The brutal training of Hell Week is nothing more than endless repetition.

From morning to night, in addition to physical fitness or physical fitness.

One for 15 kilometers in the morning and evening, and sometimes one at noon.

The rest is to climb tactics, practice push-ups, pull-ups, parallel bars and other strength training.

A week passed in a hurry, and half of them were eliminated.

At this time, there were less than six hundred recruits left.

Fan Tianlei picked more than 2,000 soldiers from all over the country, but in just a week, less than 600 were eliminated by Chu Feng, and Fan Tianlei was a little distressed when he saw it.

However, after the first week of training, those who stayed behind have adapted a lot.

They also understood one thing, that is, if they wanted to stay, they had to obey the military orders absolutely.

Whatever they are asked to do, they must obey unconditionally.

Only absolute obedience can survive here.

On the first day of the second week, when the sky was shining, the recruits rushed to the playground at the whistle of an emergency assembly.

Compared to the embarrassment of the first assembly, the recruits at this moment have become much more comfortable.

And everyone has become a lot leaner, and the fat on their faces and bodies has almost disappeared.

In just one week, each person lost an average of fifteen pounds.

Chu Feng put his hands behind his back, looked at the team that had shrunk a lot, and said loudly, "Are you looking forward to the second week?"

No one answered, everyone was used to Chu Feng's words.

If anyone dares to answer, Chu Feng will definitely arrange a more ruthless training project below.

Chu Feng saw that no one was fooled, so he smiled instead: "I know that you are looking forward to it in your hearts, and I hope to end the first week soon." "

"But do you think the second week is all about marksmanship?"

"Anyone who thinks this way is very wrong!"

Chu Feng yelled: "Physical training is always the most basic subject for special forces. Even if it's shooting practice, you'll have to do a lot of physical training!"

"To put it bluntly, it's the first week of training plus shooting!"

There was a kind of frustration on the faces of all the recruits.

In fact, they had already guessed this result, but they didn't die until the heart of the Yellow River didn't die.

Now that they heard Chu Feng's exclusive explanation, they could be regarded as completely dead.

Chu Feng smiled: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense." Today's course starts with your favorite weight-bearing off-road. Twenty kilometers, fifty kilograms, catch the last three people, run!"

After the recruits ran out of the word, they immediately rushed out in the direction of Chu Feng's finger.

After running out, the team began to talk.

After a week of getting along, the people who stayed behind are already good friends.

Everyone suffers together, so there is nothing to say.

Wu Zhe said angrily again: "This rotten man, I already knew that he was all ghost ideas. Sure enough, I thought of another trick to fix us!"

Qi Huan, who came with him, sneered: "I see, this is just the beginning." When he can shoot, he might be holding back something!"

"Oh no!" said the wizard helplessly, "We've been here for a month, and we haven't touched a gun yet." If he comes up with any ideas, we won't be eliminated!"

Yuan Lang said coldly: "Wizard, you don't trust yourself so much?

The wizard hurriedly shook his head: "It's not the captain, I..."

"I'm not your captain anymore!" Yuan Lang ran with his head down: "Now, we are both students." Remember, do your best and don't drop the chain!"

The wizard nodded, "Understood!"

The Fire Phoenix female soldiers not far away were also angry.

But they've learned a lot and know it's useless to vent with their mouths.

If you want to survive here, you have to survive.

After surviving all the training, surviving all the assessments, they are finally qualified to speak.

Chu Feng watched everyone run out, turned his head and asked He Chenguang, "Are the guns ready?"

"Alright!" He Chenguang said, "It's going to rain heavily in a while, are you sure you want to shoot?"

"Of course!" Chu Feng nodded: "Such good weather, how can it be wasted." They think they'll be able to shoot when they get to shoot, and I'm going to crack down on their arrogance!"

He Chenguang smiled bitterly: "Brother Feng, you are really a devil!"

Chu Feng sighed: "I'm not ruthless now, when they go to the battlefield, they can at least come back alive!"

"Let's go, let's go to the shooting range!"

He Chenguang and the others followed Chu Feng and strode towards the shooting range.

Forty minutes later, just as the recruits were returning, it was finally raining heavily.

The soybean-sized raindrops slammed into the ground, splashing a large string of water droplets.

The recruits ran back desperately, carrying heavier and heavier backpacks.

Their clothes and backpacks were all soaked in the rain.

The further you go, the heavier the weight becomes.

When they finally returned to the camp, Wang Yanbing wore a poncho, pointed to the location of the shooting range and shouted: "Go to the shooting range, sprint, sprint!"

The recruits could only roar and sprint towards the shooting range, their eyes turning red.

When they arrived at the shooting range, under the organization of Zhuang Yan, all the recruits immediately lined up in a neat line.

Chu Feng held an umbrella and walked in front of them with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that every recruit was gasping violently, Chu Feng said loudly: "I know you are looking forward to shooting, just today, let me see what your shooting level is." "

"One minute of rapid fire, thirty rounds of ammunition. The first group, rush!"

The people standing in the first row immediately rushed towards the firing position.

"Finally you can shoot!" Takunaga excitedly rushed into the firing position.

But the next second he was stunned: "Damn, the firearm is decomposed?"

"The target has come out!" Chu Feng's voice came from afar: "What are you all doing?"

The recruits immediately began to assemble their guns in a hurry, and it was not until half a minute later that the shots rang out sporadically.

By the time the minute was up, half of them had not yet emptied their guns.

As for the bullets that hit the target, that's even less.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked up a sneer: "This is the so-called King of Soldiers, this shooting range, there has never been such a bad result." Shame on you, shame on you!"

"Report!" Takunaga yelled suddenly.

"Say!" Chu Feng interjected.

Takunaga turned around sharply: "I protest, I seriously protest." Such a task is not something that people can accomplish at all, and I think you are torturing us in disguise!"

Everyone was shocked by Takunaga's words.

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