Gao Shiwei saw that Chu Feng was indifferent, so he hurriedly stepped on him, and then saluted vigorously: "Gao Shiwei, commander of the Southeast Military Region, report to the leader!" "

Chu Feng finally reacted, and hurriedly saluted: "Chu Feng, the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade of the Southeast Military Region, report to the leader!" "

The leader laughed and stepped forward to shake hands with Gao Shiwei and Chu Feng one by one.

"You are heroes, you are neither humble nor arrogant in Silla, you have not fallen the majesty of my China, and you have not lost the dignity of a soldier. At the same time, it also made Silla lose with the United States without anything to say, and also made them pay more attention to our Huaxia! "

"With these two points, you are heroes!"

"Especially you!" The leader looked at Chu Feng with a smile: "This time you have the greatest credit, the martyrs can return triumphantly in honor, you are indispensable!" "

Chu Feng hurriedly said: "I just played a little credit, and there are comrades who fought side by side with me, this is our collective credit!" "

The leader smiled slightly, his eyes full of appreciation: "Not arrogant, not arrogant, not based on merit, you can still think of your comrades." This is the character that our Chinese soldiers should have, and this is also beyond the reach of foreigners! "

"Sit down, don't stand two heroes!"

Gao Shiwei and Chu Feng found a sofa to sit down, but the two of them sat on the sofa as if they were in the army, with straight waists and flat feet.

The staff poured them tea and kindly asked them if they wanted to smoke.

Gao Shiwei and Chu Feng hurriedly shook their heads.

What are you kidding, the whole country knows that the leader is the anti-smoking ambassador.

How dare they smoke in front of the leader.

"You're welcome, you can smoke if you want, it's nothing!" The leader smiled kindly.

Gao Shiwei and Chu Feng smiled innocently, and both shook their heads silently.

The leader is not insisting, he is an ambassador for the ban on smoking.

"I asked you to come this time, not just to praise you!" The leader suddenly said: "I have watched the video this time, and the military minister also came to discuss this matter, so I called you over." "

Gao Shiwei and Chu Feng immediately became serious.

They can also guess from the leader's words that what's really going on.

The leader looked at the two of them: "In this military exercise, the special forces of your Southeast Military Region performed very well. "

"This is also positive, our country's special forces have developed well in recent years."

"The special forces of the United States, which were originally out of reach, are now caught up by us and left behind!"

"Silla, who has always claimed to be the No. 1 special forces force in Asia, was also severely beaten by us in this exercise!"

"But!" The leader's tone was aggravated: "Although we won, you should all know what's going on!" "

Gao Shiwei nodded: "Yes, the minister has already told me." In this exercise, Chu Feng mainly relied on it. Although he had not been a soldier for a long time, he was born a warrior. It was because of his talent that we were able to win this exercise! "

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked up a faint smile.

Being praised like this in front of the leader would be proud of anyone else.

The leader nodded: "Chu Zheng also personally reported to me about Chu Feng's situation, and the minister also made a summary. If it weren't for Chu Feng this time, we wouldn't have won so easily. Maybe even the deer will die in the end! "

"Now, the whole world knows that our special forces have developed. But the fact is that we only have one Chu Feng, and only one of his red blood cell groups. "

"If something really happens in the future, can Chu Feng still deal with it separately? He is not Nezha, who has three heads and six arms, even Nezha may not be enough! "

Gao Shiwei nodded: "Yes!" Although we won this time, the real strength on the side of the United States is Delta and Seal. Even Silla didn't let their strongest special forces take action. Our special forces have a long way to go! "

The leader said lightly, "That's why I called you here!" What the minister means is that he wants to copy Chu Feng! "

"Copy?" Chu Feng looked at the leader stupidly.

"Yes, copy!" The leader smiled: "Don't be nervous, I'm not going to experiment on you or anything." Just want to build on you, expand the current red blood cells and form a new special forces! "

"All the people in it, you can pick and choose for yourself. It's up to you who gets in and who stays! "

"After this team is formed, we will use this team as a blueprint to train more special operations talents for the country!"

The leader crossed his hands: "If you compare what you want, your special forces are like a special operations academy." You are the principal, specializing in training special operations elites for the whole country! "

Chu Feng stood up in shock: "Leader, I.... Give me so much power? "

"Can't you finish the task?" The leader looked at him with a smile.

Chu Feng immediately puffed up his chest: "The big husband should not let it go!" As long as the country believes in me, I will never fail the trust of the country! "

"Good!" The leader nodded: "The development of special forces is related to the future of an army and even a country!" "

"Since more than ten years ago, the United States has frequently used special forces to fight abroad. Their special forces have played a very important role in the military expansion of the United States! "

"In the future, it will be difficult for large-scale wars to occur, and special forces will be crucial!"

The leader said earnestly: "We in China love peace and do not want to see war. But when war comes, we Chinese people will never be afraid, let alone afraid. Therefore, in peacetime, you soldiers are needed to carry the burden forward, and you are the guarantee of the country's tranquility! "

The leader looked at Chu Feng: "From tomorrow onwards, you will be responsible for forming the Dragon Soul Special Forces." The soul of China, the soul of the Yanhuang nation! "

"Yes!" Chu Feng roared excitedly.

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