Gao Gang and Fang Xinwu have a new understanding of Chu Feng and a new understanding of special forces.

In the past, they thought that special forces could just fight.

But now it seems that the special forces are simply all-powerful, and there is nothing that will not be.

Fang Xinwu drove the car and sped all the way to his safe house.

After parking the car in a secluded place, the trio quickly entered the safe house.

The lighting is dim and the space is unusually cramped.

But Fang Xinwu pushed open a wall with all his might, revealing a brightly lit room behind him.

The wall in the middle is already plastered with various materials, many of which are connected by red lines, and the identities of these people are also noted below the photos.

Gao Gang and Chu Feng are not people who like nonsense, and the two of them walked to the data wall vigorously and began to examine them carefully.

Gao Gang has cooperated with Fang Xinwu for many years, so he naturally knows his ability to gather intelligence.

After observing all the way, Chu Feng also saw that Fang Xinwu was a master of collecting intelligence.

So the two of them were not surprised by the information on this wall.

"Who are these guys?" Gao Gang asked, "Does it have anything to do with this operation?"

Fang Xinwu nodded, pointed to the characters in the photo and said one by one: "This guy is called Weng Sha, the bodyguard and thug around Nuoka, who specializes in robbing houses and robbing houses. He is Nuoka's strongest combat power, and he is also his most loyal subordinate!"

"In the organization, the general murder and overselling of goods are done by this bastard. He also had a part in the killing of our country's crew this time!"

"This guy's name is Ida, and he specializes in business. All the business of the Nuoka Group is done through him. In the same way, he was involved in the killing of our crew!"

"The one-eyed dragon, his name is Sanchi. Specializing in logistics, all drugs and money laundering are handled by this bastard!"

"How do you know so clearly?" Gao Gang asked suspiciously, "Are you sure they did it?"

Fang Xinwu snorted coldly: "If I didn't know, I wouldn't dare to say that to you!"

He pointed to another person on the photo wall: "This guy is called Yan Pado, Nuoka's subordinate. It's this bastard, who eats black drugs, and then puts it on our fishing boat to blame our crew!"

"I already have ample evidence that this guy was instructed by Nuo Ka to do it!"

Gao Gang was extremely excited: "So, as long as we catch this guy, we can restore the innocence of the crew?"

"It's not that easy!" Fang Xinwu sneered: "This guy is now arrested by Pu Zha." "

"What is Pu Zha?" Gao Gang's brows furrowed when he heard this: "Why did someone pop up after a while!"

Fang Xinwu said: "Puzha is the second largest drug lord in the local area, second only to Nuoka in strength. Yan Paduo's black and black goods are his, and now Pu Zha wants to ask from his mouth whether it is Nuo Ka dry, as long as there is evidence, he is ready to find Nuo Ka to fight. "

"So, if you want to get evidence, you have to rescue this Yan Pado first!"

Chu Feng suddenly asked, "Who is this photo in the middle?"

"Oh, that's Nuoka!"

Gao Gang also walked over, frowned and asked, "Why is it the back, and it's so blurry?"

Fang Xinwu took a sip of wine: "Nuo Ka is a very low-key person, this photo was taken ten years ago by Interpol at the risk of his life. "

Chu Feng looked at Fang Xinwu: "Let's talk, how to rescue Yan Pado!"

Fang Xinwu walked to the wall on the other side, and there was a large map hanging on it.

"This is the Golden Triangle, which belongs to the three countries, the law and order is very poor, and corruption is rampant, and law enforcement is very difficult!"

"It's a drug dealer's paradise, and even if he gets caught, they'll be fine soon. "

"Yan Pado, he was imprisoned in this city. "

Fang Xinwu pointed to a point on the map: "This is a casino in Puzha, and Yan Pardo is here." "

"It's full of Puza's people, and the only way you can do it is to walk in through the door of the casino and quietly rescue them!"

"You can bring guns outside the casino, but you have to go through a security door to get inside, and all weapons have to be segregated. "

"So, when you go in, you don't have to worry about the other party having a gun. However, they have axes and knives, and in close combat, these things are more terrible than guns!"

Fang Xinwu looked at the two of them: "My people have already been arranged, he will give you the key to save people." But it must be done within fifteen minutes, and fifteen minutes must be left, whether or not people are saved. "

Gao Gang frowned: "Fifteen minutes, isn't it a bit short?"

"It's only fifteen minutes!" Fang Xinwu said undoubtedly: "I must ensure the safety of my informant, he is helping me with his life." So, within fifteen minutes, whether it succeeds or not, it must be evacuated!"

Chu Feng didn't have any doubts, nodded and said, "I'm fine!"

Seeing that Chu Feng nodded, Gao Gang could only nod: "Okay, I agree!"


That evening, the Heller Peninsula.

Under the leadership of the Dragon Soul Brigade, the police officers successfully infiltrated the Golden Triangle.

At eight o'clock the next morning, everyone boarded the bus with weapons and equipment.

Two vans and three sedans drove slowly towards the center of the city.

In front of a huge building, several cars stopped.

As soon as Gao Gang gave the order, all the cars immediately separated and surrounded the building according to the designated location.

"Check the weapon!" Chu Feng said coldly, "Wait a while, we are going to rescue a drug dealer Yan Pado." This guy is a witness to the Mekong tragedy, we must take him out alive and use his testimony to clear the innocence of our dead crew!"

"Falcon, flamingo, you two hold the heights!"

"Others, looking for favorable terrain nearby. "

"This time, in order to avoid a large-scale mass incident, we are distributing low-velocity rubber bullets. "

"If you see danger, you can shoot immediately!"

Chu Feng said coldly: "Remember, we have only one mission. Take the witnesses safely, understand?"

"Yes, Captain!" everyone roared.

Gao Gang's earphones suddenly heard Fang Xinwu's voice: "You can go, you can go!"

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