Chu Feng looked back, Gao Gang and the others had all rushed to the balcony.

As long as he stops the drug dealers, Gao Gang and the others will no longer be in danger.

Chu Feng turned his head, and the drug dealers who were frightened by him took a few steps back in horror.

Pu Zha died, they wanted to avenge Pu Zha, but Chu Feng couldn't get it to die, and for a while, these drug dealers didn't know where to go.

Chu Feng looked at the clothes that had been chopped into strips of cloth, and looked at all the drug dealers with a smile: "Are you done fighting?

He said it in the local language.

After saying that, he walked straight towards the drug dealers.

The two drug dealers were so frightened that they slashed at him with their broken knives, but Chu Feng completely ignored their rotten knives and punched them out directly.


The two drug dealers flew up, and a large piece of their chest collapsed, knocking down a large part of the people behind them by the way.

"Murder!" a drug dealer screamed in terror, turning and running.

Chu Feng sneered, grabbed the corpse of a drug dealer and smashed it directly, turning the person who had escaped on his back and falling to the ground and completely dead.

Chu Feng moved his neck: "Lao Tzu hates drug dealers the most, since you have already done it, then don't blame me for being rude!"

In the next second, Chu Feng rushed over like lightning, opening and closing his fists, knocking the drug dealers away one by one in an instant.

Although there were more than forty drug dealers, they were powerless to fight back under Chu Feng's attack at the moment, and all of them became lambs to be slaughtered.

Chu Feng was slaughtering drug dealers here, and Gao Gang and the three of them had already come to the roof according to Tang Xinyi's instructions.

"Cableway, there!" Nezha yelled, pointing to the ropeway not far away.

The three of them immediately ran towards the ropeway with Iwadopa on their feet.

As soon as I got on the cableway, on the other half of the balcony, more than a dozen drug dealers rushed out with weapons.

The casino was so big that there were at least two hundred of Puza's men in the vicinity.

So even if Chu Feng can fight, he can't stop so many people.

"Team Gao, you go first!" the master shouted.

Gao Gang nodded at them: "Be careful!"

With that, he put Iwadopa on the basket, and he stepped on the basket himself, sliding all the way to the other side with the ropeway.

Seeing that Gao Gang had left safely, Nezha and the master immediately looked for a place to escape.

Gao Gang and Yan Dopa landed on the opposite street, but dozens of people rushed over from the casino, screaming at them with axes.

Gao Gang picked up Iwadopa and ran forward desperately.

He knew that as long as he ran a hundred meters, Bingbing's car would be there to pick him up.

"Team Gao, hurry up, the people behind are coming!" Jiro urged.

"Got it!" Gao Gang almost carried Yan Dopa on his back and rushed forward.

The drug dealer who chased after him threw an axe directly.

One by one, axes flew past Gao Gang and Iwadopa, so frightened that Iwatopa closed his only remaining eyes.

Gao Gang lowered his body as low as possible, and accelerated forward with all his strength.

Just ahead, Bingbing's car came to a sudden stop.

"Team Gao, hurry!" Bingbing yelled and opened the rear door, and at the same time took out his pistol, and opened fire on the drug dealer chasing Gao Gang. ,

"Bang bang bang....."

A few bullets grazed Gao Gang's cheeks, and several drug dealers who were chasing after him fell to the ground.

Bingbing used live ammunition, and it was the live ammunition that saved Gao Gang's life.

If she hadn't shot or had fired later, Gao Gang could have been hacked to death at any time.

Under the cover of Bingbing, the speed of the drug dealers was also a little slower.

Gao Gang took advantage of this rare opportunity to throw Yan Dopa directly into the back seat, kicked the door shut, and he himself rolled over to the co-pilot's side to open the door and rush into the car.

Bingbing stepped on the accelerator, and the whole car sped out almost close to the ground.

At the moment when she rushed out, less than fifty meters away from her, the number one killer under Nuoka, known as the killer, Weng Sha, roared angrily: "Huaxia people, it's actually Huaxia people!"

The subordinate asked, "What should I do?"

"Chase!" Weng Sha loaded the AK and roared angrily: "Catch them up, kill them all!"

The subordinate immediately stepped on the accelerator and chased after him, and another murderous subordinate asked, "What about Yandopa?"

"Let's kill them together!" Weng Sha said emotionlessly: "He has lost his face and is already a useless person." Now that he is still involved with the Chinese people, he must want to betray the card head and betray us!"

"This kind of garbage traitor, you should die, kill him"!

"Yes!" shouted all his men.

The three cars followed closely behind Bingbing's car, and Bingbing immediately noticed that something was wrong in the rearview mirror.

He hurriedly contacted Tang Xinyi and Erlang: "There seems to be a car following us behind, is there anyone to support us?"

As soon as she finished speaking, two drug dealers immediately poked out of a car behind her and fired directly at their car with AKs.

Bingbing quickly turned around and ran wildly towards another place.

Tang Xinyi asked Erlang to show them the way and let them escape, while her side began to practice Chu Feng.

"Captain, the high team is being chased and killed, and the other party has heavy weapons. How are you doing here, can you support it?"

At this time, Chu Feng had already rushed to the balcony and threw down all the dozen or so drug dealers on the balcony.

He frowned: "Where are their directions, tell me, I'll rush over now!"

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