When a large number of Nuoka's subordinates rushed towards Brother Song's side, Brother Song's side was no longer hiding.

All the fire was on full force, and they fired wildly at Nuoka's men.

There were hundreds of people in Nuokka's camp, but Brother Song only brought more than sixty people, because these people were all elites.

No one knows where they came from, but one can tell by their skills that they must have been heavily trained in the military.

As soon as the two sides started fighting, Brother Song's side, which had a small number of people, not only did not rout, but stabilized its position, and it was difficult to distinguish from the people on Nuoka's side.

Chu Feng had already stepped aside at this time, and coldly watched the two groups of bulls, ghosts, snakes, and gods fighting.

In the movie, Brother Song asked his subordinates to shoot the people on Huaxia's side, so that Huaxia's side and Nuoka's people exchanged fire in advance, and then he sat on the fish.

Now, Chu Feng uses his own way to govern his body.

used Brother Song's method to return all his actions to him.

Seeing that the two sides were fighting hotly, Chu Feng took out a bomb detonator.

"I'll add fuel to the fire!"

Chu Feng smiled faintly, and his fingers pressed down the detonator fiercely.

"Boom, boom..."

Violent explosions rang out everywhere in the camp in Nuoka, and dozens of drug dealers were blown up into the sky.

In an instant, the entire camp was filled with fire and smoke, and all the wooden buildings were in ashes.

In the distance, Brother Song and Sanji looked confused.

They didn't set up bombs, how did they fight well, and the camp in Nuoka suddenly exploded?

Could it be that he can't beat it and is ready to escape, so he blows up his camp first?

Thinking of this, Brother Song was even more anxious, if he let Nuoka run away, then the boss's secret was likely to be revealed.

The most important thing is that if Nuoka runs away, it means that the money is gone.

Nuoka has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, and he must not be allowed to run away like this.

"Rush, rush out, capture Nuoka alive!" Brother Song yelled.

His men immediately launched an attack, and the rockets whistled and blasted towards Nuoka's men, turning them on their backs.

On the other side, the camp was bombed, which made Nuoka extremely angry.

At this moment, he saw that Brother Song and the others actually launched a charge, obviously trying to take advantage of the explosion to catch themselves.

"Bastard, how dare you blow up my camp. Nuoka angrily picked up the machine gun and shouted at his subordinates around him: "Today, we must kill Sanji, a traitor, and kill all the people who follow him, and leave no one behind!"


The drug dealers seemed to be crazy, and they charged at Brother Song and them with guns in hand.

Nuoka's subordinates have been taking drugs for a long time, and they come several times a day almost every day.

At this time, their nerves were in a state of excitement, and as soon as they heard the sound of gunfire, their whole bodies were excited, and they charged towards Brother Song regardless of the rain of bullets.

One of the two sides is not afraid of death, the other is very elite, and the fight is inextricable in an instant, with heavy casualties.

At this time, neither side can retreat.

Even if they don't want to fight, they can't.

Because once you retreat, you will be bitten to death by the other party, or even annihilated.

Brother Song gritted his teeth and yelled: "Damn, hit me and kill them all." Catch the glutinous card and reward it all!"

Nuo Ka was also yelling: "Kill them all, I'll give you powder later, so that you can have a good time tonight!"

Chu Feng saw that the killings on both sides were already white-hot, he smiled coldly and quietly retreated to his team.

At the same time, Gao Gang's side was already impatient.

The person who watched Nuoka from a distance didn't know who he was fighting fiercely, and his heart was as sad as a cat scratch.

"Team Chu, Team Chu, what happened?" Gao Gang asked eagerly: "When are we going to attack!"

After asking several times, Chu Feng returned to the Dragon Soul Brigade.

"You can attack now!" Chu Feng said in a cold voice: "Team Gao, let's go in first." A minute later, you bring in and arrest Nuoka and his men. "

"Understood!" Gao Gang shouted excitedly: "Hurry up, otherwise they will finish the fight!"

Chu Feng looked at all his subordinates: "Everyone is ready to go in! Remember, the scorpion may be by Nuoka's side." You have to be careful, this guy is a difficult mercenary!"

"If you find it, report it immediately!"

Chu Feng looked at He Chenguang: "You follow me, if you find a scorpion, I'll leave it to you!"

"Yes!" He Chenguang nodded vigorously.

"Let's go!"

Chu Feng waved his hand, and everyone quickly rushed towards Nuoka's camp.

At this time, the camp was already full of fighting, and most of Song Ge and Nuoka's men had been killed and wounded, and both sides were just struggling to support.

Nuo Ka looked coldly at the bamboo building, with a strong murderous aura in his eyes: "Scorpion, take your people up." Those bastards won't last long!"

"Understood!" the scorpion, who had been sitting in the bamboo building, stood up, and his men followed suit.

"Bring back their boss's head, and I'll give you a million!" called Nuoka.

The scorpion nodded coldly, carried the gun and rushed down the bamboo building with his subordinates.

As soon as the group of them arrived downstairs, they immediately encountered the Dragon Soul Special Brigade rushing into the camp.

When they met on a narrow road, both sides were not polite and fired directly at each other.

"Da Da Da....."

"Bang bang bang...."

Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing were beaten backwards and flew out, and they were hit by several bullets.

But fortunately, there are body armor, and the warheads are all embedded in the body armor.

"Go away!" Chu Feng rolled and rushed to the front, raised his gun and swept forward.

His bullets were like eyes, and in an instant, he knocked several of the Scorpion's men to the ground.

The scorpion saw Chu Feng's skills from a distance, and was instantly frightened.

"This is the Huaxia special forces, it's the Huaxia people!" "The scorpion yelled: "Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

He didn't recognize Chu Feng, but after he escaped from Huaxia, he had already had a terrifying psychological shadow of the special forces in Huaxia.

So no matter who it is now, as long as it is a special soldier in Huaxia, his first reaction is to escape.

Seeing that the scorpion had actually run away, Nuoka roared angrily: "Bastard, you took my money, you came back!"

But the scorpion ran so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Don't move!" a gun was put on Nuoka's head at this moment.

Nuoka wanted to take a gun, but was punched in the back of the head by Gao Gang behind him and fainted on the spot.

"Team Chu, I've caught Nuoka!" Gao Gang shouted excitedly.

Chu Feng nodded at him: "You continue to catch Nuoka's subordinates, and I still have to catch the scorpion!"

Chu Feng beckoned to He Chenguang: "Come with me, I'll take you for revenge!"

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