He Baoguo pulled Chu Feng to sit down, his wife wiped away her tears, and immediately began to get busy.

"Xiao Chu, let's drink some soup first, this is the nourishing soup I made with my own hands in the morning, and it is very good for your soldiers who often stay up late!"

"Xiao Chu, do you want to eat a piece of braised pork ribs first?

"Xiao Chu, come to a bar, I'll take out the wine that Lao He has hidden for twenty years, you guys have a good drink!"

Chu Feng was overwhelmed by her enthusiasm: "Grandma, don't be so polite, let's just eat something!"

"How can that work!" she said solemnly: "You are the benefactor of our family, and when you come here, it is like going home, you must not be polite!"

Chu Feng looked helpless, and could only look at He Baoguo for help.

He Baoguo smiled, stood up and grabbed her: "Okay, you are so enthusiastic, don't scare Xiao Chu." "

"How could I scare people?" his wife looked innocent: "Xiao Chu is our own family, I can't be enthusiastic about my own family!"

He Baoguo pressed her on the chair: "Then let's have some homely food, and there will be leaders who want to see Xiao Chu later, do you want him to go drunk?"

Chu Feng was stunned: "There is a chief who wants to see me?"

He Baoguo nodded: "You have made such a great contribution, the leaders will naturally not turn a blind eye." Eat quickly, I also borrowed you from the chief, and I have to return it when I'm done. "

When He Baoguo's wife heard this, she immediately put vegetables in Chu Feng's rice bowl.

After a while, the dishes in Chu Feng's bowl were piled up.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly, but since people were so enthusiastic, it was not easy for him to refuse.

This meal, Chu Feng ate very fragrantly, and he felt like he had not been at home for a long time.

Although he came from a family, his parents were busy with work, and few people cared about him.

On weekdays, I am with my subordinates, and it is difficult to taste this feeling of home.

Only now does this moment make him feel like he is home.

He Baoguo put down the dishes and chopsticks, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Xiao Chu, from today onwards, this is your home." You can come whenever you want, just give us a call. Whatever you like to eat, let grandma make it for you!"

"Yes!" He Baoguo's wife nodded vigorously: "You can come no matter when you come, I don't have any skills, old woman, but I can still cook." "

Chu Feng's heart swelled with emotion.

In the wind and rain, there is always someone waiting for you at home.

This kind of feeling, Chu Feng has not experienced for a long time.

He knew that the reason why He Baoguo and his wife were so attentive to him was because he helped He Weidong take revenge.

The two of them are an old couple who have inexplicably seen him as He Weidong.

Perhaps, this is a kind of sustenance.

After eating, Chu Feng and He Chenguang returned to the army together.

As soon as they left the large courtyard of the troops, a military vehicle stopped them at the gate.

A major ran over and saluted Chu Feng: "Captain Chu, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Commander Gao asked you to have dinner and go to the military district headquarters immediately!"

Chu Feng nodded, it seems that He Baoguo's face is still very big, even if there is a leader from above, he must squeeze out the time for him first.

Chu Feng immediately drove towards the military region headquarters.

When he arrived at the military district building, Chu Feng jumped out of the car, asked He Chenguang to wait in the car, and then ran towards the headquarters upstairs alone.

"Report!" Chu Feng shouted as he stood at the door of Gao Shiwei's office.

"Come in!" Gao Shiwei's voice came from inside.

Chu Feng opened the door and went in, and found Gao Shiwei and another lieutenant general sitting on the sofa, the two of them staring at him with a smile.

When Chu Feng closed the door, the lieutenant general stood up: "Xiao Chu, do you still know me?"

Chu Feng glanced at him twice, and suddenly thought that this was the lieutenant general who came from the headquarters during the red blood cell exercise.

"Recognize!" Chu Feng saluted vigorously.

The lieutenant general laughed: "My name is Li Jianjian, remember!"

"Yes!" Chu Feng roared vigorously.

"Do you know what you're calling for?" asked Lieutenant General Li with a smile on his face.

Chu Feng nodded: "Report chief, you should be here to award me a military merit medal!"

Lieutenant General Li and Gao Shiwei laughed: "This kid really can't sell Guanzi!"

Gao Shiwei nodded at Chu Feng: "You kid, you performed very well this time, you have a long face for our military and our military region!"

Li Jianshe said with a smile: "When our minister heard that you solved the case within a week and arrested the person, his mouth couldn't close with a smile!"

"The most important thing is that you have almost completely eliminated the Nuoka Group. This is a great help to the police, and the police minister came to our department to thank us and gave us a pennant to the military. "

"It's been years since I've done it, but you kid did it!"

Chu Feng didn't expect that he would be able to receive so much praise if he completed the task normally.

Li Jianshe turned around, solemnly took out a box from his briefcase and opened it, and there was a special military merit medal inside.

Li Jianshe held it up and solemnly hung it on Chu Feng's chest.

"Chu Feng, this is a first-class combat hero medal! It's almost the same as a first-class meritorious medal, but basically no one has been awarded it in peacetime!"

Li Jianshe looked at Chu Feng solemnly: "But this time, you not only completed the task, but also brought all the team members back alive." In view of your merits, the ministry has decided to award you this medal. "

"This is the glory of a soldier!" Li Jianshe said solemnly.

Then, he and Gao Shiwei took a step back at the same time and solemnly saluted Chu Feng.

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