Chu Feng took his subordinates back to the Dragon Soul Brigade and slept for a whole day.

They were really tired from this operation, and their nerves were completely relaxed until they came back.

Even Gao Shiwei came to visit them, but he couldn't bear to wake them up.

During this trip to the Golden Triangle, Chu Feng gave him a good face, which made his reputation in various military regions and even in the military department improve a lot.

Gao Shiwei asked An Ran to tell Chu Feng that he should rest well and wait for the commendation from the military region.

Early the next morning, Chu Feng woke up in a daze.

An Ran had already put breakfast at the head of his bed, and lay in his arms with a smile: "As soon as you come back, you will sleep, and you won't even say a word to me." This day has made me anxious!"

Chu Feng held her whole child in his arms and held her softly in his hands, making Chu Feng feel that this was the world.

"Didn't I come back with all my beards and tails, do you want to check to see if there are any injuries?"

An Ran gently hammered him on the chest: "Still waiting for you to say, I have already checked it when you are sleeping." If it's hurt, can it make you so happy?"

Chu Feng laughed: "Have you checked the key place?" Come on, I'll check it for you personally!"

After speaking, he directly pressed Enron under him.

An Ran also hadn't been with Chu Feng for many days, and at this time, the two quickly became entangled.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Chu Feng was just about to exercise, and when he heard the knock on the door, he was immediately disappointed.

"Who?" Chu Feng exclaimed impatiently.

"Captain, it's me!" He Chenguang's voice sounded.

Chu Feng stood in push-ups: "What's the matter, I haven't gotten up yet!"

He Chenguang said embarrassedly, "Didn't bother you, did you?"

Chu Feng roared angrily: "If you have something to say, say it quickly!"

He Chenguang coughed: "My grandfather invited you to go to our house for a meal at noon today." He said you must go, or he will come to the army and invite you personally!"

Chu Feng was stunned, He Chenguang's grandfather used to be the commander of the military region.

Although he is retired, he is also an old qualification in the army.

If ordinary people invite him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go.

But he is an old soldier who has meritorious service to the army, and his protégés are all over the army, even Gao Shiwei was once his subordinate.

Chu Feng thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, let's go together at noon." "

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" He Chenguang happily turned around and left.

An Ran sighed under Chu Feng: "Get up, hurry up and have breakfast." "

"What's the hurry, it hasn't started yet!" Chu Feng said with a grin.

An Ran pouted: "For so long, are you okay?"

Chu Feng smiled: "If it's useless, what's the use of this stick, come on!"


After a fierce battle, Chu Feng and An Ran had breakfast together.

The morning training had already begun, and the soldiers who had returned with Chu Feng had also joined the training, as if nothing had happened.

Chu Feng found that in the past few days of his absence, the Dragon Soul Brigade had grown a lot, and hundreds of new faces had appeared.

An Ran told him that these soldiers were all selected by Fan Tianlei from all over the country.

They are not considered to be the soldiers of the Dragon Soul for the time being, and they need to be selected before they can stay.

As for how many will be left at that time, it depends on the intensity of the selection.

"This old fan, he is quite good at doing this kind of thing!" Chu Feng smiled: "It seems that I promoted him to be the deputy brigade, which can be regarded as finding the right person!"

An Ran nodded: "The deputy captain is still very serious about his work, especially the formation of a team, this is his forte!"

Chu Feng was happy in his heart, and inspected a circle of soldiers recruited by Fan Tianlei.

At this time, the selection has not officially begun, and these soldiers are all conducting simple drills.

However, it can be seen from their actions that these are all the top soldiers of various units.

Chu Feng was even more satisfied with Fan Tianlei, and with him to select soldiers, he was completely relieved.

At ten o'clock, Chu Feng drove his own Land Cruiser and took He Chenguang to his house.

He Chenguang's grandfather retired as a lieutenant general, so the state allocated a villa, which was in the old cadre's compound.

When the car arrived at the door, it was stopped by the guards, but the guards saw that it was a colonel and immediately saluted.

"I'm sorry chief, I haven't seen you, according to the regulations, you have to show your ID!"

Chu Feng smiled and took out his documents from his pocket.

"Chief, is this your car?" the guard asked, "If so, then I'll register the license plate." I also registered your identity, and next time you come, you can go straight in!"

Chu Feng took back the documents: "Okay, let's register!"

The guards let go of the barricade, Chu Feng stepped on the accelerator, and stopped in front of his house under He Chenguang's instructions.

"Grandpa, grandpa, our captain is here!" He Chenguang jumped out of the car and ran directly towards the villa.

Chu Feng parked the car, then sorted out his military uniform, and then walked towards the villa.

As soon as he walked to the door, He Chenguang's grandfather, He Baoguo, walked out.

When Chu Feng saw him, he immediately stood up straight and saluted: "Good chief!"

He Baoguo smiled and waved his hand: "Don't be so polite, I'm just a retired old man, you're welcome!"

Chu Feng Zhengse said: "You are the old chief, no matter when, you are the chief!"

He Baoguo nodded appreciatively: "You are worthy of being a child of the Chu family, just like your grandfather!"

Chu Feng looked at him in surprise: "The chief knows my grandfather?"

He Baoguo nodded vigorously: "I think back then, I also worked under your grandfather." I revered him at that time....."

He Baoguo sighed and grabbed Chu Feng: "Let's go, let's go in, don't poke here!"

Chu Feng walked into the villa and happened to see an old woman holding a photo and crying bitterly, while He Chenguang stood aside to comfort her.

When He Baoguo and Chu Feng saw this scene, they all stopped.

"This is....."Chu Feng asked suspiciously.

He Baoguo sighed: "I heard that the revenge was taken, and that person paid for my son's life, and the old woman couldn't help it!"

When He Baoguo's wife heard their words, she suddenly stood up, and the whole person rushed directly to Chu Feng's front and bowed vigorously: "Thank you, thank you..... Thank you for avenging my son!"

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