Fang Xinwu threw away his gun and sat next to Zhan Peng's corpse for a while.

Suddenly, he cried with a headache, and he didn't know whether to laugh or be sad on his face.

Gao Gang wanted to say something, but was pulled aside by Chu Feng.

"Alright, give him a little space!" Chu Feng said.

Gao Gang saw Fang Xinwu's appearance, and finally sighed: "I know, this guy is the drug dealer who killed Fang Xinwu's girlfriend." "

"You know?" asked Chu Feng.

Gao Gang nodded: "I have Fang Xinwu's information, ten years ago, his girlfriend took drugs and provided information to the drug dealer police, and finally committed suicide." The culprit is this guy, he later escaped from Huaxia and disappeared all the time, I didn't expect to see him here!"

Chu Feng looked at Fang Xinwu's painful appearance, and said helplessly: "Everyone has his sore spots, Fang Xinwu has done so much for the country. We should not have seen this today. That drug dealer was arrested and killed!"

Gao Gang looked at Chu Feng's unquestionable eyes, he knew that this was Chu Feng's desire to protect Fang Xinwu.

For the sake of a drug dealer, there is no need to let your comrades suffer.

Gao Gang nodded quickly: "Okay, that's it!"

Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder, and the two of them left together, leaving Fang Xinwu a little personal space.

Half an hour later, local police and firefighters were stationed in large numbers to rescue the wounded and search for drug dealers.

Ida and Natu were handed over to the Bison Commandos.

Gao Gang's boss, Yu Ping, deputy director of the Narcotics Control Bureau, was sent back to China to prepare for trial.

After Yu Ping handed over the people, he immediately looked at Chu Feng and Gao Gang: "The periphery of Nuoka has been cleaned, and now he is blind and deaf, completely out of contact with the outside world." He doesn't even know if his son is dead or alive!"

"But this is the Golden Triangle, he has cultivated the power for so many years, it won't be long before he gets a new source of information!"

"We must completely defeat him before he reacts, and send all the drug dealers who participated in the killing of our fishermen back to China for trial!"

Gao Gang nodded: "I have just discussed with the Chu team, and the meaning is the same, and I am ready to immediately raid Nuoka's lair!"

Yu Ping said in a deep voice: "Have you already got the exact address of Nuoka's lair?"

Gao Gang said: "We interrogated Weng Sha, and just asked Ida again, we can be sure where Nuoka's nest is!"

"Nuo Ka is waiting for his son to go back, so he won't transfer for the time being. As long as we move fast enough, he won't be able to run!"

"Okay!" Yu Ping said coldly, "I'll send you a helicopter immediately! In addition, the Bison Commando will also cooperate with you!"

"Today, we are going to wipe out the Nuoka Group!"

Yu Ping said coldly: "Any bastard who provokes the majesty of Huaxia must pay the due price!"

"Yes!" Gao Gang and Chu Feng yelled at the same time.

Yu Ping immediately went to arrange the helicopter, and transferred new weapons and equipment to Chu Feng and Gao Gang.

This time it's going deep into the jungle to find Nuoka to fight.

There were at least a few hundred of Nuoka's men, and they were armed to the teeth.

If you rush over with your current equipment, it's no different from sending you to death.

Gao Gang and Chu Feng also began to mobilize urgently.

The police and military gathered together, and Gao Gang asked Chu Feng to do the final mobilization.

Chu Feng stood in front of everyone and said in a cold voice: "If I don't have to say anything, I won't say more!"

"Let's come to the Golden Triangle to catch the glutinous card!"

"Now, we've reached the final step. This bastard is waiting in the jungle for us to catch!"

"I ask of you, as many people will come back as many as they go. Complete the mission, and no one will die!"

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

"Let's go!"

Everyone got into the car and drove quickly towards the helicopter assembly point that Yu Ping had given them.

At the top of a hill, three helicopters have been waiting for a long time.

There was also a large amount of weaponry on board, ranging from bombs to rockets.

Both the military and police immediately began to change their equipment, and even the body armor, which had always been unwelcome, was put on.

Usually, everyone thinks that the bullet proof vest is too heavy, which affects everyone's movement.

But this time, they have to go deep into the jungle to fight, and any stray bullet will kill them.

Wearing body armor will give them a better chance of survival.

"Let's go!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and everyone immediately got on the plane.

Three helicopters quickly rose into the air and flew quickly towards the target location.

The heart of the peninsula is dense virgin jungle.

Looking down from above, you can't see anything but dense trees.

It is for this reason that for many years governments have wanted to fight drugs, but they have not been able to do anything about it.

Because the terrain here is so complicated, drug dealers hide wherever they want, and the three countries of Lao, Myanmar and Thailand, which lack high-tech equipment, cannot find them at all.

"You're almost there, you're getting off the plane!" yelled the pilot.

Chu Feng nodded and signaled that he could lower the height.

Three helicopters landed in the jungle one after another, hovering more than 10 meters above the ground.

Further down there were dense trees, and there was no way for the helicopter to land.

The men on both sides immediately began to land with ropes, and soon everyone was in the jungle.

"Team Chu, let's split into two groups to act!" Gao Gang whispered while half-squatting on the ground.

Chu Feng nodded, and letting the police follow them was tantamount to an extra burden.

The Dragon Soul Brigade can't fully exert themselves, and maybe they will have to take care of them then.

"That's it!" Chu Feng said, "We are responsible for laying mines and attacking." You're in charge of arresting people, do you have any opinions?"

"No!" Gao Gang nodded cheerfully.

He is still self-aware, and the special forces are specialized in killing people.

Being able in front of others is no different from playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Let's go! You follow my orders, and you are not allowed to move until I give the order!"

"Yes!" the police men nodded in unison.

At the same time, on the other side of the Nuoka camp, Song Ge and Sanji also led a team to quickly approach the Nuoka camp.

"Hurry up, everyone, you must do it before the Huaxia people!" Brother Song said in a deep voice: "All the secrets must not be known to the Huaxia people!"

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