As night fell, the camp of the Dragon Soul Brigade was brightly lit.

The dinner party in the restaurant is not over yet.

Although everyone drank drinks, they were so excited that the drinks were simply used as wine.

At this moment, a helicopter roared into the sky above the Dragon Soul Brigade.

The cabin of the plane opened, and the two of them looked towards the camp of the Dragon Soul Brigade at the same time.

These two are the leaders of the Red side who will fight the Red Arrow Brigade in a few days.

One is Lan Zhiguang, the commander of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade, and the other is Lei Keming, the captain of the Sky Wolf Brigade.

Lan Zhiguang took out his night vision binoculars and overlooked the entire Dragon Soul Brigade.

The night was silent, but the Dragon Soul Brigade seemed even quieter than the night.

Except for the buzzing voices from the cafeteria, the entire camp was quiet and there was not even a single person.

Lan Zhiguang looked around, sneered and said: "This is the legendary top special forces in the country? I haven't even seen a single sentry, just this kind of low-level defense, if someone comes to make trouble, they will be served in a pot!"

Lei Keming didn't take back the telescope as quickly as Lan Zhiguang, he looked at it carefully for a long time, and didn't let go of every corner.

Known as a poisonous snake, his mind is far beyond ordinary people.

He didn't believe that the Dragon Soul Brigade, which was known as the number one in the country, would not have a single guard on duty.

Tonight, he and Lazy just flew over at night, just to learn about the situation of this special force first.

In order to prepare for the exercise a few days later, Lei Keming felt that he had to understand the enemy before he could defeat him during the exercise.

But he looked at it for a long time, and put down the telescope in disappointment.

"There's really no defense!" Lei Keming shook his head: "It doesn't make sense, are the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade so arrogant?"

Lan Zhiguang crossed his legs: "It seems that we have come for nothing, such a special force, dare to be called the first in the country? Lao Lei, I don't think it can be compared with your Sky Wolf Brigade at all, you should be called the first in the country!"

Lei Keming smiled slightly: "If I can defeat the Dragon Soul this time, then I will be the first deserved." But you can't be too proud until you defeat them!"

Lan Zhiguang gave him a thumbs up: "You are the most cautious guy I have ever seen, I was choked by you in the last exercise." Your means, I don't worry!"

"Okay, let's go!" Lei Keming sighed: "It seems that the Dragon Soul is really exaggerated! After all, it is a team composed of newcomers, and it may have some ability, but pride is the taboo of their failure!"

Lan Zhiguang nodded: "I don't think there's anything to look at, during the exercise, we just need to work together." With the Blues' strength and equipment, we can destroy them in minutes!"

"When the time comes, I will be promoted to division commander, and you will become the first special forces in the country. It's a win-win for both of us!"

Lei Keming smiled slightly: "I hope so!"

Lan Zhiguang waved his hand: "Pilot, go back." It's been too long in the military region, don't knock us down!"

The helicopter roared and turned away.

At this moment, a person stood at the door of the restaurant of the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Chu Feng looked up at the helicopter in the dark curtain, his eyes shining.

Night was nothing to his hawkeye.

He cut through all darkness and stared coldly at the two faces in the glass window.

"Viper Lei Keming, Synthetic Ninth Brigade Lan Zhiguang!" Chu Feng's mouth hooked up a sneer: "Are you still satisfied with what you watch?"


The next morning, the recruits still got up to the hurried whistle.

According to their previous habits, they put on all the equipment on their backs and quickly ran downstairs amid the scolding of the veterans.

Although he is already an official member of the Dragon Soul Brigade, he still has to train every day.

The recruits have only mastered the basics of some special forces.

They still have a lot to learn, and it will take longer to hone their abilities.

The only difference is that the veterans are not so fierce, and they no longer use their hands and feet when urging, but train with the recruits.

This makes the recruits feel good.

It also makes them feel like they are really part of the big family.

Chu Feng had eaten breakfast and was just about to go to training, he hadn't moved his muscles and bones for a long time.

After a few days of training, he has to prepare in advance.

At this moment, Tang Xinyi hurriedly ran over: "Commander Gao's call!"

Chu Feng nodded, walked to the office and picked up the phone: "Hey, commander, I'm Chu Feng!"

Gao Shiwei slapped the table angrily on the other end of the phone: "I received a challenge letter, which was sent by the Synthetic Ninth Brigade and the Sky Wolf Brigade together!"

Chu Feng sighed, he was not surprised at all by this matter.

Last night, it wasn't that his brigade was defenseless, but that it was just in a place where Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming couldn't see.

However, the two of them looked around and didn't see the doorway, thinking that the Dragon Soul Brigade was very weak.

It's normal to send a challenge letter now.

Gao Shiwei roared angrily: "Those guys are really too much, not only said that they would help us train the Red Arrow Brigade how to fight, but also said that they would teach you how to behave!"

Gao Shiwei roared angrily: "My troops, do you need them to teach them? Won't my Southeast Military Region teach my subordinates how to fight?"

Chu Feng was amused in his heart, and Gao Shiwei usually looked kind.

But it's actually very calve-protecting.

Once this kind of thing happens, he is as strong as an old mother whose child is beaten by outsiders.

It was precisely because of this that Chu Feng admired him.

A leader who does not treat his subordinates as human beings will naturally not be loved by his subordinates.

"Commander, don't be angry!" Chu Feng said with a smile: "When it comes to the exercise, the mouth cannon is useless, everything depends on the strength." Don't you know our strength?"

Gao Shiwei took a few deep breaths, and then said, "I have higher requirements for you now! First, give me their headquarters." Second, behead these two bastards for me, and I'll see how they teach my soldiers to behave!"

"Yes!" Chu Feng said solemnly: "I will let them know that the soldiers of the Southeast Military Region are the existence they can never afford to provoke!"

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