly used all the material and manpower of the whole clan to offer the two men gourmet food, beauties, and boxes of gold bars.

The two great masters of the Xuanyin Sect were directly stunned on the spot, and there was a trace of bewilderment in their eyes.

A question mark appeared in their hearts.

What is this unfolding method?

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