He Chenguang sat next to the corpse of the scorpion, Chu Feng handed him a cigarette, and the two of them smoked silently without saying a word.

Chu Feng knew that the knot that had been buried in He Chenguang's heart for ten years had finally come to an end today.

But hatred does not disappear with the disappearance of the enemy.

This thing has been ingrained in his heart for so many years, and if he is taken away all of a sudden, he will feel empty.

Chu Feng wanted to give He Chenguang a little space and let him recover slowly.

After all, only He Chenguang himself can help himself now.

After the two of them smoked three cigarettes, He Chenguang sighed and stood up.

"Thank you, Brother Feng!" He Chenguang looked at Chu Feng seriously: "Thank you for everything you did for me!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Do you feel better?"

"Much better!" He Chenguang looked at the scorpion's corpse again: "After so many years, I can finally do something for my father!"

Chu Feng put his arms around him and strode back: "As long as you feel better, as for what I do, it should be done." We are brothers, don't be polite to me!"

He Chenguang looked at Chu Feng's face deeply, although Chu Feng obviously looked smaller than him.

But at this moment, in He Chenguang's heart, Chu Feng is a veritable big brother in his heart.

By the time they returned to the camp in Nuocka, the fighting was completely over.

The special forces of Lao, Burma and Thailand also arrived here and surrounded Nuoka's men and Brother Song's men.

As for Nuoka and several of his main men, they all knelt in the middle of the camp, and the Bison Commandos were watching over them.

Gao Gang is negotiating with the military of Laos, Myanmar and Thailand.

Because the four countries had signed an agreement in advance, Huaxia helped the three countries eliminate the Nuoka group in the Golden Triangle, and the three countries also agreed that Huaxia would eventually take Nuoka and his men.

Chu Feng walked up to Nuoka and squatted down with a smile.

Nuoka was like a defeated rooster at this time, and there was no more rampant on his face, and even cowardice on his face.

"A few of your subordinates have already gone to Huaxia in advance!" Chu Feng patted his face: "Don't worry, I will send you over for a reunion soon." Huaxia will let you understand that we let you live, and you can live. If we let you die, you will not be qualified to live!"

Several drug dealers were all dejected, their eyes full of despair.

Chu Feng stood up and looked at the group of drug dealers with disdain.

As long as they go to Huaxia, these people will all become dead.

Early the next morning, Gao Gang and Chu Feng escorted Nuoka and his subordinates to the plane.

Fang Xinwu did not leave, he chose to continue to stay in this land.

He told Chu Feng that as long as there are interests, drugs will definitely exist.

Therefore, drug lords will always be indispensable in this land.

Nuoka is gone, and soon new people will come.

He has no worries, so he wants to stay and fight for the country and the people.

Chu Feng and Gao Gang admired Fang Xinwu very much, he was the real unsung hero.

Without his protection, how many drugs will pour into the country, how many families will be ruined, and how many more crimes will be committed in society.

The plane took off and flew back to Huaxia with the hero and the drug dealer.

A few hours later, at the capital airport, the media from various countries who received the notice had already rushed over early.

The police blocked the water around the airport, and a large number of special police officers were on standby to prevent sudden accidents.

Nuoka was caught, the largest drug cartel in the Golden Triangle was destroyed, and all the criminals who killed and framed the Chinese fishermen were caught.

Each of these messages is enough to shake the whole world.

From the killing of fishermen in Huaxia to the arrest of Nuoka, it took less than a week.

In such a short period of time, Huaxia not only restored the innocence of the killed fishermen, but also destroyed a huge drug trafficking and drug production syndicate, and even arrested the leaders of the people.

This achievement is much stronger than the anti-drug cause of the United States.

The Minister of Police personally came to the airport with his hands behind his back and his face full of admiration.

"With this operation, we have proved to the world that we in China are capable of fighting any crime. We in China are the forbidden land of drugs and crime!"

The deputy minister on the side smiled slightly: "When I first came, I saw it on the Internet. Someone has already choreographed four mortal deaths!"

"Oh, what must die?" asked the minister, curious.

The deputy minister smiled: "First, in Mexico, drug control will die." Second, tax evasion in the United States will die. Third, to be president in the country of sticks. Fourth, it is drug trafficking in our country!"

The minister laughed: "Well said, we should let such remarks circulate, so that the whole world knows how much it costs to commit crimes in our Huaxia!"

"Look, the plane is coming!" the deputy minister pointed to the sky.

The minister straightened his tie: "Go, go meet our hero!"

The big passenger plane quickly landed on the ground, but before the plane came to a complete standstill, Chu Feng took his people to leave first through the security gate.

When the plane stopped, Gao Gang personally escorted the nuo card out, and countless cameras and cameras were all aimed at him and took a hard shot.

The reporters frantically rushed forward, all wanting to be the first to take pictures of the heroes.

In the distance, the special forces who saw this scene were all envious.

"Obviously, we are the real heroes!" Deng Zhenhua sighed: "If it weren't for us, they police wouldn't know how many people would die." "

"That's it!" Wang Yanbing touched his head: "I also want to go back to TV, it seems that there is no chance." Behold how glorious they are, and the whole nation knows who they are. Let's, hehe!"

Chu Feng said lightly: "We are special forces, different from them. They walk in the light, and we walk between the light and the dark. Once exposed, we lose our sharpness!"

Chu Feng patted everyone: "Okay, the country will remember that we are heroes, that's enough." We don't need the world to remember, and we don't need everyone's cheers, as long as we have a clear conscience!"

Everyone nodded heavily, in fact, from the moment they became soldiers, they already knew that no matter how big they did in this life, they could only be unsung heroes.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go home!" Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Get a good night's sleep!"

"Good!" everyone yelled excitedly.

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