Two helicopters roared across the sky, leaving white trails in the air.

The dawn sun shone on the earth and on the faces of everyone in the cabin.

"We're almost there, get ready to get off the plane!" the pilot reminded loudly.

Chu Feng looked down, and the lush tropical jungle immediately jumped into his eyes.

A tropical wind blew in his face, blowing away all his sleepiness.

As far as the eye can see, there are jungles and mountains everywhere.

This kind of place is difficult to find even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops, let alone hiding drug dealers.

Chu Feng finally understood why it had been very difficult to clear the drugs at the border.

As long as the drug dealers drill into the mountains, with the national strength of several countries around China, there is no way to go deep into the mountains on a large scale.

Not to mention the eradication of these drug dealers.

Soon, the plane slowly landed towards the ground.

Because there are jungles everywhere, the slightest mistake will destroy the machine and kill people.

So the two helicopters descended very slowly, at the top of a small hill, in a slightly flat area.

"Good luck!" the pilot gestured to Chu Feng and them, and then controlled the plane to return immediately.

This is no longer China, and if the helicopter stays too long, it will inevitably cause international disputes, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

Chu Feng looked around: "Where are we going next?"

"Don't worry!" Gao Gang smiled: "Someone will pick us up later!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a shrill roar suddenly sounded in the distance.

An off-road vehicle roared out, as fast as a meteor.

Just as they were about to rush in front of Chu Feng and them, the off-road vehicle suddenly had a beautiful tail flick, and a large amount of turf and mud were thrown out of a beautiful arc behind the off-road vehicle.

The off-road vehicle slid until it reached Chu Feng and they stopped before stopping.

In the car, there was a trendy man wearing sunglasses.

He wears a round hat and a colorful scarf around his neck.

Wearing a floral shirt on top and a pair of radish pants underneath, the whole person jumped off the car in a chic manner.

"Well, this is the person we are waiting for!" Gao Gang smiled at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng looked this trendy man up and down, and he was indeed very similar to Peng Yuyan in his impression.

As long as his beard is removed, it is basically similar.

Gao Gang and Chu Feng walked towards each other.

The tide man suddenly stopped, laughing and stopping them with both hands.

"Wait a minute, don't talk to any of you, let me guess who you are my old friend!"

Chu Feng and Gao Gang looked at each other and smiled, and they all stopped.

Chao Nan glanced at the two of them, then pointed at Gao Gang and smiled: "You must be Captain Gao Gang, aren't you?"

Gao Gang laughed: "How did you recognize me?"

The tide man said proudly: "The people here are whiter than you, you are so dark, I can't even recognize it!"

Gao Gang's face suddenly turned unsightly, and his subordinates covered their mouths and snickered.

"Brother, you are quite accurate in looking at people!" Chu Feng said with a smile.

Gao Gang coughed: "Okay, let's be serious, I'll introduce you to you." "

"This is Fang Xinwu, and his name here is Qifu. Over the years, he has always been in contact with me. All my informants, he arranged it too."

Gao Gang said with admiration: "Qifu is a great anti-narcotics policeman, and he has provided us with a lot of important information over the years. It included a number of major cases, and the seized drugs were all measured in tons. "

"He is the real unsung hero of our country!"

The eyes of everyone looking at Fang Xinwu were instantly full of reverence.

Everyone knows that although Gao Gang said it easily, everyone knows how dangerous it is to go undercover.

Fang Xinwu has been working for so many years, and every day has to be spent in fear.

Because he might be found one day, and he will never see the sun tomorrow morning.

Gao Gang held Fang Xinwu's hand tightly: "For so many years, I have only heard his voice and not seen him, and today I finally see me, I am very honored!"

Fang Xinwu smiled faintly: "Each other, you are also risking your lives to catch criminals. I'm honored to meet you too!"

Gao Gang sighed, and then smiled: "Okay, let's not praise each other commercially." Come, let me introduce you to Captain Chu!"

Gao Gang pointed at Chu Feng: "This is Captain Chu from the military, and all his subordinates are behind him." They are the top special forces in our country. "

"Special forces!" Fang Xinwu immediately solemnized.

Holding Chu Feng's hand tightly: "Disrespectful Captain Chu!"

Although he said that he was disrespectful, he held Chu Feng's hand more and more hard.

Chu Feng didn't say anything, and slowly added strength to his hands, he knew that this was Fang Xinwu testing him to see if he could be trusted.

After a few seconds, Fang Xinwu's face distorted.

The other hand was hurriedly raised: "Captain Chu, I surrender, I surrender!"

Chu Feng let go of his hand with a smile: "Isn't your hand strong!"

Fang Xinwu smiled awkwardly: "Compared to you, it's far behind!"

"That's right!" Gao Gang gloated and smiled: "Captain Chu is the best special forces in the whole army, you compare with him, isn't this looking for abuse!"

"You're welcome!" Chu Feng said modestly.

Fang Xinwu coughed: "Okay, no kidding." This place is not suitable for a long time, there are too many of you, it is best to sneak in on your own, we will meet in the Golden Triangle!"

"As for the two of you, come with me, I'll take you into the city first! Here, both drug dealers and police have their own networks, everything has to be careful!"

When they got here, Chu Feng and Gao Gang had to listen to Fang Xinwu, after all, he was the head snake of the earth.

Fang Xinwu gave them a specific location, and the people from the Dragon Soul Brigade were responsible for leading the team and covering the police's people to go to the Golden Triangle.

Fang Xinwu drove the car, patted the back row and said, "Two, let's go too! The world of drugs, welcome to you....."

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