Although the week of hell has passed, the devil training is getting stronger and stronger.

A month has passed, and although there is a lot less physical training, there are too many places that require physical strength.

Every morning, the thunderous 15-kilometer weight run was followed by a series of physical training.

In the morning, the subjects became shooting or combat training, and the afternoon was mainly various obstacle courses, as well as boat drills.

Rookies who had never been exposed to boat training were tortured half to death at the beginning of contact.

Four people need to work together to operate the kayak, and no matter which side has more or less strength, the kayak will deviate to one place or simply spin in place.

Even if you can row to your destination, your arm is basically wasted, and you can hardly find any feeling.

In the evening, there is additional training.

Armed swimming, night skydiving ….. Various subjects that rookies have never touched before have entered the battle.

A month passed, and only ten of the original twenty-six remained.

By this time, they had almost adapted to the training.

Although I am tired from morning to night every day, I can barely check it down.

That afternoon, Lin Yu’s phone suddenly rang.

“Come to my office immediately!” He Zhijun’s voice came from the phone.

Lin Yu nodded: “Coming soon!” ”

After hanging up the phone, he immediately asked Li Erniu to prepare the car.

He Chenguang asked curiously, “Brother Yu, why did the brigade commander suddenly look for you?” There won’t be any tasks, right? ”

Lin Yu shook his head: “During this time, our main task is to train recruits. If there is a task, other troops can go up, we are not needed! ”

He Chenguang rubbed his fists and said with a smile: “I take this group of rookies every day, I am annoyed by looking at them.” If only I could do something…..”

Lin Yu patted his head: “Don’t worry, the task will come!” ”

Li Erniu drove the car over, and Lin Yu immediately drove to the brigade headquarters.

When he arrived at He Zhijun’s office, Lin Yu knocked on the door and walked in.

“Report, Lin Yu, captain of the red blood cell special combat team, reports to you!”

He Zhijun smiled and nodded: “Okay, sit, don’t stand!” ”

Lin Yu found a sofa and sat down: “Brigade commander, is there something wrong with me all of a sudden?” I’m still training recruits over there! ”

“It’s for your training of soldiers, that’s why I called you here!”

Lin Yu immediately became interested: “Is there anything good?” ”

He Zhijun cocked his legs: “The Marine Corps has just formed a mobile brigade with the task of escort, which is characterized as between special forces and ordinary troops!” ”

“But they don’t have much experience in special operations, so they came to us for help, hoping that we could send someone over and communicate with them!”

Lin Yu immediately shook his head: “I’m not going!” ”

What kind of joke, it is enough to tire him with the current recruits, and let him go and take a brigade?

That’s not to wear him out!

If you don’t go, naturally don’t go, it’s good to pet and pet at home if you have nothing to do, what to do when you run there.

He Zhijun coughed: “Why don’t you go?” People came to the door in person, and they also asked you to go with red blood cells. ”

Lin Yuyi said righteously: “My main task now is to bring out the recruits on hand, how can I train them.” If you don’t go, don’t go, let other squadrons go! ”

He Zhijun smiled slightly: “I called you here because I know that you are a person who pays attention to actual combat experience.” I heard that your recruits are well trained, but after all, they are recruits who have not experienced any war! ”

“If you go, just enough to let these recruits have a good experience.” Not only can they be familiar with sea operations, but they can also conduct actual combat, which helps them grow! ”

When Lin Yu heard this, he immediately became interested: “Can you actually fight?” Really fake? ”

“Of course it’s true!” He Zhijun smiled and said, “The reason why this force was established is because a lot of pirates have suddenly appeared on the sea recently. They specially robbed passing merchant ships, which have caused many casualties among ordinary people. ”

“Therefore, once this force is established, it will immediately be put into actual combat!”

He Zhijun smiled and said, “A group of little pirates is no different from pediatrics for you. They are less threatening and can also train your recruits. Are you sure you don’t want to kill two birds with one stone? ”

Lin Yu rolled his eyes, if he was asked to train the marines, of course he was not willing to go.

But the opportunity to train his recruits is rare.

Pirates are a bunch of rabble with guns, they can’t even aim, and the threat is very small.

But the red blood cells will face enemies that are countless times stronger than pirates in the future.

Now you can practice with pirates, so that the recruits can mature as soon as possible and suffer fewer casualties in future battles.

“Okay, I’ll go!” Lin Yu said positively.

He Zhijun coughed: “It’s nothing reluctant, right? I’m a person who doesn’t like forcing others to do things they don’t want to do! ”

Lin Yu smiled: “Okay, brigade commander, I really want to go.” What time is departure? ”

He Zhijun put away his smile: “You can leave tonight, and the helicopter will send you to the base of this force.” When you get to the localities, you have no command and no initiative to fight. ”

“However, as long as you cooperate with their actions, everything is negotiable!”

“Understood!” Lin Yu saluted He Zhijun vigorously.

After returning from the brigade headquarters, Lin Yu immediately gathered all the instructors and announced that he was preparing to go to the Marine Corps.

After hearing the news, everyone was excited.

“Great, I’m almost sick here!” Xu Tianlong said excitedly: “Fighting a few little pirates sounds very enjoyable!” ”

Wang Yanbing rubbed his hands: “I heard that there are many pirates, and it must be very painful to burst out.” I’m going to use a squad machine gun and surprise them all! ”

Lin Yu put on his hat: “Tonight, we will leave on time at nine o’clock.” After dinner, inform all rookies that we are ready to go to the marines …. Exchange and learn! ”

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