Tang Xinyi reported Gao Gang's current specific location: "I will continue to provide you with his position." "

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded, and then jumped directly from the upstairs.

On a floor more than ten meters high, others may break their bones on the spot if they jump down.

But Chu Feng landed lightly, nothing happened, but accelerated forward and rushed out.

Erlang, who was watching the surveillance together, almost squirted out a mouthful of water, and pointed to the screen in shock: "He, he jumped off?

Tang Xinyi looked at him with disdain: "What a fuss, we are the Dragon Soul Special Operations Brigade, what is this little thing? It's no problem for you to let him jump down more than ten meters high!"

Erlang swallowed his saliva fiercely, and his understanding of the dragon soul and Chu Feng refreshed to a new height.

After Chu Feng landed, he rushed directly to the square, and the Dragon Soul Brigade and the police's Bison Commando were cooperating to suppress the drug dealers outside the casino.

There were already a large number of drug dealers on the ground, all of whom were screaming from low-speed rubber bullets.

Chu Feng shouted at the headphones as he ran: "Everyone, retreat immediately, the target has been rescued, retreat immediately!"

"Roger!" responses came from the headphones.

Chu Feng continued to shout: "Falcon, you and the flamingo drive up to pick it up, Violet will give you a hint!"

"Understood!" He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing put away their guns and immediately went to look for their van.

The others fought and retreated, and finally got into the Bison commando car together and evacuated.

"Team Chu, where are you?" Fang Xinwu's voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "Team Gao is in danger, I'll pick you up!"

Chu Feng immediately reported his location, and as soon as he ran to the corner of the street, a car suddenly rushed in front of him.

"Get in the car!" Fang Xinwu beckoned vigorously.

Chu Feng jumped into the car without hesitation, and then immediately showed him the way.

Fang Xinwu stepped on the horsepower to the maximum, and the off-road vehicle roared forward and rushed out.

At the same time, Gao Gang and Bingbing were under heavy machine-gun fire.

Bingbing followed Tang Xinyi's instructions, went directly to the bridge from the main road, and used the cover of the bridge pier to gallop under the bridge.

Weng Sha and his men were in hot pursuit, and the three cars flew straight down the road, knocking off even the bumper when they hit the ground.

"Give me the gun!" Gao Gang snatched the gun from Bingbing and opened fire on the drug dealer behind him.

"Bang bang bang....."

Bullets burst out of the chamber, and the driver who rushed to the front was directly shot in the head, and the car of people crashed into the side of the road.


The whole car caught fire and exploded, and no one in the car was spared.

Seeing his subordinates die tragically like this, Weng Sha shouted angrily: "Give me bazookas, I'm going to blow them up!"

The subordinate immediately took out the RPG bazooka from the back row, opened the safety and handed it to Weng Sha.

Weng Sha opened the sunroof, aimed at Gao Gang's car and pulled the trigger.

Gao Gang was changing bullets when he suddenly saw a rocket flying behind him, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly hit Bingbing's steering wheel to the end.


The rocket grazed their car and exploded, and the huge impact directly blew the car into the air.

Gao Gang helped Bingbing stabilize the car and yelled: "Damn, they still have bazookas, are the people who support them coming?"

"It's coming!" Chu Feng grabbed the handlebar and shouted calmly: "Snake shape to get rid of them, we are already very close, and we are expected to meet within three minutes!"

"I don't know if I can survive three minutes!" Gao Gang yelled, "Try your best!"

Bingbing yelled hard, under the double pressure of fear and nervousness, she had stepped on the bottom of the accelerator, and the car had already let out an overwhelmed roar when it was speeding away.


Just then, another rocket flew over.

Bingbing slammed the steering wheel, and the rocket flew past the car, exploding huge flames in front of the car.

"I'll you!" Gao Gang roared and poked his head out, his pistol aimed at the back and opened fire fiercely.

Weng's driver immediately steered to avoid the bullets.

But the car that followed them was not so lucky.

Gao Gang's marksmanship was still very accurate, and all six bullets hit the windshield, one of which shattered the head of the drug dealer who was driving.

The car lost control and plunged into the river, and none of the drug dealers in the car could escape, all of them were taken into the water by the car.

Weng jumped and shouted angrily in the car: "Damn Huaxia, I have to kill you, I want to blow you all up!"

"Bring the ammo, quick!" Weng Xu yelled frantically.

His men immediately brought him ammunition.

After Weng brake was installed, this time he aimed steadily at the rear of the car.

"Die, Huaxia! This territory, you don't count!"

Weng Sha's finger pressed the trigger.

But at this moment, a car suddenly rushed out from the side.

Before Weng Sha could react, Fang Xinwu's off-road vehicle knocked them out directly.

The off-road vehicle hit the side of the road directly with Weng's car, and black smoke came up with a bang.

Fang Xinwu's head hit the steering wheel hard and fainted on the spot.

Chu Feng was fine, jumped out of the car, and rushed over to check the situation in the car.

The two drug dealers in the car all died on the spot, and Weng Sha was thrown aside, dying at this time, still breathing.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth, he really didn't expect that he wanted to catch a small fish, but now he actually caught a big fish.

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