At two o’clock in the evening, Lan Zhiguang, who was just about to rest, hurried to the headquarters again.

“How’s it going?” Lan Zhiguang asked anxiously, “How many headquarters were damaged?” ”

The chief of staff turned pale and handed him a report: “Originally, only three headquarters were terminated, but this was just received, and it has risen to five headquarters that have been terminated!” ”

Lan Zhiguang’s face was extremely ugly, five headquarters were taken down, and two more were headquarters led by the regiment commander.

In one fell swoop, he lost the command system of a half-regiment.

“Brigade commander, just received the news!” The deputy brigade commander said anxiously: “The army aviation regiment was bombed, and a gunship was stolen!” ”

“What?” Lan Zhiguang opened his mouth in surprise: “The entire army aviation regiment… Bombed? ”

“Who did it?” The chief of staff widened his eyes: “Our five headquarters were taken down, and they still have people to blow up the army aviation regiment?” How many people did this Wolf Tooth Special Warfare Brigade send out, doesn’t it mean that there are only six? ”

The deputy brigade commander smiled bitterly: “There is only one ….. A veteran from the Army Aviation Regiment entered the Army Aviation Regiment without makeup. First he set it closely, then knocked the regiment commander Xu unconscious, and finally blew up the army aviation regiment and stole the plane. Now Lao Xu is still angry, saying that he will catch that traitor and divide the corpse! ”

Lan Zhiguang sat on the chair with his butt on his butt, his face filled with shock.

“Are you sure there are only six of them?” Lan Zhiguang asked.

The chief of staff nodded: “It should be, the news from the exercise department over there will not be wrong!” ”

Lan Zhiguang gasped, six people actually acted at the same time, destroying so many of his headquarters overnight, which made him hurt his bones.

“I really underestimate them!” Lan Zhiguang smiled bitterly: “It turns out that six people can really play such a big role.” ”

“Report!” A staff officer suddenly trotted over: “A regiment sent a report that they were pursuing a company of special forces, and yesterday at noon they encountered the enemy, and they have …. The whole army is gone! ”

“What?” Lan Zhiguang was not calm again, and the whole person almost jumped: “A tank company, taken by six infantrymen?” How did they do it? ”

The staff officer shook his head: “The first company has just arrived at the elimination containment center, and no one knows the specific situation!” ”

“Report!” A staff officer ran over quickly and shouted anxiously: “Report the brigade commander, two battalions of the second regiment have suddenly been bombarded by helicopter gunships. The exercise department ruled that our two battalions suffered 80 percent of the battle losses, and basically all of them could withdraw from the exercise! ”

Lan Zhiguang’s eyes were about to pop out: “The gunships are all close, what are the air defense radars for?” Why not knock it down in advance? ”

The staff officer said bitterly: “Because, that plane is our own.” Air defense radar recognition is their own aircraft, no one cares about it at all, who knows …..”

Lan Zhiguang’s fist slammed on the table: “Damn wolf teeth, damn red blood cells.” How to fight this battle, how to fight ….”


At the same time, in the red headquarters, the commander of the red division was also shocked to look at the report sent from the front.

“What was the situation of the Blues, who felt that they were too well equipped and blew themselves up?” The division commander asked with a surprised look.

The intelligence staff officer shook his head: “Division commander, this is what our friendly forces did.” Do you remember red blood cells? ”

“Red blood cells?” The division commander said in surprise: “Hasn’t Fan Tianlei been taken back to the shelter, how can there be red blood cells?” ”

The combat staff officer smiled: “They also have an action team left in the rear of the blue army, like a sharp sword piercing into the body of the blue army.” ”

“Tonight’s action was all done by this squad.”

The red division commander’s eyes widened in disbelief: “My God, a small team can make such a big move?” We can’t figure it out in this division, how did they do it? ”

The combat staff officer said: “I also received intelligence that the special combat company of the Composite Ninth Brigade that was previously eliminated, as well as the ace unit tank company of a regiment, were all eliminated by this squad. ”

The face of the division commander of the red side was already written with great admiration: “I rarely admire people, but this time I have to admire the Wolf Tooth Special Combat Brigade, which can cultivate such a terrifying squad.” ”

“A special operations squad almost influences the situation on the battlefield… This is modern warfare! ”

“Fortunately, they are our friendly forces!” The deputy division commander sighed: “If it were our enemy, even the Synthetic Ninth Brigade would be so miserable, we would probably have withdrawn from the exercise!” ”

The combat staff officer smiled: “But the limelight has been stolen by them, and we seem to have become auxiliaries!” ”

Division Commander Hongfang said in a deep voice: “People have worked so hard to do so much, we can’t fail people.” ”

“Immediately give the order, the whole army immediately enter the counteroffensive! Tonight, the Synthetic Ninth Brigade must defeat their main force before it can react! ”

“Yes!” All the officers yelled.

“That’s right!” The red division commander suddenly asked: “That red blood cell squad, what is their captain’s name?” ”

“It seems to be called Lin Yu!” The combat staff officer said.

Division Commander Hongfang nodded: “Lin Yu, I remember this name.” I believe that I will never forget this name in the future! ”


At the exercise headquarters, Fan Tianlei walked in front of Gao Shiwei with a spring breeze.

“Legion Commander, you still don’t rest so late?”

Gao Shiwei glared at him: “You kid asked knowingly!” The squad you led made such a big move, and now even the red side has begun to fight back in an all-round way, do you think I can still sleep? ”

Fan Tianlei smiled and said, “Those brats, just do it casually, you think too highly of them!” ”

Gao Shiwei snorted: “You kid is cheap and sells well!” Their actions shortened the exercise time by a full day, and also allowed the red side, which had already been defeated, to counterattack! Is this your casual? ”

Fan Tianlei is now as proud as he can be, and his mouth is smiling: “It is estimated that because he saw me sacrificed, it aroused the anger in their hearts and burst out of hidden potential.” They, ah, are not usually like this! ”

Gao Shiwei smiled: “So, you still die well, and death is worthwhile?” ”

Fan Tianlei laughed: “Legion Commander, you said and laughed!” ”

“Lao Tzu is not kidding you!” Gao Shiwei glared at him: “Tell me a good story, how strong your special operations team is.” And what strength they didn’t play out! ”

“Yes!” Fan Tianlei’s smug eyebrows were trembling, and his eyes were much bigger.

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