A Silla officer walked to the flanks of both teams and raised his right hand high.

"Are you ready?" He looked at the personnel on both sides.

"Ready!" All six nodded at the same time.

The corners of the Silla officer's mouth hooked into a sneer: "I'll say the rules again, each person chooses an opponent to fight. Only by defeating this opponent completely can you join the ranks of other martial arts. "

"In principle, support three people to fight one. But the premise must be after defeating your opponent, understand? "

"Understood!" The six yelled.

This rule, it seems, is meant to prevent confusion.

But only the people of Silla knew that they had sent three taekwondo masters who had been famous for a long time.

When they deal with the Huaxia special forces, one of them will definitely win first.

If you win, help someone else.

Two grandmasters against one special forces, the odds are more than enough.

The officer of Silla waved vigorously: "Go!" "

The six of them let out a low roar and attacked their opponents together.

Not far away, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Lieutenant General Silla's mouth.

Although he lost the first two games, as long as he won the last game, he could be considered to have his face back.

Anyway, the main purpose today is for the Huaxia people to take away the remains, which is already an ironclad thing.

The tripartite military exercise is just a matter of fun.

As long as you don't lose too badly, this matter can be fooled.

"It's so dangerous, I'm almost going to carry the black cauldron!" The lieutenant general sighed in his heart: "Fortunately, I prepared three grandmasters in advance, let them pretend to enter the team, otherwise..."

At this moment, before the middle school could rejoice for a while.

I saw that in the fighting arena, a person vomited blood like a kite with a broken string and flew backwards.

The eyes of everyone present widened in shock.

It's only been a few seconds since the fight started, and someone has been knocked flying?

"It's our people, it's Grandmaster Park Chanxin!" An officer shouted at the top of his voice.

Lieutenant General Silla stood up in disbelief, his eyes wide open.

Sure enough, it was Park Canxin, one of the three grandmasters, who was sent flying.

He was the best at leg skills, and he was also the best among the three, he could kick and bend steel plates, and even served as an instructor in the army of Silla.

"How is this possible, Park Chan-sin has been defeated?" The lieutenant general shouted in disbelief: "How did he lose? "

Park Canxin slammed to the ground, spitting blood in his mouth, and got up with an annoyed expression.

Chu Feng strode towards him, ruthlessness and indifference flashing in his eyes, and his whole body exuded a murderous aura.

"Bastard, you were just careless, don't be complacent!"

Pu Canxin roared and went out towards Chu Feng, and a set of flowing leg techniques instantly turned into a raging storm and smashed towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's fighting skills were already fully activated at this time, and every cell in his body was born for battle, and he was a battle angel.

Although Pu Canxin's leg technique is powerful, it has been broken down into countless slow motions in Chu Feng's eyes.

Before his leg could kick Chu Feng, Chu Feng had already found many flaws.

"It's too slow!" Chu Feng snorted coldly, and his fists shot out like meteors.

I saw him standing still in place, but he knocked Park Canxin, who was rising into the air, out again.


Park Chanxin flew out again, but this time he never got up again after landing.

The two calves had a terrible bend, and they were actually broken by Chu Feng's punch.

It was only then that Park Chan-shin felt the pain coming, and he screamed in severe pain.

Stunned, all the people on the scene were stunned.

Lieutenant General Silla's jaw could hit the ground, and General Mi Guo's eyes were about to pop out.

In the live webcast room, millions of Silla netizens also dropped their jaws.

Pu Canxin, who is known as the god of war in their country, didn't even hold out for half a minute, and was beaten by an ordinary special forces from Huaxia to make this virtue.

Park Canxin's fall was like Chu Feng giving all the Silla people a big mouth.

In the fighting arena, Chu Feng turned around sharply and strode towards the Silla Grandmaster who was entangled with Fang Wu.

This person was inextricably separated from Fang Wu's fight, and he didn't notice Chu Feng approaching at all.

When Chu Feng walked behind him and grabbed him by the collar, this grandmaster was frightened and naturally backhanded an elbow blow.

But his arm was directly grabbed by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng roared, pulled his arm hard, and directly unloaded his arm.

At the same time, there was also a sound of bone cracking from the place where Chu Feng's palm was pinched, and the bones were actually crushed.

"Ahh My hands, my hands..."

The Grandmaster let out a miserable howl, tears and snot streaming down his face.

Chu Feng threw him in the air, and then turned around and kicked him, kicking him out of the air.

Chu Feng didn't look at it, Fang Wu nodded, and the two walked towards the last grandmaster together.

This guy was fighting with Lei Zhan very hard just now.

But he suddenly heard a scream, and the moment he looked back, he saw his companion being kicked and flying out.

This guy was so frightened that he was stunned for a moment, and Lei Zhan seized the opportunity to punch him in the chest, and the whole person staggered backwards.

As soon as he stood firm, he found that he had been surrounded by three people from Huaxia.

According to the rules, three people can attack together.

"War..... Fight to the end! Lieutenant General Silla yelled hoarsely.

Now there is only such a person left, and they must win the battle before they can have some face.

But what the lieutenant general didn't expect was that the dignified taekwondo master actually knelt down with a puff, and then prostrate on the ground: "I lost, I lost, don't fight..."

What are you kidding, the first two are broken bones.

Even if he is cured, he will be half useless for the rest of his life.

He won't sacrifice himself for the sake of the army.

The behavior of this grandmaster instantly shocked the entire Silla.

The faces of all the Silla people were hot, as if they had been slapped hard by Huaxia again.

"It's useless!" General Mi Guo snorted coldly at Lieutenant General Silla, turned around and left.

Lieutenant General Silla could no longer support it, his body went limp, and his whole body collapsed on the ground.

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