Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1907: Break the ground

Chapter 1907

Lin Kai shook his palm and said with a smile: "Your knife is not sharp enough!"

As if receiving humiliation, the handsome man raised his lightsaber to the sky.

He kept chanting primitive spells in his mouth, and the elements between heaven and earth kept converging towards the lightsaber.

The lightsaber swelled sharply and directly became more than three feet tall.

The world on this side has become boiling, and the space is rumbling.

"As expected of Caesar, we are the first person in the West!"

"Magic vindictive double cultivation, both have been cultivated into the gods!"

Seeing this scene, the nobles present all screamed, their eyes shining with worship.

Caesar's face flushed slightly, and it seemed that it was difficult for him to control this three-foot-long lightsaber.

Caesar shouted angrily, waved his lightsaber and slashed towards Lin Kai with the force of a thousand-junks.

"Boom Rumble"

A splendid brilliance flashed across the sky, and the sky seemed to be cut in two by Caesar's blow.

At the other end of the sky, stood Lin Kai, who seemed incomparably small.

"Huntian Jue!"

Lin Kai snorted coldly and slapped it out.

The spiritual energy between the sky and the earth is tumbling and surging, like waves of thousands of feet, rushing towards the lightsaber.

"Drive me!"

Caesar's eyes widened, the lightsaber burst into endless light, and directly slashed the surging aura waves to both sides.

The mighty wave rushed directly from both sides of Caesar's body.

The lightsaber decisively chopped down at Lin Kai's head.


The crowd around the audience exclaimed in unison, worrying for Lin Kai.

"Caesar, kill him."

But many nobles looked excited and shouted in applause.

However, Lin Kai's expression was flat, with a move with both hands, the huge waves that split on both sides whirled around, forming two long milky white dragons.

They hovered one by one, strangling directly towards Caesar.

"Change your life with me?" Caesar's eyes were raging, and instead of turning around and slashing towards the dragon, the lightsaber slashed towards Lin Kai even more swiftly.

Lin Kai was even more indifferent, directing the two dragons to rush towards Caesar.

Secretly, many great masters changed their faces.

Are these two people crazy? Just after a trick, he started fighting for his life?

After this move, the two will probably die or be injured!

"Grandmaster Lin Kai, don't fight him hard!"

An ancient warrior shouted anxiously.

Those nobles also became nervous, but Caesar is their spiritual support, absolutely invincible!

Blink's eyes flashed sinister gazes, a strange mental fluctuation, like a sharp sword, slammed Lin Kai's sea of ​​consciousness fiercely.

"Shameless Westerner, Lin Kai is going to be over now!"

The great master in the dark sensed that someone among the nobles secretly attacked Lin Kai.

Lin Kai glanced at Blink coldly, and directly exploded out with powerful divine power.

The powerful divine power directly formed a giant, looking at Blink's spiritual power with contempt.

Brink's pupils shrank, and he cried out incredible: "My God, how powerful are you?"

The giant raised his fist and blasted Blink's mental power fiercely.

Brinker's souls are all gone, and he quickly regains his spiritual power into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Unexpectedly, the giant grabbed the tail of his mental power and returned to his sea of ​​consciousness with Brink.

Brink's face turned pale after being ‘brushed’.

If his mental power does not leak out of his body, it is impossible for Lin Kai's mental power to enter his body.

Now, because of his carelessness, Lin Kai's mental power entered his sea of ​​consciousness, which almost sentenced him to death.

"No, I still have a chance!"

Brink looked like a gambler with a grim face, and all his mind sank into the sea of ​​knowledge.

In Blink's sea of ​​knowledge, Lin Kai's spirit incarnation turned into a giant, standing upright in the void.

Blink's Sea of ​​Consciousness is like a world, constantly repelling Lin Kai's spirit, wanting to blast it out of his body.

However, the giant seemed to be rooted in the void, motionless.

The giant lowered his head and looked down at the tiny Brink at his feet, and his majestic voice sounded: "Who gave you the courage to attack me?"

Brink, who was incarnate of spiritual power, was like a flat boat in the vast ocean, swaying constantly.

His face was pale, and he sternly yelled: "Don't mess around. I am the prince of the Lanxi Empire. You dare to hurt me. Not only the Lanxi Empire will not let you go, but China will not let you go!"

When Brink spoke, his mental power was still exuding weird fluctuations, as if bewitching Lin Kai.

The giant incarnation of Lin Kai has an incomparably indifferent expression, just like the way of heaven, ruthless and unconscious.

The giant slowly said: "At this time, I still don't forget to confuse my mind. In addition to your crime of bewitching Huang Feng and letting him slaughter the people, you are now sentenced to death!"

Brink panicked completely, he shouted: "Don't kill me, or you will be killed by Caesar. You spare my life, I plead with Caesar, and spare you!"

The giant looked indifferent, and said lightly: "I won't bother you!"

The brilliance of the giant's hand flashed, and a giant axe appeared, and he said: "Today, I followed Pangu to open the sky and smashed this world!"

The giant screamed, raised his axe and slashed fiercely into the void.

"Do not!"

Brink's eyes were splitting, but he couldn't stop Lin Kai.

"Boom Rumble"

Under the power of the giant axe, the world suddenly divided into two halves.

"Lin Kai, I am waiting for you in hell!"

Brink's mental power uttered the final scream, and it instantly turned into fly ash under this mighty power.

Standing in the broken void, the giant snorted and returned to his body.

In reality, I saw Blink's seven orifices bleeding, his eyes lost the light, and he fell softly to the ground.

"Blink, what's the matter with you?"

The nobles around Brink screamed loudly, their faces panicked.

Brink is the most mysterious of all of them, but this one is dead and dead so mysterious.

It completely puzzled them.

Only the ancient warriors of the great master level knew that Lin Kai and Brink had a battle just now.

As a result, Brink lost.

His soul has been completely annihilated, leaving only the body.

The battle of mental power is completely different from the flow of time in reality.

Caesar's lightsaber had not been completely slashed on Lin Kai's body, but Lin Kai had already gone through a very dangerous spiritual battle.

Of course, this danger is for other ancient warriors.

His spiritual power and the spiritual power cultivated by other people are not at the same level at all.

If Blink's mental power is wood, then Lin Kai's spiritual power is steel.

The two played against each other, and only one end was crushed.

Lin Kai's spirit returned to his body, looked at Caesar coldly, and said calmly, "It's your turn!"

Caesar's face flushed more and more, and all of his blonde hair stood up.

He looked at Lin Kai, his voice trembled with a hint of humiliation, and shouted:

"Lin Kai!"

"You die for me!"

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