Gao Shiwei stood up: "The victory and defeat have been divided, announce the result!" "

He looked at Lieutenant General Silla, who had just been helped up by his subordinates, and his eyes were full of disdain: "General, the live broadcast platform is broadcasting." You're like this, it's not okay! "

Lieutenant General Silla's expression was extremely ugly, of course he knew that it was broadcasting, and he also knew that his cowardice would definitely make the country even more humiliated.

But what can he do?

Can you blame him for not being able to stand on two legs?

The lieutenant general waved his hand and asked a major general to do the work for him, while he himself walked away in embarrassment with the support of his men.

Today, he has been hit too much, and his mentality has completely collapsed.

The designated major general stood up, although reluctantly, but in front of the media, he still shouted loudly: "Fighting competition, Huaxia wins!" "

"The military parade of the three countries, the final result..... Huaxia won all the victories and won this military exercise! "

When Lei Zhan and the others heard this result, they rushed over together and threw Chu Feng high in excitement.

They all knew very well that if there was no Chu Feng in this military exercise, even if they won, it would be very difficult for them to win.

Especially in the last fight, Fang Wu and Lei Zhan both felt the strength of the other party.

If they didn't have Chu Feng's strength to fight to the end, they would probably have lost a long time ago.

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, Chu Feng....."

Chu Feng was thrown high again and again, and the entire Silla and Mi Kingdom seemed to be crushed under him.

The soldiers of Silla and Mi at the scene all watched them jump and jump in a daze, while they themselves looked gray, like a group of defeated dogs, and their faces were very ugly.

In the live broadcast room, Silla netizens first scolded the military with blood, and then scolded their government.

In the end, these angry netizens disappeared under the ridicule of the whole network.

It's a fact that they lost, and they lost on the live stream, it's an undeniable fact.

Even these sticks are the best at quibbling, denying.

But in the face of powerful facts, they have no way to deny it, so they can only temporarily disappear to avoid the limelight.

At the scene, Gao Shiwei walked over with a smile, and a group of people immediately stood up.

Gao Shiwei looked at everyone with satisfaction, and finally his eyes fell on Chu Feng's body.

"Well done, your performance did not disappoint the martyrs!"

Chu Feng solemnly shouted: "The martyrs once won the battle with blood and lives!" Today, even if we fight everything, we must not be defeated, this is the military soul of our Chinese soldiers! "

"This is the soul of our army!" Everyone yelled.

"Well, that's good!" Gao Shiwei said with satisfaction: "Put on your military uniforms, and welcome the heroes home with me!" "

Chu Feng nodded vigorously, and immediately went to the plane to take off his camouflage uniform and change into a military uniform.

His face was washed and the dirt was patted off.

One by one, the murderous special forces turned into heroic and tall Chinese soldiers after a while.

Gao Shiwei was waiting for them under the plane, and there was another team, which had already gathered behind Gao Shiwei.

"Commander, they....."Chu Feng asked curiously.

Gao Shiwei said: "This time we came to greet the remains of the martyrs, but Silla and the United States made it difficult. We have to do a military exercise before we are allowed to officially enter their country! "

Gao Shiwei laughed and said, "Just now, you won the battle." There was no excuse on the side of Silla and the United States, so the troops we were waiting for drove in, and we welcomed the martyrs home with a beautiful scenery! "

"Yes!" Six people saluted together.

An hour later, the military base was rearranged.

In order to show the importance of this incident and their friendly attitude towards Huaxia, the Silla military specially arranged a temporary greeting platform composed of countless flowers.

Decades ago, the remains of the martyrs who participated in that great war were packed in red boxes, and now they are quietly placed in the sea of flowers.

They were serene and peaceful, like a group of weathered old men quietly watching their juniors.

Gao Shiwei took all the Chinese soldiers and lined up respectfully in front of the flower bed.

"Salute!" Gao Shiwei yelled.

Hundreds of soldiers saluted solemnly at the same time, and their eyes were full of respect and worship for the martyrs.

Everyone knows that it is not the remains lying in the sea of flowers, but the real heroes of the republic.

Gao Shiwei had tears in his eyes, and said in a high-pitched voice under the focus of countless cameras: "Seniors, the mountains and rivers are fine, juniors, come to pick you up and go home!" "

Chu Fengqiang held back the tears in his eyes, and his expression was solemn and solemn.

Listening to Gao Shiwei's words, he felt like he was paying tribute to his grandfather.

His grandfather once also overcame obstacles and fought side by side with these martyrs lying down.

At this moment, Chu Feng was proud of the military uniform on his body, and he was also proud that his grandfather was also a soldier who defended the country.

"Everyone obeys the order, welcome our hero home!"

Gao Shiwei stepped out of the way, and one by one the soldiers stepped to the flower bed, solemnly holding an urn with both hands, and then kicked back to the queue.

The whole process lasted almost an hour.

The remains of 899 veterans, after half a century of wind and rain, were finally received by the younger generations in their hometowns.

Gao Shiwei asked Chu Feng to stand at the front of the team, facing countless cameras, solemnly escorting the remains of the martyrs back.

Thousands of miles away in the capital of China.

Xiao Cheng and the other five old commanders were also watching the live broadcast in the courtyard of the Xiao family at the moment.

The five old fellows all burst into tears.

Although they have paid attention to power, they were also hot-blooded men back then.

Xiao Cheng looked at Chu Feng with both eyes, and sighed helplessly: "When this kid comes back, let's treat him to a meal!" "

Xiao Ying on the side opened his mouth in surprise: "Grandpa, do you want to, do you want to invite him to dinner?" "

Xiao Cheng glanced at him coldly: "If we don't invite him to dinner, who will protect you when we are gone?" "

Xiao Ying was completely stunned, listening to the old man's meaning, this is to stammer Chu Feng!

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