Chu Feng leaned on the back of the chair, stretched his waist and said, "Use your hacking skills to enter various platforms and leave a large number of messages!"

"Don't those people just want to use the navy to make fishing boats? Then we will treat them in the same way as others and use more rhetoric to build momentum for us!"

"By the way, contact the network information offices of various military regions and ask them to support us in their name. "

Chu Feng said coldly: "When will the power of the fishing boat be in the hands of those few people, we represent a powerful state machine, and we are orthodox!"

Tang Xinyi and An Ran nodded, with Chu Feng's words, they can be regarded as the backbone again.

The two immediately began to contact the network information offices of various military regions.

The reputation of the Dragon Soul Brigade has long been outside, and the number one leaders of various military regions have a friendship with Chu Feng.

Since they demanded, and still supported, the demands of the military, there was no reason for the military districts not to help.

Soon, as long as each military region and each branch of the military had a separate platform for speaking out, they immediately began to support Chu Feng online in the official name.

Tang Xinyi and An Ran immediately joined the Internet army.

Both of them are experts in networking, and An Ran was also taught a lot of hacking knowledge by Chu Feng, and his ability was even above Tang Xinyi.

The two joined forces together, and soon a large amount of information was posted on the Internet, and the remarks of the water army were soon drowned out.

After Chu Feng rested for a while, he immediately started to act again.

He cut off the channels of transmission of various video sources, so that all videos could not be transmitted to foreign networks.

Since someone has the intention to spread rumors, they will definitely borrow Western media to create fishing boats.

Chu Feng took all the consequences into account, and simply blocked all their retreats.

In the evening, this scolding battle that was popular all over the Internet, and finally won with Chu Feng's side.

Ordinary people are oriented, and under Chu Feng's guidance, most netizens began to support the side of the military.

A large number of comments in support of the military appeared on the Internet, forcing those trolls into a desperate situation.

"Don't follow the trend, our army is to protect the people, everyone must not be led by people with intentions to distort the rhythm!"

"My family had a big flood a few years ago, and it was Brother Bing who rescued us desperately. Brother Bing let us take a boat, and he was in the water by himself, and he still cried when he thought about it. "

"Do you have no conscience for scolding your brother soldiers, and while you are sleeping, people stand guard in extremely cold areas and fight mosquitoes in the hottest places. You are happy and happy, that is what people have paid you for countless days and nights, a group of things that have lost their conscience!"

"I really can't figure out why anyone would want to whitewash that old woman. At first glance, she is not a thing, she can't be polite to a soldier, she is not even worthy of being a Chinese person!"

"Brother Bing is the loveliest person in our country, and with their selfless dedication, shouldn't we even have a little courtesy? Where has the morality of this country gone, has it been eaten by those old dogs?"

All kinds of rhetoric bombarded the trolls, even if the trolls were still making their last struggles, it was useless.

The water army posts a comment, and there will be thousands of comments below, almost from beginning to end.

At nine o'clock in the evening, this online war against Chu Feng and the army was basically declared victorious, and only a few sailors were still struggling.

Tang Xinyi and An Ran breathed a big sigh of relief, and both of them leaned comfortably on the sofa and stretched their waists.

"The situation has finally stabilized!" Tang Xinyi said lightly: "Today was spent a day by these people!"

An Ran smiled: "You can be content, if it weren't for Chu Feng's good performance, we might not be able to do it in ten days." "

Tang Xinyi gave Chu Feng a thumbs up: "In the matter of the Internet, I will obey you." "

Chu Feng drank tea: "You should also take it, after all, I am so powerful!"

Tang Xinyi pouted: "However, you are also the most shameless person I have ever seen, there is no one!"

Chu Feng laughed: "What is the face, can you eat it?"

The phone rang suddenly, and Chu Feng picked it up and saw that it was Gao Shiwei calling.

"Commander, the matter has been settled, you don't need to be nervous!" Chu Feng said lightly after answering the phone.

Gao Shiwei laughed: "I already know the matter, this day, I have paid attention to the Internet... You kid can, the people in our information office said that it is impossible to solve it without ten days and a half months. You solved it in less than a day, it's really okay!"

Chu Feng said lightly: "We already have the truth, so naturally we don't need to be afraid of them." Winning in one day is the way it should be!"

Gao Shiwei breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that this matter can be solved smoothly, and we have a lot less trouble." "

"This matter hasn't been resolved yet!" Chu Feng suddenly said coldly.

Gao Shiwei was stunned: "Haven't solved it yet? Isn't the fishing boat already suppressed?"

Chu Feng snorted coldly: "The fishing wheel has been pressed down, but the person who made the fishing wheel hasn't pulled it out yet." It's not just me that's under attack, it's our entire army. "

"Our Huaxia army has been attacked, and we naturally have to fight back. Those behind the creation of fishing boats can't just get through so easily, I'm going to find them all out!"

Gao Shiwei looked confused: "But, but people are behind the Internet, how can you find them out?"

Chu Feng smiled faintly: "This is my business! Commander, can you contact the police and give me some privileges? As long as I have privileges, I promise to catch these bastards!"

Gao Shiwei was silent for a moment and then nodded: "No problem, I'll contact the police immediately." "

After hanging up the phone, Chu Feng came to the computer again.

In the name of the official Weibo, he made a post on the Internet.

It is said that it is a post, but in fact it is an ultimatum, an ultimatum to all the sailors and those behind the scenes who participated in this operation.

Within the time limit, everyone should immediately go to the police station and turn themselves in, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Tang Xinyi asked curiously: "What's the point of your post? They won't really surrender!"

"That's it, 1" An Ran said with a bitter face: "They are all behind the Internet, how can we catch them?"

Chu Feng smiled: "I'll solve this problem!"

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