This night became the most helpless and painful night for the Synthetic Ninth Brigade.

Originally, their situation was very good, and they not only completely surrounded the Red army, but also about to pull out their forward troops.

But at this time, a large number of grassroots headquarters were destroyed, resulting in the inability to transmit orders.

The troops at the front did not know for a while whether to continue charging or hold on to help, and there was no way to use some tactics.

The most troublesome thing was that in the case of communication being cut off, the logistics troops did not know where to send supplies, resulting in many front-line troops running out of ammunition and food, and even tanks stopped in place because they ran out of fuel.

The Red Forces immediately seized the opportunity and launched a counterattack with the whole army.

Taking advantage of superior forces, they divided the encirclement and annihilated two regiments of the Composite Ninth Brigade overnight.

By the morning of the next day, the Red reconnaissance company had successfully located the three grassroots headquarters of the Ninth Composite Brigade and called for missile long-range bombardment.

By this point, the grassroots command system of the Composite Ninth Brigade was almost completely paralyzed.

At this time, in the headquarters of the Ninth Composite Brigade, Lan Zhiguang’s face was extremely ugly.

On the electronic map in front of him, large areas of the territory that originally belonged to the Synthetic Ninth Brigade turned red.

The blue triangle representing his troops is also decreasing.

In just one night, his troops had shrunk by half.

And all this was caused by a special forces of six people.

“I really can’t imagine that our modern information synthesis force is planted in the hands of six people!” Lan Zhiguang raised his head and sighed: “The battle was fought like this, all thanks to these six people!” ”

The deputy brigade commander said bitterly: “The combined army used special forces for the first time in the Gulf region, and in the desert war in previous years, foreign forces successfully used special forces to behead almost all the military senior officers of the desert army. ”

“In the end, this battle ended several months ahead of schedule, and many of the desert army’s defenses were easily breached!”

“And what happened today is so similar to the other party!”

The chief of staff smiled bitterly: “In the past, we did not pay attention to special forces, thinking that a few people could turn over some big waves.” Now we have been beaten in the mouth, how sad it is to lose! ”

“Report!” A staff officer walked in: “Comrade brigade commander, Yang Junyu, Niu came to report!” ”

Lan Zhiguang nodded: “Hurry up and call in!” ”

Lan Zhiguang is a person who will not easily admit defeat, even if the army has become like this, he will not admit defeat.

Now in the entire brigade, only Yang Junyu and Niu have worked hard with red blood cells.

Lan Zhiguang wanted to find out what kind of team this red blood cell was.

Find their weaknesses and then pull them out.

“Report!” Yang Junyu and Niu Gong walked in together.

“Here you are!” Lan Zhiguang nodded to the two.

Yang Junyu is his favorite general, and although Niu Xuan is only a non-commissioned officer, he is the soldier king of the entire brigade, and Lan Zhiguang is also familiar with him.

“Tell me, what kind of team is the red blood cell squad that destroyed you?” Lan Zhiguang asked: “What weaknesses do they have, how can they be eliminated!” ”

Yang Junyu and Niu tried to look at each other, and their faces showed helplessness. ,

“Why, are you still embarrassed to say?” Lan Zhiguang narrowed.

Yang Junyu quickly shook his head: “No, brigade commander!” If you want us to say what happened, we can tell you. But look for the weaknesses of the other party…. I really can’t find it! ”

“How is that possible?” Lan Zhiguang said dissatisfied: “Both of you are well-known soldiers, even if you can’t compare to others, your eyes are also vicious.” Can’t even see the weakness? ”

Niu struggled to straighten his chest: “Brigade commander, I personally fought with their captain. That man was right under my nose and sprinted at least five hundred meters to our tank! ”

“I was commanding two tanks and strafing him with heavy machine guns. But this person’s speed and sensitivity have all greatly exceeded the limits of ordinary people! ”

“Not only can we easily dodge bullets, but they can also catch up with us as we speed away.”

Then, he also understood the structure of the tank. Know where the dead spots of machine gun fire are, know where the weakest can blow up an entire tank! ”

The cow tried to say out loud: “With all due respect, such a person, we find it difficult for him. Unless you use a regiment to hunt him down, there is nothing you can do about him! ”

Yang Junyu nodded: “There are six of them, and one regiment is probably not enough.” Now we don’t even have helicopters, and it is difficult to detect them by ground forces alone. These people are very ghostly! ”

The atmosphere of the headquarters instantly decreased a lot, what Niu Gong and Yang Junyu said was simply appalling, and Lan Zhiguang and the others felt like they were listening to ghost stories.

“You guys…. Is it to grow the morale of others and destroy their own prestige? Lan Zhiguang asked.

“Absolutely nothing!” The two shouted at the same time: “What we said is all the truth!” ”

Lan Zhiguang looked at them deadly: “According to what you say, I can’t catch them at all now?” ”

Niu nodded hard: “That’s the truth!” If the exercise has just begun, if you can pay attention, send a regiment of army aviation and a regiment to hunt them down. They may have been wiped out long ago, not as they are now. ”

Yang Junyu smiled bitterly: “Brigade commander, you sent me a company, it is indeed too little!” ”

“Bang…” Lan Zhiguang slapped the table angrily, frightening Yang Junyu and Niu to straighten up immediately.

“You two mean, I am still to blame for this?”

“Don’t dare!” The two yelled.

“Fuck off!” Lan Zhiguang roared: “Don’t let me see you guys recently, get out, get out!” ”

Yang Junyu and Niu were so frightened that they quickly ran out of the headquarters.

Yang Junyu shook his head helplessly: “Old Lan, this guy, he is angry!” ”

Niu tried to sigh: “This time I messed up again, I originally wanted to rely on the exercise to perform well and strive to get dry.” Unexpectedly, I encountered such a moth as red blood cells. It seems that I really have to go home after I am discharged from the army! ”

Yang Junyu patted him sympathetically: “It’s okay, you are the king of soldiers, and you can still stay as a non-commissioned officer.” Don’t always think about discharge! ”

Niu tried to smile bitterly: “A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier, always be a soldier, I will also get tired!” ”

Niu struggled to hold his head and shake his head: “Life is like this!” Even if I don’t meet that guy, I might meet someone else. Anyway, I just don’t have this life! ”


In the headquarters, Lan Zhiguang looked at several military chiefs deadly.

“We combined the Ninth Brigade, and we have never lost so badly.”

“There are still two days left before the exercise is over, and I will never give in to these last two days. Therefore, I am ready to shrink my forces and fight a guerrilla war with the red side. ”

“Even if it is eventually destroyed, I will fight with them to the end, what do you think?”

Everyone nodded to him: “We will fight to the death and never surrender!” ”

“Good!” Lan Zhiguang said coldly: “Let them take a good look at how hard our Synthetic Ninth Brigade is!” ”

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