When Gao Gang heard Fang Xinwu's words, he immediately shouted at everyone in the car: "Make final preparations, we will act soon!"

Chu Feng waved his hand without hesitation: "Let's go!"

The car door opened, and Wang Yanbing, who had changed into civilian clothes, and He Chenguang rushed out quickly, looking for the nearby commanding heights.

The others also put away their guns and scattered as civilians.

"Team Chu, please let Xiaotian act!" Gao Gang said with a look of embarrassment: "We don't know where Yan Duopa is, we can only let Xiaotian go in first to find it!"

Gao Gang was really helpless, Xiao Tian was obviously his dog, but now he was stuck to Chu Feng's feet.

Gao Gang can't scold, otherwise who knows what will happen to this dog.

Chu Feng smiled slightly, and touched Xiaotian's head with his hand.

Xiao Tian immediately stood up from the ground, wagging his tail vividly.

Chu Feng showed it the photo of Yan Duopa: "Good, go in and find this guy, and give you meat to eat at night." If you can't find it, I'll stew you tonight!"

Gao Gang nodded very approvingly: "Yes, you traitor dog." If you can't find it, I'll stew you with my own hands!"

Xiaotian ignored Gao Gang, but was frightened by Chu Feng's words, and the dog's legs were weak.

Stew it? How does this work?

Its dog life has just begun, and it hasn't enjoyed it since the ups and downs, so how can it die at this time?

Xiao Tian immediately snorted, as if expressing his loyalty to Chu Feng, and then immediately turned around and ran towards Pu Zha's casino.

Gao Gang shook his head helplessly, this is still not his dog, and the rebellion is too complete.

"Shall we go in?" Chu Feng asked.

Gao Gang looked at his watch: "Let's go, the car carrying beer will enter the casino later." It will stay for fifteen minutes, and we must free the hostages and take them away by train!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Understood, let's go!"

Gao Gang prayed: "I hope everything goes well!"

The two got out of the car and walked straight to Puza's casino.

It's a haven for drug dealers, but also for mercenaries and criminals of all kinds.

Except for the police, no one who comes here will go unnoticed.

The two came to the casino's security gate and lined up to pass.

After entering, it was manually searched inside.

After making sure that there is no problem, it will be put in.

"Be careful!" Gao Gang whispered, "Everyone here has knives and axes, and once they are discovered, we will be in danger!"

Chu Feng didn't have the slightest fear, he was a man with a body of steel.

Not even bullets could get into his body, let alone knives and axes.

The casino is huge, smoky, and there is a miasma for everyone.

It's chaotic and the gangsters and drug dealers don't maintain order.

Unless someone deliberately makes trouble, no one cares if they slap the table and shout here.

Poker, pai gow, dice, cards, and even mahjong are all available here.

Each table was surrounded by people, some screaming frantically, others hugging women and laughing excitedly.

Chu Feng had never been to such a smoky place, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.

The people here are, in his opinion, a group of demons dancing wildly, and they are extremely chaotic.

Not far away, more than 20 women were dressed very revealingly, standing on the stage and twisting their bodies wildly.

There were men all around below, whistling and throwing money at it.

Some of them were anxious, and they had already rushed to the stage to hug one, and then stuffed a lot of money into her private parts, and impatiently carried her to a hidden place to do it.

"Let's go our separate ways!" Gao Gang said in his ear, "This place is too big, we don't have much time!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Find someone, I will let Xiaotian inform you!"

Gao Gang didn't listen to it.

What do you mean to let Xiaotian inform me?

That's obviously Lao Tzu's dog, isn't it!

However, at this time, there was no time to care, and the two immediately separated after glancing at each other.

Chu Feng walked along the corner and soon found an empty room.

The room was full of iron hooks, and there was a lot of blood on the ground, apparently someone had been locked up here.

At this moment, Xiao Tian suddenly rushed to Chu Feng's side and shouted.

"Found someone?" Chu Feng asked.

The dog's face was full of pride, and the dog's head nodded vigorously.

"Good dog!" Chu Feng touched his head: "Quick, take me there!"

Xiao Tian turned around and ran, and Chu Feng followed closely.

Xiao Tian originally thought that he could get rid of Chu Feng.

But as soon as he turned his head and was startled, Chu Feng was actually next to it, and he was not left behind at all.

Xiao Tian's eyes were even more adoring, the master deserved to be the master, and everything was powerful.

Compared to that black bag, is this the real master!

After turning two corners, Xiao Tian led Chu Feng to a large private room.

The private room was fenced off by barbed wire on all sides, and dozens of men and women were going crazy inside.

In the crowd, a black man with a bald head was particularly conspicuous.

Chu Feng remembered him, Fang Xinwu's photo showed that this guy was Pu Zha.

Chu Feng's eyes looked to the other side, and in an iron cage, two of Pu Zha's men were beating a person who was hanging.

Chu Feng's eagle eyes unfolded, and the distance of dozens of meters immediately narrowed to his eyes.

He recognized at a glance that this guy was the Iwadopa he was looking for.

"Oops, the witness is in danger!" Chu Feng said coldly into the headset, "I plan to rescue by force first!"

Gao Gang's voice came from the earphones: "Wait a minute, you wait for me to come together, you are too dangerous alone!"

"No, it's too late!" Chu Feng said coldly: "I'll save people first, I'll let Xiaotian go find you!"

Chu Feng patted Xiao Tian's head, and Xiao Tian immediately turned around to look for Gao Gang.

Chu Feng glanced coldly at the drug dealer in the private room, and then put on a mask and strode inside.

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