Zhao Changshan is also a tough guy in Chu Feng's impression.

Chu Feng didn't expect that he would become like this even after drinking some wine.

Chu Feng sighed and said, "Brother Zhao, since you treat me as a brother, I will definitely help with this favor." However, the consent of the military region is required, and I can't help you participate in the exercise at will, right?"

Zhao Changshan hadn't finished saying how to help, he didn't expect Chu Feng to have completely guessed it.

It's easy to talk to smart people.

Zhao Changshan hurriedly said: "I have already reported to Commander Gao, and Commander Gao said that as long as you agree, it will be fine." "

Chu Feng doesn't like to owe others a favor, Zhao Changshan took the initiative to help him decorate in private this time, Chu Feng must return this favor.

And Zhao Changshan looks good, if he helps him this time, it is equivalent to giving himself an extra helper in the army.

In the future, if he Chu Feng is on the throne, as long as there are people under him, he will be a man of his word in the army.

Chu Feng nodded: "Since Commander Gao has agreed, then I don't have anything to say." Lao Zhao, don't worry, this time I will not only help you win, but also help you win a beautiful battle. "

"This time, I will definitely let you become the master as you wish!"

Zhao Changshan's excited eyes were red: "If you can really become a master, big brother, you will be my brother in the future!"

Zhao Changshan took a bowl, then reopened a bottle of Moutai and directly filled the big bowl.

He raised the bowl and said seriously: "Big brother, this bowl of wine is my respect for you." The drill is twenty days away, so please come and help when the time comes. "

"I did it, you feel free!"

After speaking, Zhao Changshan raised his neck and drained all the bowls of wine in one go.

The two ate for more than an hour, and finally Zhao Changshan was so drunk that he couldn't even walk, so he took Chu Feng's hand and shouted brother, so he almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Chu Feng had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and call his two orderlies to pick him up.

Because of the drinking, Chu Feng didn't rush to drive back, but went to the community to have a look first.

Zhao Changshan didn't fool him, and his new home was built entirely according to his renderings.

Chu Feng checked it, the materials were the best, and the workers' techniques were also good.

The whole home has begun to take shape, and it won't be long before you can move in.

Chu Feng looked at the other people's houses again, the decoration was almost finished, and the materials were the best in all aspects.

Chu Feng was slightly moved in his heart, it seems that Zhao Changshan is really not doing a face-saving project.

When he went back that night, Chu Feng told everyone about the house being decorated.

"Brigade Commander Zhao has really helped a lot this time, so I want to return his favor. "

After Chu Feng finished speaking, Li Erniu was the first to shout: "Brother Feng, you must bring me." Brigade Commander Zhao has saved me a lot of money, I must contribute to him!"

Wang Yanbing also shouted: "Count me in, we are not related to him, and we beat him so badly last time." It's rare that he doesn't hold grudges, and we're definitely going to help!"

Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction, his group of soldiers are all rectums, and the grace of dripping water should be reciprocated.

Such a soldier is worth his effort.

Chu Feng immediately ordered a few people and asked them to prepare and participate in this operation in twenty days.

"Fifteen days away, our recruit training is over. When the time comes, I'm going to bring a few recruits with me!"

Chu Feng said: "You guys pay attention, see which ones are good, and bring them together when the time comes!"

"Yes!" He Chenguang and the others shouted.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed quickly, and the recruit training of the Dragon Soul Brigade was nearing the end.

Chu Feng set them up with one last assessment: loyalty assessment.

This training is an assessment that all those who want to stay must pass.

Just when Chu Feng was making a more realistic way to do it, Gao Shiwei suddenly called him and asked him to go to the military headquarters immediately.

Chu Feng had no choice but to hand over the task to An Ran and the others, and drove to the military headquarters by himself.

"Report!" Chu Feng shouted as he stood at Gao Shiwei's door.

"Come in!" Gao Shiwei shouted.

Chu Feng walked in and closed the door with his backhand.

Gao Shiwei waved his hand at him: "Sit down!"

Chu Feng sat on the sofa opposite Gao Shiwei, and Gao Shiwei made him a cup of tea.

"I called you here this time for the exercise!" Gao Shiwei said in a deep voice.

Chu Feng nodded: "Brigade Commander Zhao has already looked for me, I have agreed, and the manpower has been chosen!"

Gao Shiwei: "I know, he has already reported to me. But I'd like to find you alone!"

Chu Feng squinted, he could see the worry in Gao Shiwei's heart.

Gao Shiwei coughed and said: "This synthetic Ninth Brigade, he is actually a division, and the equipment is more advanced than the Red Arrow Brigade!"

"This Red Arrow Brigade is a showdown between our military region and the Central Plains Military Region this time!"

"The Ninth Brigade of the Composite Brigade represents the Central Plains Military Region, and the Red Arrow Brigade represents our Military Region. But those shameless people actually got a division to fight with one of our brigades, but I can't say it, because the current establishment of the Ninth Brigade is indeed another division!"

Chu Feng saw that Gao Shiwei's expression changed dramatically.

He can imagine that Gao Shiwei should have been tricked by the Central Plains Military Region.

He thought that if the Red Arrow Brigade was selected, it would definitely be enough.

Who would have thought that the other party would be shameless and get a division-sized brigade to come over, and Gao Shiwei could only suffer a dumb loss.

Gao Shiwei continued: "We must not lose this exercise. Because whoever wins the exercise this time will be assigned to which military region a batch of equipment will be dispatched. "

"So, we have to win!"

Gao Shiwei stared at Chu Feng: "This hope is on you! I beg you, you must help the Red Arrow Brigade and help our Southeast Military Region win this battle!"

Chu Feng stood up and saluted: "This is a must, no matter how strong the Synthetic Ninth Brigade is, I don't take them seriously!"

Gao Shiwei smiled bitterly: "If you want to synthesize the Ninth Brigade alone, I will be relieved if you match the Red Arrow Brigade." The point is, they still have helpers....."

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