Since Chu Feng showed his skills, all the recruits have been completely honest.

No matter how perverted and demanding the daily training is, everyone is gritting their teeth and desperately completing it.

There's no way, whoever calls the veterans here are so powerful, they can only fight hard if they want to stay.

Soon, a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The week of hell around the week has improved the recruits' physical fitness by a big step.

Military skills such as shooting, obstacle running, and skydiving have also improved significantly.

In the beginning, running 15 kilometers with 50 kilograms of equipment on their backs could exhaust them half to death.

But after a month, let them run 30 kilometers with 60 kilograms of equipment on their backs, and everyone will still have spare energy when they come back.

However, although everyone's ability has improved, only half of the people remain, including the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix.

In fact, according to Chu Feng's standards, the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix should have all gone out a long time ago, and their strength was even inferior to those soldiers who were eliminated.

But it can't be helped, people have a backstage.

As long as they could complete every task, Chu Feng could only train them.

It just so happened that these female soldiers were also very hardworking, although their grades were a little worse, but they worked hard every time, and Chu Feng had nothing to say.

Seeing that more than half a month has passed, the camp of the Dragon Soul Brigade has been completely completed.

The training of the recruits has officially come to an end, and those who can basically stay can stay.

On this morning, according to the training plan, Chu Feng organized the recruits to parachute, and after landing, they carried out 30 kilometers of interspersed training in the mountains.

He was just about to leave the house when the phone rang suddenly.

"Hey, I'm Chu Feng!"

Zhao Changshan's laughter came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Chu, don't come to harm, I'm Zhao Changshan!"

Red Arrow Brigade Commander Zhao Changshan!

Since the last time he saw him in the community, Chu Feng had almost forgotten about this person.

"Brigade Commander Zhao, why did you suddenly remember to call me?" Chu Feng asked.

Zhao Changshan smiled and said, "Didn't you say last time, you must let me invite you to dinner." Don't you have time at noon today, let's gather in the city!"

Chu Feng shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm going to organize a training today, so let's do it another day!"

Zhao Changshan hurriedly said: "The matter of training will be handed over to any subordinate to handle it." I've booked a hotel today, and the decoration of your house is almost complete, so I let my men keep an eye on it. Let's eat, just to report back to you!"

Chu Feng asked in surprise: "The decoration of my house, are you staring at?"

Zhao Changshan laughed and said: "Not only your house, but also the decoration of your soldiers' homes, I also arranged for people to go, and now it's almost all right." Today, you come to have a meal, and you should also accept it. If there is any dissatisfaction, I will let my subordinates do it again!"

Chu Feng hurriedly asked, "What about the money for decoration?"

Zhao Changshan smiled: "Don't mention money to me, it's too polite." Let's come out for dinner, let's meet and talk, I'll send you the address later!"

The phone hung up, and Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

His house was not renovated because he didn't have time.

And no one is watching, even if it is renovated, it is possible to cut corners.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng put the key and decoration plan at Director Luo, and Zhao Changshan did it secretly.

With such a big favor, if Chu Feng didn't go, he wouldn't be able to say anything about the etiquette.

Chu Feng thought about it, then called Fan Tianlei over, explained the matter, and asked him to organize today's training.

Fan Tianlei heard that his house had been renovated, and said excitedly: "Captain, you must go to this meal." I see, this Brigade Commander Zhao must have something to ask us, otherwise he would never be so arrogant!"

Chu Feng nodded: "If I give him money, he will definitely not accept it." Eighty percent of them have something to ask for..... Lao Fan, you take care of your home, I'll go and see how to save it!"

Fan Tianlei nodded happily: "Captain, don't worry, you can go by the way to see how our house is decorated!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, of course he knew Fan Tianlei's thoughts.

The old boy couldn't wait to get his wife and children to a new house.

Chu Feng also knew that he was getting a divorce, and with a new house, many things were solved.

At noon, Chu Feng came to a restaurant with good decoration according to the address given by Zhao Changshan.

Zhao Changshan was already waiting at the door, and when he saw Chu Feng coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Chu, you're finally here, I'm still worried that you won't come!"

Zhao Changshan rushed up and shook hands with Chu Feng, as if he was seeing a leader.

Chu Feng was also a little embarrassed, people helped him decorate, and today he invited guests to dinner, he felt that he was sorry for others if he didn't help do something.

"Brigade Commander Zhao, you should have something to ask me for help, right?" Chu Feng went straight to the point: "If there is anything, you can say it directly, we are all neighbors, and there are not so many bells and whistles!"

Zhao Changshan laughed: "Brother Chu is just refreshing, and he can't hide anything from you!

Zhao Changshan immediately ordered the food to be served, and then he opened a bottle of Moutai that was said to be more than ten years old.

The two pushed the cup and changed the lamp, the wine was over three rounds, and the dish was over five flavors, and Zhao Changshan put down the cup.

"Brother Chu, let's tell you the truth!" Zhao Changshan said with a flushed face: "Brother is looking for you this time, I really have something important to ask you for help!"

"Say!" Chu Feng nodded.

Zhao Changshan smiled bitterly: "Actually, the above is preparing to promote me to be a teacher." As a result, I was hit hard by you last time, and it was useless to promote the division commander, and I was asked to retrain the troops. "

Chu Feng said helplessly: "Lao Zhao, I really didn't mean it last time, it was all a drill...."

Zhao Changshan waved his hand: "I know, you don't need to explain much." "

"I'm looking for you today, because our legion is going to conduct another exercise! I'm on the red side, and the blue side is the Composite Ninth Brigade of another military region!"

"Synthetic Ninth Brigade?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, wasn't that the force of Niu Hard.

Zhao Changshan nodded: "It's the Ninth Brigade! Although they are the establishment of a brigade, they are actually a division, and they are larger than a division. "

"Let me have a brigade to fight against a division, and their equipment is more advanced than mine, isn't this a trap for me!"

Zhao Changshan looked at Chu Feng: "So, I want to ask your help, brother, you must help me get through this difficulty..... Please, dude!"

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