Chu Feng's gaze swept over all the recruits, because they ran out in too much hurry, only a few of them were wearing camouflage uniforms, and most of the others were only wearing underwear, and some even ran out wearing slippers and underwear.

Chu Feng's gaze fell on the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix, and they were no better, they were embarrassed, that is, they wore an extra vest.

"Look at your bear-like appearance!" Chu Feng put away his smile: "Aren't you all the kings of soldiers, when you encounter danger, you know to run around like headless flies, and you don't even need the most basic clothes and equipment?"

"If the enemy attacks you today, you will be wiped out!"

Chu Feng spat disdainfully: "King of Soldiers, I see that you are all scum, garbage, and waste!"

All the recruits were scolded with red faces, and even Ye Cunxin, the most talkative female soldier, had nothing to say.

Their performance this time is really rubbish, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they are rubbish.

Chu Feng snorted coldly: "Okay, since you are dressed like this, then let's train in this state today!"

Chu Feng put his hands behind his back: "The so-called Hell Week training is not over in a week. Rather, the amount of training will increase every week, and the new week will be more brutal than the training of the past week. "

Chu Feng shouted: "The person who can stay until the end is the person I need." Only the real king can survive to the end!"

"The first week of training was mainly about physical training. The second week, marksmanship. Week 3, skydiving..."

Chu Feng roughly explained the training plan, and looked at them with cold eyes: "Of course, most of you won't make it to the end." Because, I just want the best!"

All the recruits were aroused by Chu Feng's words.

Since they came to participate in the selection, of course they want to stay and become the best special forces.

No one wants to be eliminated halfway through.

They all want to be the best.

"Are you guys the best?" Chu Feng suddenly roared.

"Yes!" shouted almost from the chest.

Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's start our selection training now." From here, there is a mountain thirty kilometers to the north. Before dawn, I want everyone to climb up the mountain!"

"Let's go!" Chu Feng roared, and all the recruits immediately rushed out towards the north.

Red blood cell veterans were also in the ranks, as were the medical vans.

Chu Feng stretched his waist, also got into a car, and followed closely behind the team.

Along the way, there were bumps and bumps, and from time to time someone fell to the ground.

But under Chu Feng's urging, everyone almost fell down and got up the moment they fell.

The people in the slippers had their feet rotten, but they were still holding on.

Because only by persevering can they become the strongest.

Before dawn, more than half of the people came to the top of the mountain that Chu Feng said.

When the sun rose, Chu Feng cut off the time, and all those who did not arrive would be sent back to the old army.

The people who stayed behind watched the eliminated people being driven into the car one by one, and there was no fluctuation in their hearts.

Their hearts can no longer fluctuate, because they are tired and just want to lie on the ground and sleep well.

Chu Feng jumped out of the car and said with a smile: "Yes, I didn't expect so many people to stay, which is much beyond my surprise." "

"Alright, you've rested enough, it's time for us to go back to camp!"

Chu Feng roared: "Behind you, there is a big log, each of you bring one. I don't care if you're carrying it or holding it or carrying it. Anyway, get back to camp by 12 noon. "

"Those who can't go back will all be eliminated!"

All the recruits immediately looked back and saw large logs piled up on the top of the hill.

Each log weighs at least 100 pounds, and there is nothing to scratch on.

If you take it back, your waist will probably be broken.

"Report!" one of the soldiers yelled.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Speak!"

The soldier shouted: "There is no place to grab this log, how can you take it?"

Chu Feng glared at him: "Did you lose your ears in the camp?" I have already said it, find a way by yourself, otherwise get out!"

Chu Feng looked at everyone: "If anyone asks any more questions, you can get out of here now." In my special forces, only orders are allowed, and no questions are allowed, understand?"

No one answered, and everyone looked at him with lovelessness.

Chu Feng smiled: "Very good! If you still want to prove that you are the strongest, go and move immediately!"

The recruits had no choice but to turn around and move the huge logs.

They looked at it from afar, and only realized how difficult it was to move when they moved it.

The wood was all wet, much heavier than it was when it was dry.

And the surface is slippery, and if you don't use it, you can't move it at all.

"This pervert, only he can come up with this method!" Ye Cun said indignantly.

A male soldier next to him nodded vigorously: "I think he is not a pervert, but a rotten person, a rotten warlord!"

Ye Cunxin said very approvingly: "I completely agree with your opinion, by the way, what is your name?"

"My name is Wu Zhe, what about you!"

"Ye Cunxin!"

The two of them exchanged a few words, and then helped each other carry the log.

Chu Feng continued to sit in the car and follow.

On the way back, the recruits were much slower.

They had to take care of the wood, and they had to go as fast as they could.

Especially where the wood is too heavy and there is no force, the waist of every recruit is about to break.

By twelve o'clock in the afternoon, only half of the people were back at camp.

Chu Feng looked at his watch and yelled, "The rest of them who haven't come back are all loaded into the car and sent back to their old troops!"

The people who stayed behind were panting, and at this moment, they had no sympathy in their hearts, nor did they rejoice.

All consciousness is weakened.

Chu Feng smiled at the rest of the people and said, "How do you feel, this is just the beginning, exciting, it's still to come!"

All the recruits glared at Chu Feng viciously.

If their eyes could kill, they would have killed Chu Feng ten thousand times long ago.

But from this moment on, they are also very sure.

This unique week of hell they really will never forget.

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