Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1908: Kneel and beg for mercy

Chapter 1908

Caesar, the western young generation, the number one master.

Even the many veteran Battle Gods and Fashens are not his opponents.

He is also the heir of the Jili Empire, the man who wants to become the emperor in the future.

One can imagine how arrogant his heart is.

Otherwise, he would not fight Lin Kai so desperately.

However, even so desperately, Lin Kai actually took the time to kill one of his companions.

This is a great shame!

"Lin Kai, I am at odds with you!"

Caesar roared, a strong light burst out from his body, and an invisible armor appeared out of thin air and set on him.

This is the armor of fighting that can only be formed after reaching the realm of the **** of fighting, and it has a very strong defensive power.

Lin Kai stood there blankly, without any means of defense.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Caesar's mouth, and the lightsaber in his hand was also heavily slashed on Lin Kai's head at this time.

And the two milky white dragons blasted on Caesar's body at the same time.

"Boom Rumble"

Between the heaven and the earth, it seemed as if there was a burst of thunder, and the endless vigor seemed to be a twelfth-level gust of wind, sweeping in all directions.

Suddenly, flying sand and rocks, smog filled.

The complexion of the nobles changed, and one of them directly chanted a spell, forming a shimmering water curtain around them, enveloping them.

However, the tens of thousands of people around were completely exposed to this violent vigor.

At this time, five figures flew out of the manor.

They stood in five directions and waved their palms to dissipate all the surging energy.

Many people who were panicked showed joy and said, "They are the five great masters of our Donghai Province!"

Liu Shadong and others frowned and looked at the smoky field.

Jin Chi buckled with one hand, all the smoke gathered, and all flew into the distant high altitude.

Only then did they see the scene in the field clearly.

Lin Kai stood there calmly, his white robe was stained with some dust, and there was a stream of blood flowing down his cheeks on his forehead.

Lin Kai stretched out his hand and wiped it lightly, and the cut skin on his forehead returned to its smooth appearance.

Lin Kai looked at the opposite, with a look of approval on his face, and said lightly: "You hurt me. You did a good job!"

"well done?"

On the opposite side, Caesar's head was unkempt, and his clothes became tattered and knelt on the ground, like a beggar.

The armor of the fighting around him had long been shattered and dissipated in the void.


Many nobles covered their mouths and looked at Caesar incredible.

It was the first time they saw Caesar who was so embarrassed.

Caesar raised his head and laughed miserably, with endless fear in his eyes.

In the previous duel, only he knew exactly what had happened.

Just now, Lin Kai blinked his eyes, letting the lightsaber cut on his head.

Caesar almost thought Lin Kai was crazy.

But who knows, the lightsaber cut on Lin Kai's head, but it made a roar like a bronze bell.

The lightsaber exploded with endless fighting energy, cut through a layer of Lin Kai's scalp, and was completely shattered by the powerful counter-shock force.

But Caesar was strangling by the two giant dragons, and did not fully defend their power.

The last aftermath broke his knee directly, causing him to kneel on the ground.

"Caesar, what's the matter with you?"

The figures of many nobles flashed, and they came directly to Caesar's side, looking at Caesar with a big change.

Caesar sat down slowly, exposing his legs.


Everyone's pupils shrank, Caesar's knees had become bloody, and the bones and stubble were exposed.

Caesar endured the severe pain, and said lightly: "Skin trauma, just a few days of rest."

Lin Kai shakes his robe, making the clothes on his body smooth and white.

He looked cold, and walked over slowly.

"Let's do it together, you can't deal with this demon if you don't believe it!"

The group of nobles looked at Lin Kai like a big enemy.


Caesar roared and looked at Lin Kai.

He said in a deep voice, "Mr. Lin Kai, it is our fault this time. I beg you to forgive us for our sins."

Caesar endured the severe pain and knelt on the ground on his **** knees, begging for mercy sincerely.

"Caesar, what are you doing! You have lost all the glory of the nobility!"

Caesar's companions questioned angrily:

"We also have a God of Fighting and a God of Law, and we will surely kill this demon together!"

Caesar roared in a low voice: "My dignity is worth nothing compared to your lives. Moreover, we are not his opponents. He just took my light sword with a physical body!"


The bodies of the nobles trembled, and their courage was like a vented balloon, becoming panic and uneasy.

They deeply knew the power of Caesar's sword of light.

To what extent has Lin Kai been perverted, who can hold this sword with his body?

"Is he a son of a devil?" a nobleman murmured.

Others smiled bitterly, is the son of the devil so strong? He is a devil himself.

Caesar looked at Lin Kai and pleaded, "Mr. Lin Kai, please forgive us for our sins."

At this time, the nobles beside him also bowed their heads, and no longer stopped Caesar's plea.

Lin Kai walked up to them and looked at them with a calm expression.

They seemed to be the light of candlelight swaying in the wind, and their faces were so pale that they would be extinguished by Lin Kai at any time.

Lin Kai pondered for a while, and finally faintly said: "I am not a murderer..."

"Since the evil devil is dead, you can survive."

Lin Kai looked at the tens of thousands of people around him, and said lightly: "However, these innocent people have been severely hurt because of your group. Some people have lost their lives."

A trace of heaviness flashed across Caesar's face, and he quickly said, "Mr. Lin, I know that my innocent life is irreversible. But please let us atone for it."

"We will personally go to the homes of these innocent people, kneel down and apologize to their families, and compensate for the damage."

The expressions of the nobles on the scene changed. It is impossible to let them kneel down or kneel down to ordinary people!

Lin Kai asked coldly, "Huh? You can't do it?"

"You can do it, you can do it!" Many nobles said hurriedly, crying.

Caesar continued: "We will pay for all the injured innocent people present."

"There are other mental damage expenses, etc., and I will try my best to meet their requirements."

Upon hearing this, Lin Kai nodded in satisfaction.

When many nobles saw Lin Kai's expression ease, the big stone in their hearts was finally let go.

They knew that they survived!

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