Chu Feng touched the heavy medal on his chest, and his eyes were full of excitement.

In his family, there is no shortage of such medals, which were received by his grandfather when he made great military exploits.

But since his grandfather, although there have always been officials in his family, and even to the position of deputy minister of the military department, no one has ever made military exploits, let alone received such a high honorary medal.

Today, he can be regarded as truly inheriting the mantle of his grandfather.

Li Jianshe patted him on the shoulder: "Boy, do a good job." The Dragon Soul Brigade was established by the Supreme Leader for you, and this time you have made great contributions, and you have also given the Supreme Leader a long face, and you have lived up to his expectations of you!"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "It's not easy to get the supreme leader's appreciation, I just play with my life, and I want to bring the dragon soul well!"

The three of them chatted for a while, and at noon, Gao Shiwei specially arranged a celebration banquet to celebrate Chu Feng alone.

Li Jianshe brought two bottles of good wine, and the three of them shared all of them with one cup and one cup with me.

After being full of wine and food, Li Jianshe said: "Xiao Chu, the matter you told me last time has been approved by the ministry. In the cadre building that your military region has just built, you will be given 20 houses first, and you can watch the distribution yourself!"

"In addition, the military district and the ministry will give you 10 million each. A total of 20 million, this money is considered to be used as a reward for you. In the future, a sum of money will be sent to you every year. As long as you are a meritorious soldier, you will be rewarded!"

Chu Feng stood up excitedly and saluted: "I thank the chief for the Dragon Soul Brigade!"

Minister Li laughed: "Go back quickly, your soldiers can't wait!"

Gao Shiwei said: "I have asked the logistics department of the military region to go to your brigade and specially made a celebration banquet. If you can't eat here, you will be wronged by others. "

Chu Feng saluted gratefully again, turned around and rushed out.

By the time he returned to the Dragon Soul Brigade, the celebration banquet had already been eaten.

Fan Tianlei organized a very lively organization, and the canteen was full of flowers and streamers.

"Captain, you're back!" Fan Tianlei greeted him with a smile: "You're back late, everyone is happy!"

Seeing Chu Feng coming back, everyone immediately stood up.

Chu Feng walked over with a smile: "Everyone has eaten and drunk well?"

"Alright!" everyone yelled.

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay, then let's gather in the small hall, I have something to announce!"

Everyone saw Chu Feng carrying a small bag, which was heavy, and it looked like a medal.

Those who participated in the operation were excited.

Everyone knows that Chu Feng will definitely be rewarded for going to the military region.

The people who participated in this operation can be said to be anxious in the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Everyone was curious to know what rewards would be given to those who participated in such a successful operation.

A few minutes later, all the veteran members of the Dragon Soul had assembled in the small hall.

Chu Feng put the small bag on the table with his hands behind his back, and let out a popping sound.

Everyone laughed, their eyes fixed on the bag.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Okay, don't look at it, everyone who goes has a share." Each person has a second-class merit, and no one can run!"

"Long live the captain!" He Chenguang and the others shouted excitedly.

The Order of Merit of the Second Class is also very difficult to obtain in peacetime.

Either a significant contribution to the troops, or a missing arm and a broken leg.

Being able to get a second-class meritorious service medal fully shows how sure the army is of this person.

The person who didn't go looked at the person who went with jealousy, and his face was sour.

Chu Feng coughed: "Okay, I haven't finished yet!"

Everyone was quiet again, their chests high.

"Zhuang Yan, He Chenguang!" Chu Feng roared.

"Here!" the two yelled together.

"Come up!" Chu Feng beckoned.

The two immediately ran onto the stage in a standard posture and stood still in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng removed their epaulettes in front of everyone, and then changed to the rank of lieutenant.

Everyone in the audience stared at them in shock.

Zhuang Yan and He Chenguang were all privates, and they were all promoted to lieutenants at once, which was twice as fast as Li Erniu's promotion.

Chu Feng said loudly: "In this operation, you have performed excellently. After the affirmation of your superiors, you are hereby awarded the rank of lieutenant. From today onwards, you are officers!"

Zhuang Yan and He Chenguang saluted excitedly: "Thank you, captain!"

Chu Feng patted the two of them: "Make persistent efforts in the future, as long as you work hard, there will be more opportunities for promotion in the future!"

"Yes!" the two saluted.

Chu Feng shouted again: "Tang Xinyi, Song Kaifei!"


The two men yelled, then quickly ran towards the platform.

Chu Feng also changed their military ranks for them, and the two of them immediately became captains from lieutenants.

Chu Feng looked at them and said with a faint smile: "In this operation, your performance is also very good. Keep up the good work in the future...."

"Yes!" the two yelled.

Next, Chu Feng promoted all the soldiers who participated in this operation.

Either directly from the soldier to the ranks, or to the rank of the first rank.

The most important thing is that soldiers don't need to go to military schools to study, they only need to use their leisure time to study on their own in the Dragon Soul Brigade.

After awarding the awards, Chu Feng looked at all the excited people: "Are you happy?"

"Happy!" shouted at the top of their lungs one by one.

Chu Feng nodded: "What I promised, I will definitely do it." So, don't be happy, I have good things waiting for you here....."

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