A few hours later, the bookshelf helicopter landed on the edge of a jungle.

Fan Tianlei jumped off the plane with everyone and quickly gathered on the side of the road.

At this time, a team of armed police officers came over, led by a colonel who saluted Fan Tianlei.

"How's the situation?" asked Fan Tianlei.

"We captured six people and killed eleven of them," said the armed police colonel. The captives confessed that the large army came over about this evening, and that they had come to fight the vanguard. "

"The police have deployed to arrest the contacts here, we will continue to contact the drug dealers, and the rest will be left to you!"

Fan Tianlei saluted: "Don't worry, this is the mission of our special forces!"

The recruits listened to the sidelines, and many of them did not look good.

With the exception of a small group of people, most of the people here have never been on a mission.

Now, suddenly take them to a strange border and snipe strange people.

Even if they know that the other party is a heinous drug dealer, their hearts are not so good.

Xu Sanduo asked a little tremblingly: "You won't come to the real thing!"

"Just look at the bullet!" Wu Zhe took out the magazine, and then his face became serious: "It's live ammunition!"

Yuan Lang took a look, and his face became very serious: "Everyone, pay attention, this action is completely different from what we have carried out before. We are ambushing a small group of enemies, but this time we are dealing with drug trafficking forces like regular troops!"

"Use all of this time to practice, and don't take it lightly!"

"Understood!" The soldier who came with Yuan Lang nodded at the same time.

Several female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix had ugly faces at this time.

Tan Xiaolin patted everyone's helmets and said seriously: "Don't be afraid, don't forget that we are special forces, just to protect our family and defend the country." Now is a great opportunity to show our ability, for the fire phoenix, come on!"

"Come on!" each of the female soldiers whispered, but one cheer didn't make their faces any better.

Fan Tianlei walked over at this time, glanced at the expressions of all the soldiers, and sneered: "What, are you all afraid?"

"No!" everyone roared.

Fan Tianlei smiled: "I'm afraid it's nothing, everyone has a first time." But now I'm afraid that I can, and when I go to the battlefield later, don't show mercy to my subordinates. "

"Because we're dealing with mercenaries who have received formal training!"

"Just now, the armed police surrounded and suppressed less than 20 people, and they injured more than 10 people. If you take it lightly, you're committing suicide, you know?"

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

Fan Tianlei nodded: "Now assign the combat mission!"

All the soldiers immediately surrounded Fan Tianlei.

The innermost one sits, the back one squats, and the rearmost one stands.

Fan Tianlei took out the map and drew a circle!

"This is the only way for militants to sell drugs, and we are going to surround this area. As long as they enter our country, we must make dumplings, and we can't let them escape, understand?"


Fan continued: "I will divide the team into ten teams, and each team will be led by a veteran. You must obey the orders of the veterans and not hesitate, you see?"

"Yes!" everyone yelled again.

Fan Tianlei immediately planned a team, and then Fan Tianlei, He Chenguang and others led a team to quickly advance into the jungle according to the plan made.

After more than an hour, the various teams were already approaching their target location.

Fan Tianlei's voice sounded in everyone's headphones: "Now, adjust to the channels of each group." I'm in command, don't mess up everyone's channels!"

The members of the various squads began to debug their headsets as they ran.

Li Erniu led the team to quickly rush to a hillside, and their ambush was on this hillside.

They were running, and suddenly the grass on either side of them suddenly moved.

Before the recruits could react, twenty or thirty people suddenly rushed out of the grass and rushed directly towards these recruits.

Li Erniu was the first to be knocked down, and then was hit on the head by a rifle butt and fainted.

"Captain!" a recruit yelled, desperately rushing towards Li Erniu.

But before he could take two steps, he was knocked to the ground by an armed man.

Then a militant rushed up and kicked him in the chin, knocking him unconscious.

The rest of the recruits were no better, either knocked down or surrounded by two or three militants.

In less than a minute, all the recruits fell to the ground, and one by one they were beaten unconscious.

On the other side, Song Kaifei took Yuan Lang's group of cats into a bush with his waist down.

"We're almost at our destination, everyone's voices are soft!" Song Kaifei emphasized: "The enemy is likely to come, if we make a move, our operation will be exposed!"

"Understood!" Yuan Lang and the others whispered.

At this moment, a vote suddenly rushed out of the bushes on both sides.

"Da Da Da....."

A shuttle of bullets all hit Song Kaifei's body.

Yuan Lang and the others saw with their own eyes that Song Kaifei was bleeding all over, and he fell to the ground without moving.

"Captain!" Xu Sanduo wanted to rush over excitedly.

But the militants who surrounded them kicked him down, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at everyone's head.

"Don't move, move and blow your heads off!"

Chengcai still wanted to resist, but he was hit in the back of the head, and the whole person immediately fainted.

"Put down the gun!" shouted the militants.

At this moment, they are already surrounded, and there is no room to fight back.

Yuan Lang looked at the situation and could only sigh: "Listen to them, put down the gun first." "

Everyone had no choice but to put the gun down.

"Take them all!" one of the leaders shouted.

The militants immediately pushed and shoved and took Yuan Lang and his party away.

When Yuan Lang and the others left, they saw Song Kaifei's body lying in the bushes, and everyone's eyes showed strong anger.

In a village in the jungle, Chu Feng was cross-legged, listening to music and eating melon seeds.

At this moment, the walkie-talkie on the table suddenly rang: "Captain, captain, my team has also been arrested, I will come over and return to the team immediately!"

Wang Yanbing, who was beside Chu Feng, shook his head: "It's another team, and there are already eight teams." Hey, this batch of recruits is far worse than we were then, it seems to be a bit of a dish!"

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