Ten minutes later, the last group came with a report that all the recruits had been captured.

He Zhijun walked into the room with a smile: "Brother Chu, aren't your recruits not very good, they were caught by me so easily." "

Wang Yanbing said dissatisfiedly: "Brigade Commander He, you were ambushed on the road in advance, and you were only a few centimeters away from them to attack. If you can't catch it, doesn't that mean you're too weak?"

He Zhijun laughed and said: "Okay, I didn't say that your recruits were bad, I just praised and praised my soldiers." "

Chu Feng stood up: "Even we came out of the wolf's teeth, Lao He, you must be powerful, otherwise how can there be our group of soldiers!"

He Zhijun smiled with joy: "Okay, don't be poor, how do you get it next? Are these soldiers tried separately?"

"Of course!" Chu Feng nodded: "More than two hundred people, if they get together, it won't be all messed up! "

"No problem!" He Zhijun said with a smile: "My soldiers, I am very willing to judge the people of your Dragon Soul Brigade." I can't get out of my breath normally, but I definitely have to get out of my breath today!"

"Then you are free!" Chu Feng waved his hand.

He Zhijun walked out with a smile, and there was immediately a chaotic sound of footsteps outside.

Wang Yanbing asked suspiciously: "Brother Feng, you said that the wolf-toothed people will not cripple our people!"

"No!" Chu Feng shook his head: "But it will definitely be used, and it will definitely not be disabled." When they reach the limits of their bodies, they will stop!"

"We're going to test loyalty, they're not killing, and they're not real enemies!"

Wang Yanbing nodded: "I hope these soldiers can endure it, as long as they endure it, they will be real Dragon Soul special forces!"

"I hope too!" Chu Feng's eyes were full of anticipation.

Under He Zhijun's arrangement, the captured recruits were divided into ten teams, and all of them were taken to separate places for examination.

Chu Feng and his people could be in the house, through the video transmitted from the scene, to accurately see the trial situation of each team.

"Let's take a look at this team first!" Chu Feng pointed to the picture.

Wang Yanbing immediately turned up the picture, only to see a team of people being taken to the water prison.

Under the threat of militants disguised as the wolf-tooth special forces, everyone jumped into the water prison.

Even through the screen, you can see a disgusting layer of dirt floating in the water.

The water was already up in their chests, and everyone jumped down to take a sip of dirty water.

"Damn, these wolf-toothed people are so disgusting, there seems to be feces on them!" Wang Yanbing pouted.

Chu Feng smiled: "If they encounter a real enemy, they may encounter a more dangerous situation. We are special forces, and this situation will happen at any time. Exercise more now and you won't be so panicked in the future!"

Wang Yanbing nodded, only to see that the water prison was suddenly opened, and a new soldier was dragged out.

Then he tied his legs with ropes and lowered half of his body into the water in front of everyone.

The recruits in the water prison yelled angrily: "Don't mess with him, there's a kind of come to me, come to me!"

The militants standing on the water dungeon smiled, and immediately pointed to the two most ferocious recruits who shouted and told them to come up.

They were also tied to their feet and hung upside down together and put into the water.

The bodies of the three men twisted and struggled frantically, and it was only when they were almost unable to move that they were lifted up.

A leader walked up to them and struck them the body with a stick.

The three of them were already close to being unconscious, and at this time they were spitting water, and the expressions on their faces were extremely uncomfortable.

"Say, How many companions do you have? Where and what weapons were used. "

The leader said coldly: "Say it, and I will give you a way out." Don't say it, I'm going to kill you today!"

A hanging recruit laughed and spat on the leader's shoe: "We're all of us, you, there's a kind of kill us, don't be crooked, when we're afraid of you?"

The other two recruits also shouted taunts, scolding the eighteenth generation of the leader's ancestors.

The leader walked over angrily, and the stick beckoned to the three of them.

The three men were beaten to death, but they never answered a word from him.

"I'm giving you one last chance, and if I don't say anything, I'll drown you!"

The three recruits yelled almost at the same time: "If you have a seed, you will come, if you don't dare, you will be raised by a bitch!"

The leader sneered: "Okay, then I will fulfill you!"

He waved his hand, and the rope immediately descended, and the three recruits were thrown into the water together.

I saw that they struggled for a moment and then lost their movement.

By the time they pulled up, they were completely unconscious.

"Damn, it's not going to be dead!" Wang Yanbing shouted in surprise.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Don't make a fuss, it's shock now, they will save it." These three guys are good, they cleared the level!"

Wang Yanbing exhaled lightly: "Scared me, I thought they were finished!"

"Look at the Fire Phoenix!" Chu Feng said, "This team should be fine, they can all pass the level!"

Wang Yanbing nodded, and immediately switched to the Fire Phoenix's side.

As soon as the picture switched over, it was a vibrant picture.

I saw that all the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix were tied to chairs.

The place where it is convex is very convex.

The rope is also tied very well, exposing all the places of their greatest shame.

However, at this time, these female soldiers did not care about shame.

Because their bodies were all electrified, a man with five big and three rough men stood in front of them and roared: "I have said good things, if you don't listen to persuasion, I will really be tortured!"

Ye Cunxin trembled and said, "Tell you, my aunts and grandmothers are not afraid of anything." But if we die, we won't let you go!"

Dahan sneered: "Yes, then I'll see how hard your mouth is!"


The big man roared angrily, and the person next to him immediately pulled down the electric switch.

In an instant, a wave of electricity rushed towards the female soldier.

All the female soldiers were almost straight, trembling uncontrollably all over their bodies.

But because they were fixed to their chairs, they couldn't move at all, but they made the most shameful places even more prominent.

Wang Yanbing licked his lips: "Brother Feng, you said, if the current is too big." They're not going to explode!"

Chu Feng smiled: "Then you can see for yourself!"

At this moment, the electricity was turned off, and all the female soldiers were gasping with difficulty, as if they had gone to the ghost gate.

The big man asked coldly, "Does it taste good?" If you don't want to do it again, answer my question immediately, who will come first?"

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