Chu Feng reacted suddenly, and just saw that Gao Gang's face was too kind, and he didn't stop it for a while.

He smiled awkwardly: "I haven't seen it, but I've heard of your name, and we are also cooperating with the police!

Gao Gang touched his head: "Am I so famous? Even the military special forces know about it, then I'm really honored!"

Chu Feng coughed and immediately changed the topic: "Captain Gao came in person, has the mission started?"

Gao Gang nodded: "I am in charge of this mission, your military will cooperate, and our police's Bison Commando will cooperate." "

"Let me introduce my teammates!"

Gao Gang yelled at the plane: "Come here!"

Immediately jumped from the helicopter a narcotics policeman in civilian clothes.

Chu Feng watched from afar, and all these faces were very familiar.

Everyone stood in a row behind Gao Gang, and although they were wearing civilian clothes, they still puffed out their chests and looked solemn.

Gao Gang pointed to them and introduced them one by one: "This is Nezha, this is Erlang, this is Kuaiyitong, this is Bingbing, this is the master!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Captain Gao, your team is really a god and Buddha in the sky." And what's your name?"

Gao Gang looked a little embarrassed, and Bingbing on the side laughed out loud: "Our captain, his name is Bao Gong!"

Chu Feng laughed: "Then what I just called is right, no wonder Captain Gao is so kind!"

Gao Gang is MMP in his heart, kind to your sister, kind, who wants to be called Bao Gong?

"Captain Chu, what about your team members?" Gao Gang asked.

Chu Feng turned his head, and the person he chose had already run over quickly.

All were dressed in jungle camouflage, carrying heavy backpacks and weapons, and their faces were painted in digital camouflage.

In the exposed eyes, there was a soaring murderous aura.

Before it approached, there was a feeling that a sharp blade was about to be unsheathed.

The police involuntarily took a step back.

They have also seen a lot of special operations forces, but it is really the first time they have seen such a murderous force like the Dragon Soul Special Brigade.

Gao Gang nodded admiringly: "It is worthy of being the best special forces in the whole army, it seems that we didn't find the wrong person this time!"

Chu Feng said lightly: "These are my team members....."

Chu Feng introduced them one by one: "Okay, Captain Gao, we are all here, can we go?"


Suddenly, a wolfhound jerked off the plane.

Rushing towards the Dragon Soul Brigade, the fangs were particularly dazzling in the light.

Li Erniu on the Dragon Soul's side was so frightened that he was about to retreat, but the others didn't move, and he could only endure the fear in his heart and stand honestly in place.

Gao Gang frowned and roared: "Xiaotian, stop!"

The military dogs that rushed over quickly immediately stopped, but they still bared their teeth at the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Bingbing hurriedly came up and stroked Xiao Tian's hair, trying to calm him down.

"Xiaotian, these are our teammates, not bad guys. Don't scream, stop screaming...."

Gao Gang shrugged at Chu Feng: "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce it." It's also one of our team members, and it's called Xiaotian. It probably thinks you're a bad guy, I'll explain it later, it's fine!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "You are really full of gods and Buddhas, even dogs are roaring dogs!"

Gao Gang laughed: "Then let's get on the plane!"

Chu Feng looked at Xiao Tian's grinning appearance, and the corners of his mouth hooked a faint smile: "Let me talk to it for a few words, it won't be quiet if you don't have to get on the plane!"

The police were all shocked, can military dogs talk casually?

These military dogs are specially trained and are not allowed to get close to anyone except the breeder and the closest ones.

Even if you give it the best food, it won't take a bite if it starves to death, this is the discipline of military dogs.

It is also very dangerous to get close to military dogs at will, and you may be bitten at any time.

Gao Gang was embarrassed and said, "Forget it, Captain Chu, I'll deal with this matter later, let's go first!"

"It's okay!" Chu Feng waved his hand: "I still have a set of ways to deal with dogs!"

"But it's a military dog, if you get close to it, you'll be injured!" Bingbing said to stop, but Chu Feng had already walked in front of Xiao Tian.

Xiaotian felt as if he had been provoked, and a warning whine came out of the dog's mouth.

But Chu Feng didn't pay attention to it at all, and walked directly in front of it to touch its dog's head.

What are you kidding, can anyone touch a dog's head?

Xiao Tian was furious, and opened his mouth to bite.

At this moment, even Gao Gang and Bingbing couldn't stop it, so they could only watch Xiao Tian rush out.

But in the next second, everyone was stunned.

Xiao Tian's mouth didn't bite down, but his tongue stretched out, and he licked the back of Chu Feng's hand twice.

Then, something happened that surprised them.

Xiao Tian wagged his tail around Chu Feng and spun around.

Licking Chu Feng's leather shoes for a while, sniffing his legs, and rubbing his body with a dog's head for a while.

The faces of the people on the police's side collapsed in an instant.

Bingbing's jaw slammed into the ground.

"Xiaotian, how did Xiaotian become like this?" Bingbing said in surprise, "Is it still a military dog?"

Chu Feng suddenly pointed at the person who pointed at the dragon soul at Xiao Tian, and Xiao Tian immediately walked over with his tail wagging, showing friendship to each special soldier.

Li Erniu tried to touch Xiaotian's dog's head, and Xiaotian barked at him happily twice.

Li Erniu laughed: "Hey, this dog is really cute." It's so much better than the rhubarb I used to raise!"

"Sit down!" Li Erniu ordered.

Xiaotian stuck out his tongue, wagged his tail and sat down.

"Stand up, jump in a circle and sit down!" Wang Yanbing shouted.

Xiaotian did not hesitate and did everything according to Wang Yanbing's words.

"It's fun, it's fun, this dog is so fun!" Wang Yanbing laughed excitedly.

When Gao Gang saw this scene, his expression was completely broken.

How did the arrogant military dog become like this?

"Xiaotian!" Gao Gang wanted to cover his face: "You are really embarrassed by the police dog!"

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