"Dishes are all right!" The aunt of the neighborhood committee happily carried a plate of roast mutton and put it on the table: "Yanbing, this is what Auntie is best at, do you remember?"

Wang Yanbing nodded vigorously: "Remember, of course I remember, when I was a child, I almost cried when I smelled this smell!"

The aunt laughed and said to Chu Feng and the others: "You don't know, this kid used to be a leather monkey." Every time I cook this dish at home, when I eat, there will be a few pieces missing. "

"This kid is crawling on the roof of my house and fishing for mutton with a small hook!"

Chu Feng and the others laughed when they heard this, and Qian Dasheng patted Wang Yanbing on the back: "I didn't expect the chief to be so naughty since he was a child!"

Wang Yanbing smiled innocently: "Young and ignorant, they are all young and ignorant!"

The aunt suddenly said solemnly: "But ah, although Yan Bing is naughty, he is not bad-eyed." He looks like a social thug, but he helped us a lot!"

"That's right!" an uncle nodded: "Although Yan Bing doesn't say it, we all know it in private." Yanbing, what a good boy!"

Aunt waved her hand: "Okay, don't bother the comrades of the army, hurry up and let the family have a good meal and taste our craftsmanship!"

The neighbors stood up and dispersed, leaving Wang Yanbing and a few of them behind.

Wang Yanbing picked up his wine glass and said with a smile: "Thank you for your help, today I Wang Yanbing opened my face, thank you!"

"I'll do this wine first!"

With that, he raised his head and drained the wine in his glass.

Qian Dasheng laughed and said, "Happy, I haven't been so happy for a long time." Brother Yanbing, it's thanks to you today, otherwise our brigade commander wouldn't have given us leave, and naturally we wouldn't have been able to drink!"

The Red Arrow Brigade is a mobile unit, and alcohol is prohibited throughout the brigade in peacetime.

Even if you are on vacation, you can't drink because you may be recalled at any time.

Only in the case of expatriates like the present can you drink alcohol.

Wang Yanbing scratched his head: "You are too polite, if it weren't for your help, how would I be so face-saving." Come on, I'm toasting everyone!"

"Come on, come on, let's come together!" Chu Feng also raised his wine glass.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone drank red and red.

Wang Yanbing leaned on Chu Feng and said with a flushed face: "Captain, this time, I really want to thank you this time." I haven't been treated well by them since I was a child, and if you hadn't helped me make a face, they wouldn't have been so welcoming when I came back this time!"

"You're wrong!" Chu Feng took a bite of food: "In the eyes of the neighbors, you will always be the Wang Yanbing who wants to save face." They're with you after the show!"

Wang Yanbing's eyes widened in surprise: "What did you say?"

Chu Feng said lightly: "I looked around before and found that there were several photos of soldiers hanging in their homes, and two of them were lieutenants. "

"This shows that your neighbors know the military rank, and they also know what status you have in the army!"

Wang Yanbing's mouth opened wide in shock, and his face seemed to be smacked hard.

Chu Feng patted him: "But they didn't say anything, but finished the performance with you." This shows that in their eyes, you are still the same child from the past. They follow you because they want to protect your self-esteem. "

"At the same time, they are really happy for you!"

"A skin monkey who grew into a soldier. For them, this is a huge qualitative change in your life. They are happy for you from the bottom of their hearts. "

"Even if you become a big official, they don't need to scold you. Only people who care about you care about your changes care about you!"

Wang Yanbing's mind was buzzing.

Chu Feng's words were like a thunderbolt slashing in his brain.

He never dreamed that in the eyes of the neighbors, he would become everyone's child.

Wang Yanbing didn't expect that he thought everyone hated him, but everyone hoped that he would be good from the bottom of their hearts.

Wang Yanbing's nose was sour, and his eyes instantly moistened when he looked at the dishes and wine on the table.

Chu Feng patted him on the back: "Okay, as long as you are good, they will be happy." Always remember that no matter where you go in the future, this will be your home!"

Wang Yanbing nodded vigorously, picked up the wine glass and drank it all with Chu Feng.

That night, Chu Feng and the others all drank too much.

I slept until the next morning and didn't wake up.

Chu Feng proposed that the soldiers serve the community for free, which can be regarded as a return for last night's meal.

Wang Yanbing immediately went to buy cleaning tools, and all the soldiers immediately began to clean the entire community.

This busyness is the passage of three days.

Chu Feng also paid out of his own pocket and hired workers to repaint the walls of the entire community.

All residents were given a free tile change for their houses.

By the way, the electrical circuits of the entire community were repaired, and the company was also contacted to connect the community with gas.

Of course, the money was all in the name of Wang Yanbing.

These are real things, but for the people who have lived here all their lives, every single thing is a big deal for them.

Five days later, the community has been renewed.

Wang Yanbing looked at this brand-new community, as if he had returned to his childhood.

He remembers the community as if it were what it is now when he was a child.

That night, Chu Feng invited everyone to the restaurant for dinner.

"It's been a hard work for the past few days!" Chu Feng toasted to Qian Dasheng and them.

Qian Dasheng and the others immediately stood up: "Chief, you are so polite. This kind of trivial thing is not comparable to our training at all. You're taking our vacation!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "No matter what, I have to thank you." Tomorrow, we are leaving, and if there is a fate in the future, we will get together!"

Qian Dasheng and Wang Yanbing opened their mouths in surprise: "Let's go, tomorrow?"

Chu Feng nodded, looked at Wang Yanbing and said, "I have already made an appointment with He Chenguang and them, tomorrow, let's go to Erniu's house!"

Wang Yanbing immediately laughed: "Great, I have long wanted to see what kind of fairy Cuifen is that Erniu talks about every day!"

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