The seriousness of the matter can certainly be analyzed clearly by Chu Feng's mind.

It can be said that the vast majority of netizens are good, but they have been led by a small number of people to distort their rhythm, from scolding this kind of behavior to questioning the army and even the country.

If it continues like this, it is likely to become a scandal for the country.

If this really happens, then Gao Shiwei and him Chu Feng will be responsible.

Gao Shiwei said coldly: "If you can't think of it, I will contact the police and ask them to immediately remove all the videos and then shut down their speech." It only takes two or three days to forget!"

"No need!" Chu Feng said coldly: "Commander Gao, leave this matter to me to deal with!"

Gao Shiwei glared: "What are you going to do?"

Chu Feng was very calm, as if nothing major had happened at all: "Huaxia soldiers, it's not that they can scold if they want to. I'm going to set the record straight, or I'm going to talk about it. Even if the comments are closed, it won't stop them from chatting privately from other channels!"

"Once the channel for everyone's speech is closed, this matter will ferment even more seriously. In the end, it is clear that this is not the case, and it will be arranged even worse by someone with a heart!"

"So, I'm going to fight!"

Chu Feng was seriously furious: "No matter what battlefield we are in, our special forces have never lost. If we lose on the network, then we are not qualified soldiers!"

Gao Shiwei was silent for a while before asking, "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded: "And it will win!"

Gao Shiwei sighed: "Okay, then you try it first." If it doesn't work, we'll deal with it. I think this kind of thing is getting darker and darker, after all, you are only one person!"

Gao Shiwei hung up the phone, and Chu Feng sat quietly in front of the computer.

"I'm alone, but what's there to be afraid of?" Chu Feng smiled coldly.

Faced with the ever-growing fishing boats that were still overwhelming on the Internet, he got up unhurriedly to wash, and then asked An Ran to order him a bowl of noodles.

An Ran and Tang Xinyi also already knew about things on the Internet.

The two of them were in a hurry, and they couldn't wait to rush to the Internet immediately to help Chu Feng go back.

But Chu Feng, the party, was not in a hurry, and while watching people scold him, he still ate with relish.

"Big brother, can you hurry up!" Tang Xinyi couldn't help it, and said anxiously: "If we don't fight back, we really have no room to fight back!"

"Don't worry!" Chu Feng leisurely ate noodles: "If you are not full, how can you have the strength to fight." "

An Ran said: "We have moved the computer, how do you need to help, just say!"

"No need for the time being!" Chu Feng said very easily: "In the face of the facts, these rhythmic ones are simply untenable. Wait!"

He said it easily, but Tang Xinyi and An Ran were not easy at all.

The two of them were anxiously going back and forth on the side.

But it's useless for them to faint, and the parties are still eating noodles slowly.

After a full ten minutes, Chu Feng pushed the noodles aside and stretched.

"Get to work!"

Chu Feng's fingers were placed on the keyboard, and they suddenly started to run rapidly.

The computer screen appeared five at once, and then ten, fifteen, twenty ....

Tang Xinyi and An Ran's eyes hurt, but Chu Feng was still opening new interfaces.

After all the interfaces were opened, Chu Feng began to enter the subway monitoring system and found the surveillance video taken at the scene.

This video did not cut off the head and tail, which just showed how the aunt and others insulted the soldiers, all the way to the attack on Chu Feng.

So, under Chu Feng's operation, this video was immediately posted to the whole network.

And Chu Feng also used the Weibo accounts of the military and police in various places to post this video at the same time.

Below the video, Chu Feng alone faked hundreds or even thousands of people to support together.

"It's obvious that these two attacked the soldiers, why can't the soldiers fight back?"

"Ordinary people have to give back a slap to others if they are beaten, and the soldier brother protects his family and defends the country, should he be bullied like this?"

"Have you seen it, the place where Brother Bing buys tickets is specifically for soldiers to sell tickets. These shameless people cut in line and insult others, when other people's soldiers owe you!"

"It is said that there are fewer bad guys, but in fact, bad guys have become old. Looking at the way the aunt is splashing and rolling, it is definitely not a good thing when she is young!"

"I really don't understand, who are the people who follow the trend and scold the soldier's brother. They have worked tirelessly to protect the peace of our country, and as a result, they have suffered injustice in society. Those who enjoy the peace they bring, have your consciences been eaten by dogs?"

Within an hour, Chu Feng sent out tens of thousands of comments like a bombardment of the whole network.

An Ran and Tang Xinyi were completely stunned.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that this was something that one person could do.

Even if the two of them were combined, they wouldn't be able to do even one-tenth of Chu Feng's workload.

But Chu Feng did it, he really single-handedly fought against the comments of the whole network.

After Chu Feng finished sending this information, he didn't look at the reply at all, and immediately intercepted and posted the video of him welcoming back the remains of the martyrs from Silla, as well as the video of the big victory over Silla and the special forces of the United States.

This time, he officially sent it out on the military's Weibo.

"Those ignorant elements who slander the military, take a good look. This hero won glory for the country and defeated the prejudice of foreigners against us with blood and sweat. Do you have a good conscience for those who sit at home and attack heroes with their fingers at their fingertips?"

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng sent out another message that he participated in the Mekong operation to seek justice for the dead crew members.

However, the operation was secret, and he only attached a few videos, most of which were introduced in the tone of the military.

"When the Motherland needed it, he came. When the people's justice needed to be served, he went without hesitation. is such a hero who has been slandered by the whole network today. When disaster strikes again, what qualifications do you have to ask a hero to save your life!"

Chu Feng worked for more than four hours, and even the computer exploded quickly.

Hundreds of thousands of different comments hit the Internet, and they really used facts to deal with those rumors.

Chu Feng stretched lazily, turned his head to look at An Ran and Tang Xinyi: "Okay, you can help me next"!

"Help?" Tang Xinyi looked bitter: "Big brother, you are so fierce, how can we help?"

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