Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1905: Lin Kai appeared again

Chapter 1905 Lin Kai Appears Again

Huang Feng said to himself: "Yes, kill them! Grandmaster must not be insulted!"

He suddenly raised his head, eyes filled with cold murderous intent, he wanted to kill all these people who dared to stop him!

"No, stop him!"

The expressions of the ancient warriors present changed, and they sensed Huang Feng's murderous intent.

They were furious, but they didn't expect Huang Feng to dare to actually do it.

They shouted and attacked Huang Feng together.

"Go to death!"

Huang Feng's face twisted, and he pushed out with his palms.

With the powerful inner strength, even if many ancient warriors joined forces, they couldn't stop Huang Feng.

They persisted for only a moment, and they vomited blood and were beaten out.

One of them suffered a ruptured breastbone and died on the spot!

"Huang Feng, how dare you!"

Many ancient warriors were about to split their eyes, and Huang Feng actually killed the killer!

Huang Feng smiled grimly, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

"Xiao Huang, good job!" John laughed loudly: "Come on, bite them!"

A Martial Saint vomited blood and said angrily: "Huang Feng, that foreign pig is humiliating you, do you want to help them?"

John's complexion changed and he jumped in front of the martial sage, his face grimly said: "A trivial yellow-skinned monkey, dare to talk nonsense?"

He lifted his foot and stepped heavily on the head of the Martial Saint.

Unexpectedly, behind him a strong wind blasted directly into his heart.

John's face changed and he kicked it out with a roundabout kick.


The two bodies shook, and each retreated.

John was furious, murderous in his eyes, and said: "Xiao Huang, do you want to die?"

"Haha, John is flat."

"This Huang Feng was fascinated by Brink, and he no longer distinguishes the enemy from us."

The group of nobles giggled like they were watching a play.

Brink frowned, and a strange mental fluctuation entered Huang Feng's mind again.

Huang Feng's expression changed, he knelt in front of John without struggling too much, and said, "Master, I was wrong."

John froze for a moment, and soon understood that Lord Brink had secretly made the shot.

John laughed and said loudly: "Kill all the yellow-skinned monkeys!"

Huang Feng stood up and said loudly: "Yes, master!"

The ancient warriors present were already seriously injured, and ordinary people couldn't even reach Huang Feng.

They have lost the power to resist!

Huang Feng exploded with tyrannical energy, and his muscles swelled up.

His soles stepped on the ground vigorously, flew up, and pounced on everyone present.

"Run! Brothers, stop this beast!"

An ancient warrior yelled at the group of ordinary people and rushed to Huang Feng first.

"Death without regrets!"

The other ancient warriors did not hesitate, and all followed behind and rushed over.

"Do not!"

Ten thousand ordinary people on the court looked grieved and stopped loudly.

This Huang Feng is too strong, his outward venting energy can kill all the ancient warriors on the scene.

These more than a dozen ancient warriors rushed up to death.

The one who rushed to the front was a martial sage, his face had become very pale, and his internal organs had been displaced by Huang Feng.

Death appeared in his eyes, instead of resisting Huang Feng's palms, he hit Huang Feng's chest.

Huang Feng's face was cold and his eyes were pale, but his fighting consciousness still existed.

His palm directly spit out his inner strength and blasted directly at the head of the martial sage.

In this blow, his head will burst directly!

But the speed of Qi Jin was too fast, and he couldn't dodge it at all.

This Wu Sheng had a sad expression on his face. He couldn't even touch Huang Feng and was about to be killed.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jin was about to touch the head of Wu Sheng, and suddenly dissipated.

His palms also slammed on Huang Feng's chest fiercely.

Huang Feng's face turned flush, and he rolled several times and fell ten meters away.

"what's the situation?"

Wu Sheng stared at his palms blankly, and he actually shot a grandmaster out.

He laughed loudly and said, "I've been worth it in this life, and a master-level beast was beaten by me."

Huang Feng's figure flashed, and he rushed over again, punching him in the chest.

The Wu Sheng quickly parried and blasted Huang Feng's fist.

Unexpectedly, Huang Feng's fist was very weak, his fist was shaken off and hit his chest directly.

Rao is Huang Feng, the master, who has continuously endured the attack of a martial sage, but he can't bear it.

He spouted a mouthful of blood and flew out directly.

"what happened?"

At this time, everyone present also became incredible.

John's face became solemn, looking at this martial sage, he said solemnly: "It seems to be a master!"

The handsome man named the leader looked into the distance and said lightly: "No, it's because a great master took action."

In the place he looked towards, a young figure appeared.

He looked without joy or sorrow, and walked towards here slowly.

His steps are very slow, but each step is strangely tens of meters away.

In the eyes of everyone, his figure came to the scene in a flash.

"It's Grand Master Lin Kai!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, but they soon became sad.

"What about the Grand Master? There are many Grand Masters in the manor, but none of them took action!"

"What's more, Grandmaster Lin Kai is not from Donghai Province, and it is even more impossible to shoot for us."

After experiencing all kinds of talents, they have lost confidence in these masters and great masters.

Lin Kai's face was indifferent, scanning everything in front of him.

He glanced at Huang Feng and found that his eyes were white and very sluggish, and he understood that Huang Feng had been invaded by a heart demon.

Lin Kai snorted coldly, and the power of the tyrannical mind blasted directly into Huang Feng's mind.

"wake up!"

Huang Feng only heard a loud sound like a bell, which made his mind shake, and the strange sound in his heart also exploded to pieces.

Brink snorted, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Lin Kai in amazement.

Lin Kai just glanced at him lightly, and ignored him.

A clear light flashed in Huang Feng's eyes, and he looked around blankly.

Everyone on the scene screamed scars, and they were all terrified. Looked at him with resentment.

Huang Feng rubbed his forehead, he couldn't remember what happened just now.

Lin Kai asked lightly: "What happened here?"

Holding a glimmer of hope, everyone present all talked about what had just happened.

When Huang Feng heard everyone say that he wanted to kill all the people in the audience, a look of horror appeared on his face.

He shouted: "You are talking nonsense, when did I say that I would kill you all!"

Huang Feng is going to be the licking dog of the Western nobles, but let him kill so many people, how can he have the guts?

Lin Kai's icy eyes swept across, and Huang Feng closed his mouth like falling into an ice cellar.

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