Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1904: Minions, let's do it

Chapter 1904

A group of ancient warriors approached John aggressively and looked at him coldly.

"You actually murdered people in China, do you want to die?"

John sneered and took a step forward, also exuding his aura.


A very peculiar inner strength burst out, but the aura is the aura of a master-level powerhouse!

"It's the master!"

The expressions of the ancient warriors present changed, and some people quietly stepped back. Mixed into the crowd.

"Forget it, it's just a dead ordinary person anyway. It has no effect on China."

"Yes, yes. Let's spare them once this time."

They flushed, but they argued for themselves in a low voice.

For a time, only a dozen people were left standing in front of John on the scene.

However, their expressions have also become ugly.

They are not so thick-skinned, but they are very jealous of John. They are neither retreating nor advancing.

"Damn it, why don't those grandmasters and grandmasters come out!"

"Should we let the ancient warriors who are the tallest Wusheng die?"

These more than a dozen ancient warriors looked ugly and had already scolded the masters in the manor.

"You said I'm looking for death? Let's do it!" John sneered: "I want to see what you yellow-skinned monkeys have."

At this time, a grandmaster leaped out of the manor and came in front of everyone.

"It's Huang Feng Huang Grandmaster!"

Everyone present was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted respectfully: "Master Huang, you came just right!"

Grandmaster Huang glanced at them at random and nodded lightly.

He turned his head, a bright smile appeared on his face, and laughed: "John, long time no see!"

"What? Didn't Master Huang help us?"

Everyone at the scene looked at Huang Feng in surprise.

John showed a slight smile and teased: "It's Ahuang, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

An unnatural look flashed across Huang Feng's face, and this **** John still didn't save him a bit of face.

Back then, he went to study abroad, but he was not less bullied by John.

However, he must stand up this time.

Because he recognized those elegant nobles, all the children of the royal family abroad.

As long as he has a relationship with them, then he will be on the same footing in the future.

Huang Feng smiled and said, "John, what happened?"

John said dissatisfiedly: "These yellow-skinned monkeys are blocking our way. Not only did they not get out, they even dared to yell. So, I punished them."

"Fart, haven't you seen the dead?" An ancient warrior said loudly, "Master Huang, kill him. Take revenge for my Chinese people."



John sneered and looked at Huang Feng.

Huang Feng's face sank, and the ancient warrior flew out with a palm of his backhand.


The man spouted blood and looked at Huang Feng incredulously.

Compared to the pain in his body, his heart seemed to be shattered by Huang Feng's palm.

The crowd around him also instantly became quiet, and they looked at Huang Feng in a daze.

Unbelievable, Huang Feng actually helped foreigners beat the ancient warriors of China.

Huang Feng looked at them coldly, and said coldly: "John has said that he just punishes you, then he will definitely not lie! As for their death, what does it have to do with John?"

"Do you people know who these nobles are? They are foreign royals!"

Huang Feng said loudly: "If you hurt the royal family, it is the crime of punishing the Nine Clan!"

An extravagant blonde girl showed a quiet smile and looked at Huang Feng and said: "You are very nice, come to me at night."

A flush flashed across Huang Feng's face, and he arched his hand to her deeply.

Dissatisfaction flashed across John's face, and a yellow-skinned monkey was lucky enough by his loyal princess.

Even if this monkey is a master, it makes him very unhappy.

The girl smiled, licked her lips and said to John, "You come with me tonight."

Hearing these words, Huang Feng and John trembled, and they wanted to come to the night right away.

"This is my Huaxia's master?"

An antiquer laughed miserably with a sad expression on his face.

Huang Feng frowned and said coldly: "Go away, let's make a way for the adults to enter?"


Everyone at the scene looked dumb and looked at Huang Feng indifferently.

At the forefront of the ancient martial artist, a martial sage's expression suddenly calmed down.

"Huaxia people are not all Huang Feng and the like, the blood in our bodies is hot!"

He stopped in front of Huang Feng and quietly looked at Huang Feng and these Westerners.

"Dare you even defy my words?"

Huang Feng was furious, as if he had lost a lot of face, and hit him out with a fierce palm.

The Wu Sheng flew out embarrassedly, spit out a mouthful of blood.

Huang Feng sneered and said, "This is the fate of offending Grandmaster!"

The Martial Saint struggled to stand up, he staggered to Huang Feng, and spit directly at Huang Feng with a **** saliva.

When Huang Feng's Qi machine shook, he flew out the saliva.

However, his face has become flushed, and there is a strong murderous intent on his face.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The Wu Sheng sneered and said: "Stooges, I'm waiting for you underground!"

He stretched his neck and closed his eyes.

"And I!"

Another Martial Saint also stood beside him, supported this Martial Saint, looked at Huang Feng with disdain, and said coldly: "Slacking dog, do it!"

"And us!"

The dozen or so ancient warriors present stood behind them and stared at Huang Feng coldly.

"Hehe, guys. Don't let the ancient warriors look down upon us ordinary people!"

The people who were shaken out by John just now, as well as the tens of thousands of ordinary people present.

They stared at Huang Feng angrily, and shouted: "Slacking dog, you have the ability to kill us all!"

Huang Feng's face turned pale, he staggered and took a step back.

He murmured: "It's crazy, it's all crazy. I'm a master! Shouldn't you all respect me?"

The first Wu Sheng's face was pale, and his internal organs were injured by Huang Feng's palm.

He sneered: "Respect you? You deserve it too!"

"Ahuang, it seems that your face is very worthless. These monkeys don't listen to you at all."

John laughed and teased, even if the tens of thousands of people present were angry, he didn't care.

What's the use of more people?

At this time, a strange light flashed in the eyes of a young man with a hooked nose and blue eyes in the crowd.

A strange wave extended towards the Hornets.

"Tsk tusk, what is this lunatic Brink doing?"

This fluctuation is so secret that even John didn't notice it.

Only a few members of the royal family glanced at him without a trace.

When Huang Feng was at a loss, suddenly a seductive voice came from his heart.

"Are you angry?"

"They are just lowly people, why are they yelling at you? You are a master!"

"Where is your dignity? All the masters will laugh at you!"

Huang Feng's eyes were white and he muttered, "What should I do?"

"kill him!"

"Kill them!"

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