At nine o’clock in the evening, two helicopters landed punctually at the camp of red blood cells.

The rookies who had been prepared for a long time quickly boarded the plane under the command of the veterans.

Moments later, two helicopters carrying heavily armed veterans and rookies flew into the pitch-black sky, huge propellers shattering the night and carrying them into the unknown.

After arriving in red blood cells, the rookies left the camp for the first time.

Except for Gong Jian, who had experience in special forces, everyone began to get inexplicably nervous.

No way, these days, Lin Yu has rectified them too many times, and everyone has fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Now inexplicably taken away by helicopter, everyone is guessing what terrible task awaits them.

Twenty minutes passed, and no one spoke in the cabin except for the roar, and the atmosphere was oppressive and uncomfortable.

Tuo Yonggang poked Gong Jian with his arm and asked in a low voice: “You are familiar with them, inquire, where are we going?” ”

Yu Dalei also asked in a low voice: “At least inquire, where are we going to train, how much is there a preparation!” ”

Gong Jian smiled: “Don’t you have to train wherever you go?” Don’t ask, it’s also in vain to ask, they won’t say! ”

Tuo Yonggang did not believe in evil: “If you don’t ask, I’ll ask!” ”

He glanced at the seedling wolf sitting on the plane, coughed and shouted: “Report! ”

“Talk!” Miao Wolf said without raising his head.

Tuo Yonggang said: “We, where is this going?” ”

Miao Wolf slowly raised his head, and his eyes were very unkind: “Go and save the earth, can you do it?” ”

“Standing tall, if you don’t want to sleep, do two thousand push-ups!”

Tuoyong just ate a closed-door soup, and Gong Jian laughed silently: “I told you, and it was also a vain question to ask.” Let’s hurry up and rest, otherwise some moth will suddenly come later, and you won’t be able to sleep if you want to! ”

Tuo Yonggang sighed: “I am also sick, and the good paratroopers are not appropriate, so I have to come here to be abused!” Hey, it seems that I am a masochistic person! ”

The helicopter roared, and a few hours later, it slowly landed on an island base.

The young wolf roared lowly: “All up, get to the place, get off the plane and assemble!” ”

All the rookies reflexively stood up and jumped directly off the plane to assemble urgently.

Lin Yu’s veterans with red blood cells also jumped off the plane and stood in a row in front of the recruits.

A lieutenant colonel came over, smiled and shook hands with Lin Yu: “Captain Lin, is it?” I am Xu Hai, an operational staff officer of the Marine Corps Special Service Brigade, and welcome you to our brigade to guide the work! ”

Lin Yu said lightly: “Everyone is helping each other, but I heard that you have a battle to fight here, so I rushed over!” ”


These two words reached the ears of the rookies, and everyone became inexplicably nervous.

Now is the time of peace, the country is too peaceful and healthy, where is the need to fight?

And with whom to go to war?

The rookies must be apprehensive, and Yu Dalei even inexplicably began to tremble his legs.

On the other side, Xu Hai said with a smile: “Our brigade has just been established, and the soldiers are all top soldiers selected from the Marine Corps. However, the only drawback is that there is no real combat experience. ”

“Your red blood cells are famous, and our brigade commander tried to apply to our leader, so he transferred you. I hope we can cooperate well, so that our fighters can shed less blood and sacrifice less! ”

Lin Yu asked curiously: “You marines, you still know our red blood cells”

Lin Yu was indeed curious, although the red blood cells were famous, they were only famous in the Southeast Legion.

In the army, in fact, the fame is not so great.

The Marine Corps, on the other hand, is part of the Navy and is separated from the Army.

They can all know red blood cells, and Lin Yu is really curious.

Xu Hai smiled slightly: “Of course, our brigade commander and you are still acquaintances.” If he didn’t know how powerful you are, he wouldn’t have been asking for instructions to transfer you over for more than ten days in a row. ”

Lin Yu was even more curious, he knew very few brigade commanders, and they were all in the army, when did the marines also know themselves?

“Who is your brigade commander?” Lin Yu asked curiously.

Xu Hai shook his head: “He won’t let him say, you will know when the time comes!” Let’s go, I’ll arrange for you to rest first, and if there is anything, you will see him after dawn!” ”

Lin Yu’s curiosity is not very heavy, and it is safe to come.

This is people’s territory, and since everyone has arrangements, he obeys.

The red blood cell owners were taken to the brigade headquarters of the Special Service Brigade, where three dormitories were cleaned up and used as temporary barracks for them.

Lin Yu has a separate bedroom, but Enron is not good to follow the past, after all, this is in the people’s army, sleeping together has a bad impact.

This night, the rookies did not sleep well, and this night they were thinking about who they were going to fight with, when they were going to fight, and whether they would kill people?

Yu Dalei even sat on the bed and trembled all night!

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang watched the rookies outside the house, and both laughed silently.

This is a process that every rookie goes through.

They were going to see the executed prisoners.

This time, the rookies will go directly to the battlefield to kill.

“They should feel lucky that we are up close to see people’s brains flying out!” Wang Yanbing said contemptuously: “They kill people from a distance, but they are not so terrifying!” ”

He Chenguang sighed: “No matter what, it’s killing!” I don’t know what kind of pirates we encountered. I hope it’s not too powerful, otherwise I’m afraid that these recruits will be injured when the time comes, and even affect their companions! ”

Wang Yanbing said unpleasantly: “Then they are not qualified to stay in red blood cells!” Our red blood cells, no waste! ”


Early the next morning, as soon as dawn broke, Xu Hai came to find Lin Yu.

“Our brigade commander is waiting for you in the restaurant and specially prepared breakfast for you!” Xu Hai said with a smile: “Your team members, arrange a separate restaurant, there are special people to cook for them!” ”

Lin Yu nodded and followed Xu Hai to the restaurant.

Along the way, he was curious about who this brigade commander was.

Entering the restaurant, Xu Hai pointed to a table: “That’s our brigade commander.” ”

Not far away, Kang Lei, who hung the rank of colonel, raised his head and stared at Lin Yu with a smile: “Boy, I didn’t expect it!” ”

“Kang… Commander Kang! Lin Yu’s jaw was about to hit the ground.

He never dreamed that this brigade commander who knew him turned out to be Master Kong of the Iron Fist Regiment!

“Oops!” Lin Yu cried in his heart: “This time, it fell into the hands of King Yan!” ”

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