Chu Feng's words were full of toughness, which also made the citizens who accused him very dissatisfied.

Just now, the middle-aged woman pointed at Chu Feng's nose unrelentingly, and said with a spout of saliva: "Stinky soldier, I'll scold you." If you don't let the people, it's your fault. Not only did I scold you, I also beat you, what can you do to me?"

As she spoke, the middle-aged woman kicked towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng didn't have to do it, so he kicked her on the leg.

The middle-aged woman was even more proud, thinking that Chu Feng was afraid of herself, and shouted arrogantly: "Stinky soldier, you....."

But before she finished her words, Chu Feng suddenly moved.

With just a slight tug, she was put on the ground.

The middle-aged woman sat on the ground with a puff, her buttocks almost fell into eight petals, and she cried in pain: "The soldier beats people, the soldier beats people, is there any royal law?"

A bald head in the team roared angrily and rushed towards Chu Feng: "Big head soldier, you still dare to hit the common people." You hit me and I'll kill you!"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Chu Feng's collar, but the moment he grabbed it, Chu Feng fell violently on his back.

The bald head suddenly felt that the whole person flew up like a cloud, and then his body slammed into the ground.


The bald head landed on the ground with his whole back, and he almost fainted in pain.

The people in line were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated, and no one dared to say a word.

Chu Feng said coldly: "Insult the active duty soldiers, and attack the soldiers." This is a crime even more serious than attacking the police, and if I bring a gun today, I can kill you!"

Chu Feng's words suddenly frightened the middle-aged woman so much that she didn't dare to shout, and her face also showed a look of fear.

But the situation here immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.

Some unknown citizens immediately took out their mobile phones to record the video.

When the middle-aged woman saw that there were so many people around, she immediately sprinkled on the ground again: "The soldier beats people, you all give a comment, and the soldier beats me, an old woman!"

The bald head next to him was not good at stubble, lying on the ground and shouting in pain: "The soldiers don't protect the people, and they come to beat us." What's the use of asking these soldiers, who will give our people a fairness!"

The citizens around them pointed and pointed at Chu Feng and Li Erniu.

But in view of the fact that Chu Feng was too fierce, everyone only dared to talk in a whisper, and no one dared to say anything loudly.

Soon, the police in the subway rushed over.

As soon as they saw that it was a colonel with a group of officers, several policemen were stunned on the spot.

"Hello chief!" a policeman saluted Chu Feng.

Chu Feng nodded and explained the matter in detail: "You can find the camera video for evidence, my behavior just now is reasonable and legal!"

Chu Feng registered his documents with the police: "If you want to find me, go to the military region headquarters to find me." Now I have military affairs, and I want to leave immediately!"

Where dare the police stop a colonel, after registering, they will be released immediately.

The middle-aged woman and bald head were pulled from the ground by the police and directly handcuffed.

"Why are you arresting me?" The middle-aged woman splashed and rolled: "If you don't arrest people, why do you arrest the common people? Officials protect each other, and the world is as black as a crow!"

The policeman yelled at her, "Shut up, you've broken the law." You are bold enough to dare to attack active duty soldiers. Wait, at least two years for you!"

The middle-aged woman was really stunned at this moment, she didn't expect the consequences of the matter to be so serious.

The bald head was also completely stunned, crying and shouting: "Uncle policeman, I know it's wrong, I still have children at home, please let me go back!"

The policeman snorted coldly: "I know it's wrong, then what did you just do? It's too late!"

The two were taken away by the police, but Chu Feng and the others were also not interested.

I took the subway in a hurry, and then took the bus back to the community.

This time it hit them a little hard.

They thought that they had given everything for the country and the people, and the people should respect them.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of the people, they are still a big soldier, and they are so disrespected.

Deng Zhenhua smashed his fist on the leg and said angrily: "These bastards, only when the house collapses and the flood comes, will they think that we are the loveliest people." Usually, they are so selfish!"

Chu Feng sighed: "Okay, not everyone is like that. Huaxia is so big, there are a lot of people who love soldiers. We are dedicated to the country and the people, and I believe that everyone's eyes are bright and they will be able to see our benefits!"

Chu Feng's words eased everyone's frustration a little.

Everyone got into the car and immediately rushed back to the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Since this society does not like them, they are still willing to return to the troops that belong to them.

Originally, the matter was supposed to end like this, but after Chu Feng took everyone back, he immediately started strict training again.

Fan Tianlei is still the same, running around the world in a helicopter, looking for qualified soldiers for the Dragon Soul Brigade everywhere.

Chu Feng saw that more and more recruits were being selected, and he was already ready to formulate a strict selection plan.

Three days passed, and on this morning, Gao Shiwei suddenly called Chu Feng.

"You kid is on fire, you know?" Gao Shiwei roared straight to the point.

Chu Feng was confused: "I'm on fire, what's the situation?"

Gao Shiwei said coldly: "You turn on the computer and look at the current news, which is full of videos of you beating ordinary people." Netizens are following the trend and scolding the troops, and they are asking us to punish you severely!"

Chu Feng's mind was buzzing, and he immediately ran over to turn on the computer.

I opened a portal casually, and sure enough, I saw a video of myself on it.

The comments and headlines above are completely untrue.

Originally, Chu Feng was on the right side, but it turned out that he was a soldier and bullied the people at will.

The comments below are also a lot of scolding that follows the trend, and there are all kinds of unsightly remarks.

Gao Shiwei's voice came again: "See, right? Now this matter has a very bad impact, do you think about how to solve it? Now it's not about you personally, but about the image of our entire army!"

"If you can't handle it well, it's not just you, but also me, let's wait for the military court together!" Gao Shiwei yelled.

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