Early the next morning, Chu Feng organized three cars and took the old members of the red blood cells to the city to see the new house.

Last night, Chu Feng confirmed it with Gao Shiwei again.

Gao Shiwei told Chu Feng that he had personally greeted the people at the housing management center.

As long as Chu Feng passes, the people over there will be able to receive it.

As for the house, you can pick it casually, as long as you don't pick a villa.

With Gao Shiwei's affirmation, Chu Feng took everyone to the city early in the morning to see the house.

From the station of the Dragon Soul Brigade to the city of Jinling, it will take nearly three hours even if there is no traffic jam.

If there is a traffic jam, it may not be four hours.

Xiaoying and Xia Lan all watched the car drive away with envy.

Although they have also increased their wages, they are completely incomparable to the sharing of houses.

"Don't look at it!" Xia Lan sighed: "Let's behave well in the future, didn't the captain say that everyone will have a house in the future!"

Xiaoying said frustratedly: "But we are health soldiers, when will it be our turn." They went to the battlefield to carry out missions, so they had a chance. We... What a chance, they won't even get hurt!"

"There will definitely be a chance!" Xia Lan said with certainty: "The captain said that there are no idlers here. What this means is that we are not idlers!"

"Wait, there's always our chance!"


The three cars came to the city at a gallop, Chu Feng entered the location of the community on the navigation, and then followed the instructions of the navigation until the community.

Sure enough, the community is very close to the military region, and it is only a few hundred meters apart.

If you want to work in the military region, you can walk directly from the community, which is very convenient.

"This location is also too good!" Fan Tianlei looked at the bustling section of the road in the passenger seat, and said enviously: "I really didn't expect that the chief would be so generous and give us the house here!"

"The housing prices here have exceeded 60,000 square meters, and there are famous schools nearby, from kindergarten to junior high school!"

Fan Tianlei couldn't hide his yearning for this community in his eyes.

His own children have reached the age of going to school, but unfortunately he is only a cadre at the deputy brigade level, and the houses he is assigned are all in the suburbs.

This kind of house in the center of the city is usually only allocated to cadres above the brigade commander, and there are not a few generals who live here.

He Fan Tianlei only has envy now.

Chu Feng saw Fan Tianlei's thoughts, but he didn't say anything, and continued to drive towards the community.

This is the army compound, and the guards are also sent by the army.

As soon as Chu Feng's car arrived at the door, he was stopped by two soldiers with guns.

A lieutenant walked over, and Chu Feng rolled down the window.

When the lieutenant saw that it was a colonel who was driving, he hurriedly saluted: "Good chief!"

Chu Feng nodded: "We have to go in and find the director of the housing management center to see the house!"

The lieutenant smiled: "Is the chief here to see the house?"

"My name is Chu Feng!"

"Chu Feng?" The lieutenant immediately stood in awe: "May I ask if it is Chu Feng, the captain of the Dragon Soul Special Brigade that has just been formed in the military region?"

Chu Feng smiled: "It's me, am I so famous?

The lieutenant saluted again: "Our leader called last night, if you come, let you go directly." I'll go and inform him right away, and he'll be waiting for you at the flower bed in the middle of the complex!"

Chu Feng nodded, and said hello to Gao Shiwei, which was really good.

Otherwise, if he came by himself, I am afraid that he would be busy for a while, and he might not even be able to find someone's office anywhere.

The lieutenant went to make a phone call and came over with a set of electronic devices.

"Excuse me, chief, is this your car? If so, I will register the license plate, and I can enter it by myself when I come in the future." "

"Register, this is my car!" Chu Feng said.

The lieutenant immediately carried out an electronic landing, and after being busy, he saluted Chu Feng: "Please come in, chief, just go straight, you will see the flower bed soon!"

Chu Feng pointed to the car behind him: "They came with me, I have twenty suites, and they are all here to see the house!"

"That's it!" the lieutenant nodded: "Then let's go in, I'll register you alone!"

The barricade opened, and Chu Feng drove straight inside.

As the lieutenant said, it didn't take long for him to see the flower bed in the middle of the complex.

A major general was waiting by the flower bed, and when he saw Chu Feng's car coming, he hurriedly greeted him happily.

"Xiao Chu, right?" The major general laughed and said: "I'm Luo Yong from the Housing Management Center, you can just call me Lao Luo!"

Chu Feng came down to shake hands with him: "Director Luo, I'm here with soldiers to pick a house." What else is empty here? It's better to be connected, so it's convenient for us to live together!"

Director Luo smiled: "I have already taken it into account for you, and the commander personally instructed that the actual situation of your special forces must be taken into account." I thought about it all night yesterday and gave you 14 and 15 spare houses, exactly twenty units!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to see!"

Chu Feng nodded, and led everyone to follow him towards the new house.

The environment of the community is very good, with pavilions and pavilions, as well as small bridges and flowing water.

The greenery is beautiful, with tennis courts, basketball courts, and a small iron cage football field.

After walking a short distance, you will see fitness facilities and even an outdoor children's playground in the complex.

Director Luo said as he walked: "The houses here are all more than 120 square meters. "

"There is no shared area, and there is also a large balcony. The high commander has instructed that you must be arranged according to the standards of the division level and above. "

"So, the smallest of your two buildings is one hundred and fourteen. The area is large, and it is a large flat floor of more than 180!"

"Xiao Chu, I think it's the most suitable for you to live in a large flat, go and see your house first!"

"Okay!" Chu Feng smiled faintly.

He is not going back to the Chu family now, and He An Ran also needs a love nest, and it is suitable to get a house.

Director Luo took Chu Feng to the bottom of Building 15.

Just as they were about to go upstairs, a car stopped in front of them.

A person got out of the car, and the moment they met Chu Feng, both of them were shocked.

"Chu Feng!"

"Brigadier Zhao!"

Chu Feng was surprised to find that this guy turned out to be Zhao Changshan, the commander of the Red Arrow Brigade who had been beheaded by him.

"Why are you here?" asked Chu Feng.

Zhao Changshan pointed upstairs: "I live here! What's the matter, why are you here?"

The corners of Chu Feng's eyes twitched, he really didn't expect that he would actually live as neighbors with the Qiu family.

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