The people of the Dragon Soul Special Combat Team quickly dispersed, and quickly rushed upstairs with guns in hand.

The mall is full of people running around, and people living in such a turbulent place have long been accustomed to how to escape.

But as soon as they escaped, they blocked Chu Feng and their footsteps, which instead increased the chances for the drug dealers to escape.


A bullet burst a drug dealer's head, splattering blood on the ground.

He Chenguang pulled the bolt, the bullet was reloaded, and said in an expressionless cold voice: "Captain, the drug dealers are preparing to evacuate from the fire escape on the fourth floor, and they are hiding in the crowd!"

"Got it!" Chu Feng climbed onto the handrail of the elevator and ran upwards with arrows.

He rushed to the fourth floor and happened to see three drug dealers with guns mixed in the crowd.

Chu Feng raised his gun without hesitation, even though the crowd was chaotic, but in his eyes, every drug dealer was like a stationary target.

Chu Feng raised the gun, pulled the trigger, fired, and the bullet was discharged.

All the actions were done in one go, and the three drug dealers were killed on the spot before they could even see Feng's face clearly.

"Da Da Da..."

"Bang bang bang...."

At this time, the rest of the Dragon Soul also rushed up from various places.

They began to surround from three sides, and their accurate marksmanship knocked the drug dealers hiding in the crowd to the ground one by one.

These drug dealers kill people without blinking, and even women and children are spared in order to flee for their lives.

Therefore, the special forces of the dragon soul will naturally not show mercy, and even Li Erniu, who is usually the kindest, pulled the trigger fiercely and poured all the murderous skills he learned on the drug dealers.

Seeing that there were Chinese special forces on three sides, Ida and Natu and a long-haired man got together.

"I can't go away, the roads are blocked!" yelled.

"Zhan Peng, what are you panicking about!" Ida yelled at him: "Big deal, fight with them!"

Zhan Peng shook his head: "How to fight, they must be special forces in Huaxia, don't you see them so powerful." Our people were killed before they even had a chance to fight back!"

Natu looked back and suddenly saw a shed and balloons downstairs.

If you jump, you might be able to escape.

"No matter, jump from here!" Natu yelled: "It's all death anyway, it's better to gamble!"

All three drug dealers are self-aware.

With the crimes they committed, a thousand shots are not enough if they are caught.

Anyway, the left and right are dead, as long as there is a glimmer of life, they will naturally not let go.

"Dead is dead, jump!" Champong yelled, and the first one jumped down.

Natu and Ida glanced at each other, and then jumped down with Zhan Peng.


Three people smashed into a balloon in the shape of a large bear at the same time.

The entire balloon was smashed, but the three men were intact, got up and fled towards the gate.

As soon as they rushed out, they happened to run into Gao Gang and someone who dared to come in to support.

As soon as the two sides met, they fired forward with submachine guns like crazy, and they all retreated.

Fang Xinwu hid behind a pillar and suddenly saw Zhan Peng who was about to flee behind Na Tu.

His eyes were instantly bloodshot.

For so many years, the image of Champong has remained in his mind and cannot be erased.

The biggest reason why he came to the Golden Triangle to be an undercover agent was to find Xing Deng ten years ago, which is today's Zhan Peng.

"Bastard, Xingdeng, don't run!" Fang Xinwu roared angrily and rushed out.

Zhan Phong suddenly heard his former name called, and turned his head in shock.

I saw a familiar and strange man rushing towards him.

Zhan Phong didn't have time to think about it, turned around and ran in the other direction of the mall.

Natu changed the magazine, aimed at Fang Xinwu's back and prepared to fire.

But at this moment, Chu Feng suddenly jumped down from the fourth floor and kicked directly on Natu's back.

Natu soared through the clouds and smashed into a pile of balloons with a bang.

Ida on the side was so frightened that she turned around and ran, and Lin Yu took a gun and smashed it directly into his leg.


Ida screamed, her legs were smashed, and the whole person fell forward.

"Catch them!" Chu Feng yelled: "These two guys are drug dealers who participated in the killing of our fishermen, and they must go back alive to be tried!"

"Understood!" Gao Gang waved his hand, and the master and Nezha immediately went to arrest Natu and Ida.

Natu was kicked by Chu Feng in the air, and even if he was smashed into the balloon, he fainted on the spot.

Ida's right leg bones were shattered, and she fell to the ground at the moment screaming, and was picked up by Nezha like a chicken.

After Chu Feng finished explaining, he immediately chased in the direction where Fang Xinwu left.

He hadn't gone far before he heard gunshots.

Chu Feng immediately quickened his pace, and saw Fang Xinwu and Zhan Peng scuffling together from a distance.

Suddenly, Zhan Peng was kicked out by Fang Xinwu.

But as soon as the pong fell to the ground, he grabbed a baby next to him and threw it into the clearing.

Fang Xinwu, who originally rushed to Zhan Peng, immediately flew out and happened to catch the baby.

At this moment, Zhan Peng picked up an iron rod and smashed it at Fang Xinwu's head: "Go to death!"


Chu Feng fired without hesitation, and the bullet pierced Zhan Peng's wrist.

Zhan Pong screamed and fell backwards, sitting on the ground.

Fang Xinwu handed the baby over to the frightened child's mother, and then rushed up and kicked over the tent.

"Bastard, bastard!" Fang Xinwu smashed over with one punch, and Zhan Peng's face was covered with blood.

"Fang Xinwu!" Gao Gang rushed over at this time and yelled: "Don't kill him, he's still useful!"

Zhan Peng hurriedly shouted: "I surrender, I surrender." Fang Xinwu, you can't kill me, you have to be disciplined!"

"Go to the discipline of the special mother!" Chu Feng walked to Fang Xinwu's side and handed him the gun: "If there is any revenge now, after now, there will be no chance in the future!"

Fang Xinwu looked at the gun and was stunned, not knowing whether to take it or not.

Zhan Peng cried and begged for mercy with a sad face: "Fang Xinwu, the past is over. I'm useful, don't kill me. Even if you kill me, your girlfriend won't survive!"

This sentence deeply pierced Fang Xinwu's heart.

Without any further hesitation, he picked up his gun and pulled the trigger hard at Zhan Peng's head.

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