Tuo Yonggang yelled at Chu Feng: "For your behavior of torturing soldiers, I will complain to my superiors." "

The rain was falling heavily, and everyone looked at Chu Feng.

The recruits have gone from the initial shock to the hatred of the same enemy.

Tsuyoshi spoke almost all of them.

After a 20-kilometer run, live fire was carried out without any rest, and the assembly and adjustment of the firearm had to be completed in one minute, and finally there was a high hit rate.

This is indeed an impossible task for people like Tuoyonggang.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and looked at all the recruits: "Do you all agree with what he said?"

"Agreed!" Ye Cunxin was the first to shout: "In such an environment, no one can play the results you want!"

"I also agree:" He Lu yelled at Shen Lanni: "We don't even have a chance to breathe, you let us shoot directly, this is nonsense!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Is there anyone else in favor?"

His gaze swept over all the recruits, but most of them bowed their heads in silence.

No one knew what Chu Feng was going to do, they were afraid of being punished.

But there were also many people who loudly agreed, cheering for the female soldiers of Tuo Yonggang and the Fire Phoenix.

Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction: "Enough! The reason why you agree is because you can't beat the results I want at all." In this way, you can choose any one of my people to do it. If they do what I want, then I'll let you run with your gear until the afternoon!"

"If you're scared, you can take back what you just said now, and I can forgive you for once!"

Takunaga just roared: "If I don't take it back, I want to see if you are as powerful as you say." If not, I'm going to complain to my superiors!"

"I won't take it back!" Ye Cunxin shouted.

Those who had just agreed shouted loudly, but no one flinched at this time.

Chu Feng smiled: "Okay, since you are willing to be punished, then choose someone!"

"I'm coming!" Lei Zhan took the initiative to stand up.

"I don't want you!" Tuoyong just took a step forward, pointed at Chu Feng and said, "I want him!"

The people of the dragon soul looked at Chu Feng in unison, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but show a smile.

Tuoyong can just find anyone, but find Chu Feng....... It's no different from looking for death.

Chu Feng is the foundation of the entire dragon soul, He Chenguang and the others were taught by him, Tuo Yonggang compared marksmanship with Chu Feng, this is not looking for death.

Lei Zhan smiled: "Boy, I advise you to find me, so that you won't lose so ugly!"

Takunaga just said stubbornly: "I'm going to find him, since he is the captain, he should be the most powerful." If he can play what he says, I won't be ambiguous if he asks me to eat in the future!"

"Yes, if you have the ability, you will come out, don't hide behind your men!" Ye Cunxin also shouted arrogantly.

Wang Yanbing whispered, "Captain, why don't I solve them?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, I'll come!"

He strode up to Tuo Yonggang and looked at him coldly: "If I did it, you wouldn't be so simple as running until the afternoon." I'll keep you running until tomorrow morning!"

"I'm happy to run to death!" Takunaga roared.

"I'd love to!"

"I do, too!"

Others shouted.

Chu Feng nodded: "I appreciate your persistence, but sometimes, blind persistence is stupid!"

"Xiao Ying, Wu Xin!" Chu Feng shouted.

"Here!" the two men quickly ran over.

Chu Feng: "Prepare a hundred kilograms of equipment, and the two of you will pull me with a backpack rope." I don't bully them, I run ten laps around the range before I shoot!"

"Yes!" Xiao Ying and Wu Xin did not hesitate at all, and unloaded the backpacks of the two recruits and gave them to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng hung a rucksack in front and back, a full hundred kilograms, which was equivalent to carrying a person on his body.

Xiao Ying and Wu Xin each brought a backpack rope and tied it firmly to Chu Feng's body.

Chu Feng glared at Tuo Yonggang, and then looked at the others: "You guys are optimistic!"

With that, he suddenly accelerated forward and rushed out.

Xiao Ying and Wu Xin exerted their strength, but they were still dragged out by him.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock, because they could see that Xiao Ying and Wu Xin's bodies were falling backwards.

But their strength couldn't resist Chu Feng's pull at all, and they were dragged by Chu Feng to spin wildly around the shooting range.

Chu Feng's speed was like a 100-meter sprint, and the shooting range was a thousand meters down with one punch.

He ran ten laps in half the time of the recruits.

Wu Xin and Xiao Ying were already tired like dogs, squatting on the side and panting.

And Chu Feng rushed into the firing position with an arrow step, and the disassembled gun seemed to be alive in his hand.

Tuo Yonggang and the others were shocked to see that the parts seemed to automatically fly onto the gun and put together, which was enough to prove that the speed of Chu Feng's gun was outrageously fast.

In three seconds, a gun was assembled, and at that moment the target came out.

Chu Feng didn't even use the school gun, and fired fiercely directly at the target in the distance.

"Da Da Da....."

One by one, the bullets burst out of the chamber, shattering the rain curtain and shooting in a line towards the distant target.

In less than twenty seconds, all the bullets were fired.

Chu Feng stood up and yelled: "Bring the target over and show them, so as not to say that I am cheating!"

Takunagagang and the others stood in place dumbfounded.

Soon, a soldier came over with a target: "Captain 30 shots, all 10 rings!"

Tuo Yonggang, Ye Cunxin and others immediately rushed to the target.

I saw that the position of the ten rings was densely packed with bullet holes, and I counted exactly thirty.

"Oh my God, this, how is this possible?" Takunaga just hit his jaw on the ground.

Ye Cunxin covered his head: "What kind of international joke, thirty bullets fired in a row, and they were able to hit all ten rings..... Doesn't his gun have recoil?"

Stunned, everyone was stunned.

Not only the recruits, but even the people who were silent just now were stunned.

It's just that the people who were silent just now are rejoicing.

And the people who call the board now want to die.

"There are people outside the world, and there are heavens outside the sky!" Chu Feng said coldly: "Since I can form a dragon soul, I naturally have my strength." Alright, strap on your backpack and grab your gun. Your goal is to run from here to the mountains 10 kilometers away, and then run back 1"

"When is dawn, when will you stop!" Chu Feng said coldly: "If you stop halfway, then you will be eliminated." And I want to say to your old troops that you were eliminated because of your arrogance and arrogance!"

"Run!" Chu Feng roared.

Takanaga just aggrieved Baba put on his backpack.

Ye Cunxin followed him and glared at him fiercely: "I shouldn't have listened to you, I should have known that he was very powerful, it was all you!"

Tuo Yonggang looked aggrieved, thinking to himself, eldest sister, I don't know you!

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