After a round of electric shocks, the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix seemed to have been closed from the ghost gate, and everyone's faces were full of exhaustion.

The big man whispered coldly at them, "It doesn't taste good, does it? As long as you answer my questions, I will make sure you are comfortable." Say, for the sake of your own life, don't keep it a secret. No one will come to save you, only you can save yourself!"

He Lu raised his head with difficulty, and as soon as the big man saw that there was a play, he immediately leaned over: "Do you want to say?"

He Lu nodded, and the big man smiled: "Okay, you say." As long as you say it, I promise to keep you alive. "

He Lu looked at the big man and said coldly: "I want to tell you, you are so ugly, how did your mother give birth to you?"

All the female soldiers sneered, and the big man's face instantly became extremely ugly.

"You're looking for death!" the big man slapped He Lu in the face, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"Torture!" the big man roared angrily.

The current was turned on again, and He Lu and all the female soldiers trembled from the electricity, and even wisps of white smoke were burned out of their skin, and their hair stood on end one by one.

It took a full minute for the female soldiers to stop before they could run out of breath.

Dahan looked at the female soldier who was already decadent to the extreme, and laughed coldly: "This is your last chance, if you don't say anything, I will electrocute you all!"

Ye Cunxin spat weakly, rolled his eyes and said, "Say that your uncle, yes, there is a kind, kill us." "

"You ugly man, stay where it's cool!" Ouyang Qian said coldly: "We, we're not afraid of death!"

Dahan nodded coldly: "Okay, you're not afraid of death, right, then I'll let you live rather than die!"

He walked over, dragged Ouyang Qian up, hugged her and walked to the side.

"What are you doing, let me go!" Ouyang Qian yelled angrily.

But she was already electrocuted and had no strength, no strength to struggle.

The big man smiled lewdly: "What am I doing? Of course I will do you! Don't worry, I am done, and my brothers, they will take turns to serve you!"

Dahan looked at the other female soldiers again: "It's okay if you don't want to say it, just give our brothers a good time, and work until you die!

"Don't say it!" roared all the female soldiers.

"Okay!" the big man smiled: "I'll her first, and I'll you one by one later!"

Ouyang Qian yelled, but was still taken away by the big man.

All the female soldiers let out angry roars, but it was completely useless to face the scene at this moment.

Tan Xiaolin clenched her teeth: "Sisters, no matter what happens, we can't say anything." You don't want to die, and it's okay to lose something else. We are soldiers, Chinese soldiers!"

"Yes!" each female soldier clenched her fists.

Chu Feng looked at the TV and nodded slightly: "Although these female soldiers are not good at military skills, their loyalty is still okay." The most precious thing for women is chastity, and they can even give up this.... Cleared!"

Wang Yanbing licked his lips: "I really envy that big man, who is that bastard, I didn't rub the oil!"

"He dares!" Chu Feng snorted coldly: "If I don't do it, Lao He will do it too!"

"Look at the other group!" Chu Feng said.

Wang Yanbing immediately went to switch the picture, and Chu Feng suddenly saw Yuan Lang's group and immediately asked him to stop.

The way Yuan Lang's group was interrogated was somewhat peculiar, each of them was held in a separate room and interrogated by three people.

Chu Feng was full of curiosity, pointed to Xu Sanduo's room and said, "Look at him." "

Wang Yanbing immediately switched to Xu Sanduo's room, and it happened that Xu Sanduo was being violently beaten by three people.

Wang Yanbing smiled: "This recruit is very stupid, quite simple. But he's quite stubborn, and he can be seen to be a good soldier when he trains. He's going to make it!"

Chu Feng smiled: "You are so sure of him?"

Wang Yanbing nodded: "He can give up his chance to win the first place, and he will take the initiative to help his comrades every time." I believe in such a soldier!"

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked up a smile.

In fact, he also likes honest people like Xu Sanduo.

Maybe he doesn't talk much, maybe he's stupid.

But what do you want to be so good at talking?

When you go to the battlefield, what you need most is to have someone you can trust by your side, and Xu Sanduo is just such a soldier.

At this moment, Xu Sanduo was suddenly carried by three people, and then fell to the ground hard.

Xu Sanduo fell heavily to the ground, and the chair under him was also smashed into pieces, and Chu Feng and Wang Yanbing could feel the pain through the screen.

"I'll go, it's too ruthless!" Wang Yanbing smacked his lips: "These wolf-toothed cubs are playing a little too much!"

Chu Feng also pouted, but the special forces of the wolf's teeth were experienced, and they would definitely not die to death, so he could only continue to watch.

On the screen, Xu Sanduo twisted on the ground in pain.

The three soldiers who interrogated him may also be a little scared, and turned their backs to Xu Sanduo and began to whisper something.

But at this moment, Xu Sanduo, who was lying on the ground, didn't know where the strength came from, and the whole person bounced up from the ground, and hit the knees of the two wolf-tooth special forces with two sticks.

The two special forces fell to their knees with a scream.

Xu Sanduo immediately ran headlong into the remaining one, slamming him against the wall, and the two scuffled.

"I'll go!" Wang Yanbing and Chu Feng's eyes widened almost at the same time.

None of them would have thought that Xu Sanduo would be so violent, and he would be able to get up after being beaten like that bird.

"This kid can!" Wang Yanbing smiled excitedly: "Everyone else was beaten, so he fought back!"

Chu Feng nodded: "In his mind now, he may not have thought about anything, probably just thinking about being able to leave here!"

As they spoke, Xu Sanduo had already knocked the guy who was scuffling with him to the ground.

Suddenly, Xu Sanduo took out a grenade from his waist and held it high above his head.

"Damn! play really!" Chu Feng and Wang Yanbing opened their mouths in surprise, and then rushed out as soon as possible.

With their understanding of Xu Sanduo, they absolutely believe that this second stunned man will play with his life.

Because, he must have taken it all for real.

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