Chu Feng and Fang Xinwu Zhen leaned against each other and smoked, and smoke rings came out of their mouths.

"Don't plan to go back and continue to be a policeman?" Chu Feng asked.

Fang Xinwu shook his head: "I'm used to being here, and I need it here! In addition to Nuoka, there are many big drug lords in this old Myanmar and Thailand. To eradicate them, you need someone like me!"

Chu Feng stared at him: "I always feel that you have something on your mind, a person is willing to stay here, not just for ideals, how do I feel like you are taking revenge!"

The corners of Fang Xinwu's eyes twitched fiercely, and his face showed a look of memory: "Captain Chu is really good at looking at people, what you said is right, it is indeed for revenge!"

"I don't want to say it, though, it's a pain in my heart!"

Chu Feng naturally knew that Fang Xinwu came here for his girlfriend.

Since people don't want to talk about it, he won't ask more, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "If you need me for revenge, don't be polite to me, say it at any time." Anything I can do, I can help!"

Fang Xinwu looked at Chu Feng in surprise: "Captain Chu also seems to hate drug dealers, don't you want to take revenge?"

Chu Feng laughed: "That's not true, I just hate this group of bastards." How many people have died because of their broken families, these bastards, they all deserve to die!"

At this moment, Gao Gang rushed over excitedly: "Come and see, it's already on TV!"

Chu Feng and Fang Xinwu immediately stood up and followed Gao Gang into the room.

At this moment, an international news is being broadcast on TV, and the Huaxia Police Department and Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have issued a joint statement that they will jointly crack down on drug trafficking and drug trafficking in Nuoka.

At the same time, the confessions of Yandopa and Ongsha were broadcast on a rolling basis, revealing the truth behind the Mekong incident to the world.

"Great!" Fang Xinwu waved his fist excitedly: "This time, Nuoka is dead." The four-nation joint operation, he has nowhere to run at all!"

Gao Gang said excitedly: "Just now the minister issued an order, let us immediately prepare to do something about Nuoka." "

"Do you want to catch it alive?" asked Chu Feng.

Gao Gang nodded: "What the minister means is that these little people must be judged by the great power. The crimes they committed must be severely punished by Huaxia. All drug dealers who participated in the killing of our citizens must be escorted back!"

Gao Gang said: "I have asked the master to interrogate Weng Sha, and he has already confessed that Nuoka's subordinate Ida, as well as his son Natu, are all in the city at this moment. Let's do it to them first, isolate Nuoka from the world, and then immediately go and arrest Nuoka!"

Chu Feng pulled out his pistol and loaded the bullet with a click: "It's been a long time since this time! "

Half an hour later, with the information provided by Weng Sha, the Dragon Soul Commando and the Bison Commando took urgent action and began to capture Ida and Natu in the city.

According to Weng Sha's confession, these two people were ordered by Nuoka to come out to talk about a big deal.

Gao Gang immediately contacted the local police and asked them to cordon off the city and assist Huaxia in arresting the two guys.

Originally, Gao Gang would not have informed the local police under any circumstances because corruption was so rife here.

But now that the four countries have joined forces, the local police, no matter how bold they are, must act according to the orders of their own governments.

Soon, the whole city was full of police, and all the streets and alleys were cordoned off.

The military police blocked all the entrances and exits in the car, and heavy machine guns were mounted on the car to prevent the drug dealers from escaping.

At the same time, the police forces of the four countries jointly launched an operation, carrying out surprise attacks on drug factories and drug cultivation sites in the Golden Triangle area.

In just half an hour, a large number of drug dens were attacked, and countless drug dealers were arrested and drugs seized.

Gao Gang and Chu Feng also came to the city with their subordinates at this time.

A police officer ran to their car, pointed to a building not far away, and said, "The person you are looking for is inside, we have checked through the surveillance, they are inside!"

Chu Feng hurriedly asked, "You didn't startle the snake, did you?"

"No!" the police chief shook his head: "Natu and many of his men are scattered in the building. If you go in without evacuating the crowd, it is easy to cause great damage. You're professional, so I'll leave it to you!"

Chu Feng could hear that this guy just didn't want to take responsibility.

If a large number of civilians are killed if they go in, whoever attacks will be held responsible.

After all, they're dealing with drug dealers, and these guys are crazy.

Push them into a hurry, these beasts can do anything.

Chu Feng didn't want to care about these things anymore, nodded to the police officer, and then looked at Gao Gang: "Let's go in two groups, and I'll take someone to take charge of eliminating Natu and Yida's men." Your people are responsible for arresting the two of them!"

"That's right!" Chu Feng suddenly remembered something, and said coldly to everyone, "Pay attention to children, you must pay attention! Intelligence shows that Nuoka has cultivated a lot of child soldiers. Don't ignore them just because they're kids, those kids are murderous too!"

Chu Feng remembered what happened to the master in the Mekong operation, so he urgently reminded him.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer Chu Feng.

If you touch a child, even if he has a gun, a kind person may not be able to bear to do it.

Chu Feng frowned: "This is an order, if you find out that there are children, you must be vigilant first." Secondly, if they take out a weapon, they have to shoot, you know?"

"Yes!" the dragon souls roared collectively.

Gao Gang also nodded at his people: "For the sake of the task, and for the sake of protecting yourself, listen to the Chu team"

"Yes!" the police shouted.

"Action!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and suddenly all the people rushed out like wolves.

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