Chu Feng coughed: "Why didn't anyone bring me a chair, planning to let me just stand and talk like this?"

Song Kaifei was the first to rush out with a smile, and sent a chair to Chu Feng.

"Brother Feng, you sit, you sit and talk slowly!"

Everyone else gave Song Kaifei a middle finger, is he always online, this speed is too fast.

Chu Feng sat down and crossed his legs, Song Kaifei had already put the cigarette in his mouth, and the lighter clicked to light the cigarette.

"Brother Feng, you speak slowly!" Song Kaifei smiled with a flower on his face.

"Come down, dogleg!" Deng Zhenhua and Shi Dafan couldn't stand it, so they pulled Song Kaifei back to the team.

Chu Feng smiled and spat out a puff of cigarette, and then said, "I promised everyone before, as long as you enter my dragon soul, you will be considered a professional soldier!"

"Since you are a professional soldier, you must have exclusive benefits for professional soldiers!"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I went to see Commander Gao just now, and he has already approved it." Starting this month, each of you's wages will be doubled on the original basis!"


Everyone jumped up excitedly, and Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing hugged each other and jumped and laughed.

Xiaoying and Xia Lan, who had just arrived, hugged each other excitedly and circled, they had to sigh at the moment, their fate was so good, they could be favored by Chu Feng among thousands of people.

"Long live the captain, long live the captain!" Wang Yanbing shouted.

The others also yelled together, and everyone was going to rush to the stage to throw Chu Feng up.

Chu Feng hurriedly waved his hand: "Hey, I haven't finished my words yet, don't you want to listen to the follow-up?"

Everyone stopped and looked at Chu Feng with a shocked expression.

The wage increase is already a great joy, and it is also a double salary increase.

Take Tang Xinyi as an example, she used to take 5,000 a month, but now it has tripled, that is, 15,000 a month.

Everyone has a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, and they are now white-collar workers in the army, what could be happier than this?

But Chu Feng said it, and everyone naturally believed it.

Everyone stepped back and straightened their chests in front of Chu Feng again.

Chu Feng nodded: "I also said before that if everyone makes meritorious service, their salaries will be readjusted according to your merit medals. The high commander also approved this, but it needs to be allocated by the headquarters. "

Therefore, the contributions made in the next year will be summarized at one time at the end of the year. Regardless of the number of months, it will be issued in a lump sum. In the second year, it will be added to the salary normally!"

Chu Feng pointed at them: "As long as you can make more meritorious contributions, even if you make two more third-class merits every year, it will add up to one or two thousand months." Work hard, who said that the army can't make a fortune!"

Chu Feng's words suddenly made everyone's enthusiasm rise to the extreme.

It is said that the poor soldiers are not proportional to what they pay and what they receive.

There are people in society who feel tired after working 12 hours.

But the soldiers work from the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun, but if the money they get is really calculated, it is the average social wage.

Not to mention the special forces, they are the most dangerous profession in the army, and the salary is just a little more special allowance than ordinary soldiers.

Now Chu Feng has increased his salary in all aspects, which naturally has also improved everyone's enthusiasm.

Even if one day they have to give their lives for the country, those present will no longer hesitate in the slightest.

It's not entirely about money.

In their hearts, they naturally have their beliefs.

But with money as a guarantee, even if they leave, they can go with peace of mind.

Chu Feng saw that everyone's enthusiasm had completely increased, and said lightly: "Next, I'll announce the most important information!"

"Above, I was given twenty houses, all of which are in the newly built agency compound. "

Everyone's eyes lit up, is this the rhythm of the house?

Wage increases suddenly became less important.

In front of the house, everything else is a puffy cloud.

Everyone looked at Chu Feng eagerly, their eyes full of fire.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Don't worry, as long as you are a veteran member of the red blood cells, everyone can get a house this time!"

"Long live the captain, long live the captain!"

The old members of the red blood cells quickly rushed forward, grabbed Chu Feng's hands and feet respectively and threw them high.

He kept throwing Chu Feng into dizziness, and finally put him down.

"Captain, where is the house?" asked Wang Yanbing expectantly.

Chu Feng touched his chin: "I heard Commander Gao say that it is in the urban area, and it is close to the military region." Originally, it was assigned to high-ranking officers in the military region, but the headquarters gave us 20 sets first. "

"The house in the city!" He Chenguang opened his mouth in shock: "It's a place where every inch of land is valuable!"

"My mother!" Li Erniu's tears of excitement were about to flow out: "I can actually have a house in the city, and it is also in the city center." If I go back and tell Cuifen, Cuifen will be overjoyed!"

Wang Yanbing patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "It's not just Cuifen who is happy, but your whole village is happy." Erniu, do you know how much a house in the city costs? Even if we raise our wages, it will take us half a lifetime to earn it!"

"My mother!" Li Erniu was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he squatted directly on the ground: "This, so much money... Is it really me?"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "It's yours, you all have it." Anyone who has contributed to the Dragon Soul Brigade will have it in the future. "

"Tomorrow morning, I'll take you to see the new house!" Chu Feng said briskly.

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