The buggy drove all the way and soon found itself in a much larger mountainous area.

The winding path winds through the mountains, and the surrounding trees slowly thin, gradually taking on the shadow of crops.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully signed in to the Golden Triangle!"

"The reward of five hundred sign-in points has been distributed!"

"Reward parrot skills, have been fused with the host!"

[Name: Chu Feng]

[Age: 18.]

[Constitution: 30]

[Strength: 30]

[Speed: 30]

[Sensitivity: 30]

[Commanding Power: 60]

[Registration point: 2200]

[Skills: Special Gun Use, Special Fighting, Advanced Hacking Ability, Intermediate Eagle Eye, Intermediate Iron Body, Advanced Disguise Grandmaster, Grandmaster Beast Ability, Elementary Parrot Skill!]

Evaluation: Surpassing the A-level strength of the special forces

Chu Feng's face showed a hint of surprise, the system hadn't given him a new ability for a long time, and even if he opened the monthly gift pack, he only gave him some more sign-in points.

Chu Feng even wondered for a moment that there would be no new abilities in the future.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the Golden Triangle, the system immediately gave him a surprise.

But what the hell is this parrot ability?

Let him fly like a parrot?

But the parrot flies so slowly, if it really has this skill, even if Chu Feng flies, it will be used as a target for others.

"System, this parrot skill, what the hell is it?"

System: "Parrot skills, commonly known as parrot skills." The host can use this skill to mimic a language in a short period of time. "

"Depending on the grade, the relative time of the imitation is also different. "

"The higher the level, the shorter the time to imitate. The higher the level, you can even imitate some difficult dialects, understand some lost ancient texts, and even learn some individual voices!"

"For example, if you listen to someone for 30 seconds, you can learn their tone and tone of voice, so that others can't tell the difference!"

Chu Feng's eyes immediately lit up.

It sounds like this skill is useless, but it can be used for a long time.

Especially being able to imitate other people's voices, coupled with his disguise technique, it is simply seamless to match.

"I'm a beginner now, how long will it take to imitate a language?"

System: "About an hour or so, you need to listen to the local language for an hour to imitate!"

"An hour is too long!" Chu Feng asked, "What level does it take to learn it in five minutes?"

"Special!" the system said, "The host can have a chance to upgrade the level for free! The rest needs 1,000 sign-in points to upgrade to the special!"

Chu Feng thought about it, this promotion is quite cost-effective.

Compared with other skills, which require two or three thousand sign-in points at every turn, this improvement is indeed very cost-effective.

In the spirit of missing it and not having it anymore, plus this skill is indeed more useful, Chu Feng nodded without hesitation: "Improve!"


"Start to improve your ability, and the system will automatically deduct check-in points!"

"Skills are being upgraded. "

Chu Feng's ears echoed with the sound of the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the skill upgrade is complete!"

[Name: Chu Feng]

[Age: 18.]

[Constitution: 30]

[Strength: 30]

[Speed: 30]

[Sensitivity: 30]

[Commanding Power: 60]

[Check-in point: 1200]

[Skills: Special Gun Use, Special Fighting, Advanced Hacking Ability, Intermediate Eagle Eye, Intermediate Iron Body, Advanced Transfiguration Grandmaster, Grandmaster Beast Ability, Special Parrot Skill!]

Evaluation: Surpassing the A-level strength of the special forces

"Host, it's been a long time since your Super Serum has been promoted. Need a boost?"

Hearing the voice of the system, Chu Feng thought about it, the light has improved other skills, but the super serum has indeed not been improved for a long time.

"How many check-in points do I need?"

"You only need 3,000 sign-in points to make a comprehensive improvement!"

Chu Feng almost vomited blood: "Lao Tzu only has one thousand and two left, where did he get three thousand!"

"I'm just reminding the host that there are more check-in points next time, remember to improve the super serum!"

"Get out!" Chu Feng said angrily.

He also thought that the system would give him a chance, but he didn't expect it to remind him to continue to accumulate points.

"Captain Chu, what happened to you?"

Gao Gang's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and Chu Feng reacted violently.

"What's wrong?"

Gao Gang smiled: "It's nothing, but when we talk, you didn't react for a long time, so I'm curious about what you're thinking!"

Chu Feng sighed, looked at the surrounding environment and said, "I'm thinking, Fang Xinwu, how much time did it take you to make such a large intelligence network?"

"Huh?" Fang Xinwu looked back in surprise: "You, how do you know?"

Chu Feng smiled: "Guess!"

Gao Gang was also very curious: "Yes, let's talk about it, how did you get the locals to work hard for you!"

Fang Xinwu sighed: "What do you mean by selling your life, they just want to find a free life, and they don't have to be afraid every day." "

He pointed to the farmers picking tea leaves on the side of the road: "See them? They are all farmers from small local tribes, and the drug dealers catch them and make them submit, and then force them to grow drugs!"

"The slightest disobedience will cut off hands and feet, and the method is extremely cruel. "

"Over the years, the local crackdown on drugs, they have finally been able to come back to grow tea. However, drug dealers still harass them a lot, and I offer them some help, and they treat me as a benefactor. "

Gao Gang looked at a man without hands who had just walked by on the side of the road, and his brows furrowed tightly: "These drug dealers deserve to die!"

Suddenly, a tractor stopped in front of the off-road vehicle.

Fang Xinwu poked his head out and shouted to a young man in the car: "Don't forget to watch tonight's movie!"

At this moment, the parrot skill in Chu Feng's mind was running rapidly.

Every word Fang Xinwu said to the locals was imprinted in his mind.

His lips moved with him, as if he were meditating and studying.

Gao Gang looked at him and asked curiously, "Captain Chu, what are you talking about?"

It just so happened that the person who was talking to Fang Xinwu also walked away at this time.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Fang Xinwu let them watch a movie tonight, they are very happy, it seems that the living standards of the locals are really poor, Fang Xinwu is their God!"

Fang Xinwu turned his head in shock and looked at Chu Feng with an incredulous expression.

Gao Gang asked with a confused expression, "What's wrong?"

Fang Xinwu gave a thumbs up: "I didn't expect Captain Chu to even know the local language, this is the language of a small tribe!"

Gao Gang opened his mouth in surprise: "He won't be all right, right?"

Fang Xinwu nodded: "Captain Chu, I really can't see it, you know so much!"

Chu Feng waved his hand magnificently: "It's nothing, it's trivial, it's just one or two languages, I still have a lot of things!"

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