Huaxia, the capital airport, countless people gathered outside the airport.

The crowd is surging, and the voices are boiling.

The runway around the airport is now completely controlled by the military.

The soldiers surrounded the Great Wall with their bodies, standing as straight as pine trees, their eyes looking at the blue sky in the distance with reverence.

Behind the Great Wall of Military Personnel were countless civilians and students who were allowed to enter the airport.

They formed a square formation, holding flowers and balloons, and waited like soldiers in front of them.

The police don't need to maintain order at all, because everyone is very orderly.

The police waited silently with the people, and in addition to the sound of planes taking off and landing in the empty airport, countless reporters were left to carry out their final work.

The long guns and short guns were quickly set up, and the photographers were doing the final adjustments.

"Audience friends, I am broadcasting live for you at the Capital Airport. Today, the heroes who have left the motherland for half a century will be welcomed back to China! "

"Build the Great Wall with iron and blood, and heroes will eventually return to their hometowns. Let the heroes take a good look at the rivers and mountains today, the powerful motherland has the ability to deal with all foreign invaders. "

"It's a welcome and a farewell. Let the heroes who have sacrificed half a century leave with peace of mind, and today's motherland is already their dream! "

"Audience friends, the plane carrying the remains of the martyrs is about to land. At this exciting time, let's look forward to the arrival of the heroes! "

Reporters at the scene have already started to broadcast live to the camera.

Just in anticipation, a large Airbus appeared in people's sights.

The crowd was boiling, both inside and outside the airport, everyone cheered excitedly.

The plane landed steadily on the runway, taxied for a while, and then stopped at the red carpet that had been prepared for a long time.

The huge red carpet is specially prepared for the heroes.

The red carpet of the highest etiquette, only these heroes can really deserve it.

The cabin door opened, and Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei led Chu Feng out first.

Suddenly, the long guns and short cannons in the hands of the photographers were immediately aimed at Gao Shiwei and Chu Feng.

The military band played the national anthem, and the honor guard straightened its waist to the sound of military music to welcome the returning heroes with the specifications of receiving the country's leaders.

Chu Feng and other soldiers held the remains of the martyrs and stepped off the plane one after another.

The crowd was cheering on them, and all the soldiers were saluting them.

Chu Feng's eyes were full of pride and pride.

Not because he became the center of attention, but because he was the first to walk down with the remains of the martyrs, which is the proudest place.

The remains of all the martyrs were handed over to the guard of honor who came to greet them.

They will bury all the remains of these martyrs in the martyrs' cemetery.

At this point, it is difficult to find out their real names, but they will always be remembered and respected by future generations.

This time, the whole country was shaken by welcoming the remains of the martyrs back home, and all the media reported the incident as soon as possible.

At the same time, the video of Chu Feng and others fighting the special forces of Silla and Mi in Silla and finally winning the victory also circulated on the Internet.

Although, Chu Feng and the others were full of camouflage, people could no longer associate him with Chu Feng at the airport.

But this video spread widely and quickly, and immediately made Chu Feng a household name.

The folk even launched a lot of posts, hoping to find out Chu Feng's true appearance.

However, the army kept it secret, and such posts were quickly deleted by the cyber security department.

If the information of the special forces is leaked, Chu Feng's safety will be greatly threatened.

After the matter of sending the remains was over, Chu Feng and Lei Zhan prepared to return to the Southeast Military Region.

On the night when they were about to leave the capital, Chu Feng suddenly received an order from Gao Shiwei to immediately take a car and go with him to a place.

Chu Feng changed into a military uniform, and didn't dare to ask where to go, so he followed Gao Shiwei and sped away in a car.

As the minutes passed, the car drove off the road and came to the place where the leaders lived.

The car stopped at the gate and was carefully checked before being allowed in.

When he arrived here, Chu Feng was also a little nervous: "Uncle Gao, where are we going?" "

"Don't ask!" Gao Shiwei glared at him: "Just follow me later!" "

Chu Feng nodded, what can make Gao Shiwei so nervous must be to see the big leader.

The car drove for another while, and after inspection, the two were allowed to get out of the car.

A staff member in a tunic walked up and smiled at them: "Let's go, the leader is waiting for you!" "

"Leader!" Chu Feng's jaw was about to hit the ground.

He never expected that the dignified leader of China would actually receive him?

Although he is the future heir of the Chu family, he is only a family, how can he be compared to the current leader.

Even Chu Zheng, the current head of the Chu family, it is not easy to meet the leader.

Gao Shiwei saw Chu Feng in a daze, and hurriedly pulled him: "What's the shock, hurry up!" "

Chu Feng nodded hurriedly and followed Gao Shiwei into a small building.

The two were arranged to wait in the living room on the first floor, and the staff in tunics went over to ask for instructions.

This time, Chu Feng didn't dare to say a word.

His current status is just a petty officer, and if he can come to the Supreme Leader, he is nothing.

After a while, the staff returned: "Let's go, follow me!" "

Gao Shiwei and Chu Feng hurriedly followed him, went up to the second floor, and came to a study.

"Leader, they're coming!" The staff member said after pushing the door open.

Chu Feng saw that a middle-aged man in his sixties with a kind face but a domineering aura in his eyes turned around.

"Ah, you are Chu Feng!" The leader laughed: "I've watched your video, and it's really a hero from a young man." Now, you're a big star in our country! "

Chu Feng was flattered and stood in place, not knowing how to answer for a while.

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