Just when the whole city was under martial law, a Mercedes Benz slowly left the main road and turned around in the direction it came.

In the car, Sanji looked back at the sentry post not far away, and said worriedly: "It seems to be true, Huaxia has united the governments of the four countries to do it!"

Brother Song, who was sitting next to him, spit out a puff of cigarette and said with a fierce look in his eyes: "Of course it's true! It's been broadcast on TV, and the whole world knows the truth about that incident." "

"At the beginning, I told Nuoka not to provoke the Chinese people. Even if you provoke them, don't kill their people. "

"Huaxia is a huge country, and even the boss doesn't want to mess with it. This bastard doesn't even listen to the boss!"

Sanji asked, "Then what now, Young Master Natu and Ida are still in the city, and they can't get out!"

Brother Song thought for a moment, took out the phone and dialed a string of numbers.

A moment later, Nuoka's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone: "What's the matter?"

Brother Song shouted angrily: "Nuoka, don't you watch the news? Your good subordinates Weng Sha and Yan Duopa have betrayed you and shake out everything with the Huaxia police, and now the whole world knows that you did what happened on the Mekong River, and you planted the blame for the Huaxia people and killed them!"

Nuo Ka, who was smoking powder on the other end of the phone, stood up abruptly and shouted frantically: "This is impossible, Weng Sha will not betray me." He is my most trusted subordinate, and he will not betray!"

Brother Song sneered: "In this world, there is nothing that will not happen! They have already been on TV, is it still fake?"

"Also, now that the four countries are acting together, the city is full of their people. Your son and Ida are now trapped in the city and can't get out, how do you think we should solve it?"

Nuoka was dumbfounded, he never thought that things would develop to this point.

He also wanted to teach Huaxia a lesson, so that they would be honest in the future and not come to trouble themselves.

Unexpectedly, the speed of Huaxia's counterattack was so fast, and even his most trusted subordinate Weng Sha betrayed.

Brother Song said in a deep voice: "I advise you, or give up your son and Ida." Keep the current business, this is what the boss wants to see the most!"

"The boss is not qualified to care about me!" Nuoka shouted frantically: "This is my Nuoka's territory, not the boss's." I owe him and give it to him a long time ago, he is not qualified to point fingers in front of me!"

Brother Song's face was instantly gloomy: "Nuoka, you want to know, the consequences of what you say?"

"you, I'm going to work hard with the Huaxia people, what can you do? If the boss doesn't plant, let him get away. I'm glutinous, no one is afraid!"

The phone snapped and hung up, and Brother Song's face was extremely pale.

Sanji looked at him with blank eyes: "What do you mean?"

Brother Song threw the phone aside: "Nuoka is crazy, he actually wants to betray the boss! You should know that in this case, if the boss makes a move, the era of Nuoka will end!"

Sanji shuddered at the spine, of course he knew the boss's methods.

Nuoka is what they support, to put it bluntly, it's just a tool for them to make money.

If Nuoka is disobedient, the bosses will naturally kill Nuoka like a dog.

Brother Song stared at Sanji: "I heard that Nuoka has a lot of wealth?"

Sanchi nodded: "In a cave, his money is there." Every time I launder money, I go there alone. "

Brother Song nodded: "Very good, the glutinous card is useless." If you wish, he takes his place for you. But first, kill him!"

Sanchi's monolithic eye had a complicated look.

Hardly any hesitation, Sanji nodded vigorously: "I listen to the boss for everything!"


In the shopping building in the city, Chu Feng led the team, and the people of the dragon soul followed closely behind him and rushed into the mall.

Gao Gang followed with a team of police.

The two sides are one behind the other, forming a horn for cover.

"Wait a while, as long as you find a drug dealer, kill them on the spot immediately, don't show mercy!" Chu Feng commanded in a cold voice: "Falcons, flamingos, occupy the high ground and give cover!"

"Yes!" He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing immediately dispersed, looking for a high place and setting up a sniper rifle.

The rest of the group quickly dispersed and searched upstairs along the stairs and elevators.

Local police officers followed them, evacuating people from each floor they passed.

Soon, a large number of civilians on the first and second floors began to run towards the gate.

The drug dealers who stood on the third and fourth floors and watched the wind soon discovered this.

"Young Master Natu, it doesn't seem right down there, the crowd is scattering!"

Natu and Ida, who were trading, suddenly heard a report from their subordinates in their headphones.

The two frowned tightly, and at this moment, Nuoka's phone called.

"Daddy!" Natu answered.

"Hurry up, the Huaxia people are coming to arrest you, create chaos and run!" Nuoka yelled.

Na stood up abruptly and, without hesitation, pulled out his pistol and opened fire on nearby civilians.

"Bang bang bang....."

Several civilians fell in pools of blood on the spot, and their deaths were unknown.

Ida and the other drug dealers also picked up guns and opened fire on civilians.

The drug dealers who traded with them were escorted by their men and hurriedly evacuated from the side of the stairs.

Gunshots rang out, and the entire shopping complex went into chaos.

Especially on the fourth and fifth floors, because the drug dealers were killing people, the crowd fled in all directions in a panic.

"Captain!" He Chenguang's angry voice reached Chu Feng's ears: "Those drug dealers are killing civilians!"

Chu Feng frowned and roared: "Then what are you waiting for, them!"

"Yes!" He Chenguang roared.

"Everyone!" Chu Feng rushed upstairs: "Fire immediately, fire immediately, kill these drug dealers for me!"

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