Chu Feng looked at all the recruits with appreciation, and for the first time his face showed undisguised appreciation.

"I'm glad that two hundred and twenty-four people, no one is a bad seed!"

"I am also honored to be comrades in arms with a group of warriors with a will of steel!"

Chu Feng walked in front of the recruits: "Our Dragon Soul Brigade is the best special force in the country. But the good thing, you probably don't know!"

Chu Feng said in a deep voice: "It's not that the weapons we use are better, our treatment is better, and it's not that we eat better than others!"

"What's really good about us is that we have more opportunities to go on missions. Moreover, it is the most dangerous mission, a task that other troops cannot perform, and this is what we are good at!"

Chu Feng smiled: "Maybe you are thinking in your hearts, what's so good about this, is it obviously the worst army, you may lose your life at any time!"

Chu Feng suddenly stood up straight and said loudly: "But for a soldier, it is best to always be on the front line, to always shoulder the heavy responsibility of national security, and to become the idol of all soldiers!"

"Danger is inherently innate with soldiers. Because we are at risk of endangering the country, we are the best!"

"You've done a good job, and when it's the most dangerous, I can give you peace of mind. "

"Because I know that as long as you are alive, there will be no danger to my back. "

"If you are gone, I can follow you with peace of mind. This is the most important meaning of this assessment!"

All the recruits looked at Chu Feng with admiration.

No one said anything, but all of them saluted Chu Feng for the first time.

The resentment that originally existed in his heart was instantly dispelled without a trace by Chu Feng's words.

At this moment, all that is left in their hearts is pride.

"Bring it back!" Chu Feng said loudly: "After training for so long, everyone is really tired. Go back tonight and add dinner to the whole team!"

Fan Tianlei walked up to the team and shouted: "Turn right, walk in unison....."

Watching the team walk back neatly, He Zhijun walked to Chu Feng's side with a smile and gave a thumbs up: "Okay, it's so touching, I'm about to shed tears!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Why don't you bring your people to join my Dragon Soul?"

"Phew!" He Zhijun said disdainfully: "I am a dignified brigade commander, and I still take refuge in your door? One day you became a general, and you are recruiting me to your command!"

Chu Feng laughed and said, "Maybe, there will really be that day!"


That night, the restaurant of the Dragon Soul Brigade was unusually lively.

Fan Tianlei instructed the cooking class to add food to everyone tonight.

Originally, there were ten people at a table, six dishes and one soup.

Now it's twelve dishes plus a soup, and ten large bottles of drink to take.

The Dragon Soul Brigade has to carry out tasks at any time, so they can't drink alcohol, they can only use drinks instead.

The recruits laughed and laughed, and it was the first time they had been so indulgent since they came to the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Usually, under the majesty of the instructor, everyone is cautious, for fear of being punished for doing something wrong.

But today, even the instructors sat with them pushing cups and changing lamps, and shouts of excitement came from every table.

At Yuan Lang's table, the people in the team with Xu Sanduo all held cups to pay tribute to Xu Sanduo.

Xu Sanduo looked shy, with a simple smile on his face, and he didn't know what to say when he held his glass.

Chengcai patted his head and smiled: "Three nerds, you saved us all today." You, a life-saver, don't you want to say anything to us little brothers?"

Xu Sanduo stammered, "I, I, I don't know what to say." Today, I feel like I'm doing something wrong again. The captain didn't blame me, I'm so happy!"

Wu Zhe said seriously: "Sanduo, you did something wrong, you obviously did it too right." If it were true today, you might have saved us all. "

"Yes, Sanduo!" Qi Huan looked at him seriously: "From now on, you will be my savior." Saver benefactor, please allow me to toast you!"

After speaking, Qi Huan drank it himself.

Xu Sanduo touched his head and smiled: "It's not true, don't take it seriously!"

Yuan Lang patted him on the shoulder: "For us, if you save us today, that's true." For those two grenades, Sanduo, you have been our benefactor from that moment on. Whatever happens to you in the future, it's our brothers' business!"

"Captain!" Xu Sanduo looked moved.

"Hey!" Yuan Lang glared: "It's all said, now we're all the same, don't call me captain." "

"Yes, Captain!" Xu Sanduo nodded vigorously.

At the other table, the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix were also toasting.

Ye Cunxin whispered: "I got all his electric urine out today, but fortunately no one found out, otherwise it would be too ugly!"

Ouyang Qian smiled: "What are you, when that big man threw me on the haystack, I was so scared that the was going to come out." Fortunately, he took off his hood and told me to pretend to shout, and then I felt a little more at ease!"

"Bastard thing!" Tan Xiaolin punched her with a smile: "Do you know how much we worry about you, you still cooperate with others!"

Ye Cunxin covered his mouth: "Maybe, people are really happy, it was cool to shout at that time!"

Ouyang Qian's face suddenly turned red, and when she stood up, she slapped Ye Cunxin: "Tell you to talk nonsense, see if I don't tear your rotten mouth!"

Ye Cunxin smiled while hiding: "Did you see it, I pierced it, so I was annoyed and angry!"

"Kill you!" Ouyang Qian scolded angrily.

"Kill who!" Chu Feng walked over with a smile.

All the female soldiers immediately stood up and looked at Chu Feng respectfully.

Chu Feng smiled and waved his hand: "Sit down, I am very satisfied with your performance today, even beyond my expectations." "

Tan Xiaolin asked with a smile: "The captain, can we stay?"

Chu Feng gave her a roll of his eyes: "Do you still need to ask?"

The female soldiers all had bitter faces, and it was clear that they were asked to go back where they came from.

Chu Feng poured a drink and said with a smile: "Of course I stayed, I said during the day that you are already my comrades-in-arms!"

"Whoever comes, don't even think about taking you away!"

The female soldiers immediately stood up excitedly, and Ye Cunxin threw herself directly in front of Chu Feng and kissed him on the face: "Thank you, captain!"

Chu Feng took a sip of soda and squirted it all.

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