Half an hour later, Chu Feng and Gao Gang slowly approached Nuoka's camp with the team.

Chu Feng suddenly gave an order to everyone, and all of them stopped and stood by in place.

Gao Gang asked strangely, "Team Chu, what's wrong?"

"I'm going to investigate!" Chu Feng said coldly.

Gao Gang was a little anxious: "The soldiers are fast, Nuoka will receive the news and run away at any time, we must act immediately!"

"Wait a minute, it's not bad for a while!" Chu Feng said, "Wait until I find out clearly!"

In terms of field warfare, Chu Feng is an expert, and although Gao Gang has an opinion, he can only nod and agree at this moment.

The reason why Chu Feng stopped was because he knew that in the movie, there was another party that would come to kill Nuoka.

Those were ordered by the so-called boss to get rid of the hidden danger of Nuoka, and then support a new force to come to power.

In the movie, because of the appearance of Brother Song, there were casualties on the Huaxia side.

Chu Feng didn't allow these things to happen to him.

Now that he is here today, no one can think of succeeding, whether it is Nuoka or Brother Song's gang.

Chu Feng nodded to everyone in the Dragon Soul: "You guys stay put, prepare the explosives first, and scatter the explosives to the camp for me." "

"Yes!" He Chenguang and the others nodded immediately.

Everyone took out the explosives that had been prepared long ago and began to assemble.

Xiao Tian stuck out his tongue and squatted to the side, it had completely abandoned Gao Gang and completely followed Chu Feng, so this operation also followed Chu Feng's side.

Chu Feng patted its head: "Wait a while, put the explosives where they should be placed, if they are done, I will find you a little!"

Howling Sky's dog face was immediately filled with excitement.

It has been a military dog for so long, and it has never tasted the taste of a little.

It's definitely a reason to fight for it.

Otherwise, what's the use of keeping that dog stick?

After Chu Feng finished commanding everything, he closed his eyes.

He emitted his brain waves and began to sense all the birds around him.

Soon, there were more than hundreds of flying birds locked by him.

Among them, there are at least a dozen bird kings.

However, this time, Chu Feng did not summon all the birds.

This is right next to the camp of the people's Nuoka, and blatantly summoning the birds is tantamount to exposing themselves.

Chu Feng directly used his brain waves to order, asking all the birds to immediately find the location of Brother Song and the others.

Chu Feng has been in this world for so long, and many things are similar to what he understands.

So he believed that Brother Song must have brought people to this area at this moment.

In an instant, all the birds flew out and searched for it within a radius of several kilometers.

In this kind of jungle, the birds fly in the middle of the trees, and their eyes are faster and wider.

Let them go to someone, that's a multiplier with half the effort.

Chu Feng waited quietly, and in less than three minutes, a bird suddenly sent back a message with its brain waves, and it found the person Chu Feng was looking for.

Chu Feng's face was full of excitement, as long as he found someone, he would have a way to deal with Brother Song and them.

"Captain, we're alright!" He Chenguang said.

Chu Feng nodded at him: "You give the explosives to Xiaotian, and it will take the explosives into the camp." Detonator for me!"

Wang Yanbing immediately gave the detonator to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said to them: "Stand still, no matter the sound of gunfire or explosions, you are not allowed to move without my order!"

"Yes!" everyone nodded vigorously.

Chu Feng quickly rushed out on the ground, and quickly advanced according to the position indicated by the bird.

Five minutes later, on the other side of the Nuoka camp, he saw militants hiding behind stones.

Chu Feng's eagle eyes were fully opened, and the distance of several hundred meters seemed to be close at hand.

He could clearly see that these militants were really armed to the teeth.

All of them wore black combat uniforms and anti-terrorist masks on their faces.

Weapons range from assault rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, squad light machine guns, everything is available.

There are even three of them with RPG bazookas.

There are more than sixty people in total, and with such a weapon configuration, it is not a problem to defeat the camp of Nuoka.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked up a sneer, if he hadn't met him, these people might have a chance.

But touched myself .....

Chu Feng slowly raised his gun and aimed it at one of the militants with a sniper rifle.

At this time, Sanji was looking towards the camp in Nuokka.

"Brother Song, is it time for us to do it?" asked Sanji.

"Don't worry!" Brother Song waved his hand: "I suddenly changed my mind, we have to wait for the Huaxia people to come!"

"What?" Sanji widened his only eye, "Didn't you say that you had to do it before the Huaxia people came?"

Brother Song smiled coldly: "Nuoka's camp is heavily defended, if we go over, we will inevitably have a tough battle." If the Huaxia people come halfway, won't we help the Huaxia people attack Nuocka?"

Sanji nodded: "That's what Brother Song said. "

Brother Song sneered: "We might as well wait and let the Huaxia people fight first." When they're both defeated, we're rushing out. "

"Killing the Huaxia people is considered a glutinous card. Kill Nuoka, it's ours. How nice it is to kill two birds with one stone!"

Sanji smiled strangely: "Brother Song is still powerful, I will inherit the nuoka in the future, I will definitely listen to you!"


At this moment, a piercing gunshot suddenly rang out.

Brother Song's sniper's head burst out with blood, and the whole person fell backwards heavily.

Everyone was shocked, Nuoka was originally smoking powder in the camp, and rushed out when he heard the gunshots.

"What's going on, where did the gunshots come from?"

Chu Feng hid in the grass at this time, and yelled in the direction of the camp: "Sanji brought people here, Sanji brought people to kill Katou, they are here..."

The sound came far away, and Nuoka heard the shouting in the camp, and his lungs were about to explode.

"Sanchi, you bastard, you dare to betray me!"

"Come on, go kill that bastard, kill them all!"

At this time, a second gunshot rang out outside the camp, and another of Brother Song's subordinates was killed by Chu Feng from a distance.

Nuoka's men immediately followed the sound of gunfire and ran frantically towards the outside of the camp.

At least hundreds of child soldiers rushed to the front, shooting as they ran.

Brother Song and Sanji crouched on the ground, watching in shock as a large number of militants rushed towards them.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on?" Sanji exclaimed in surprise, "Have we been found?"

Brother Song gritted his teeth and yelled: "I can't do anything now, do it with them!"

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