Early the next morning, the genius was bright, and Chu Feng and the others quietly left Wang Yanbing's house.

The neighbors were so enthusiastic these days that Chu Feng didn't want to disturb them, so he chose to leave quietly.

Wang Yanbing sat in the car and took one last look at the community.

He knew that if he left this time, he would probably be difficult to come back in the future.

He already has a new house, and he is home everywhere he goes.

So here, it really could be the last time he's back.

Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder: "Don't think about it, I will come back if I have a chance in the future." Even if you have a new home, this is where you grew up. "

Wang Yanbing nodded: "Yes, I will definitely come back in the future!"

Qian Dasheng drove them to the train station, and Chu Feng asked them to go back directly.

"Leader, we can send you to your destination!" Qian Dasheng said: "Our brigade commander has already ordered, just listen to your orders." Wherever you say, I'll drive!"

Chu Feng laughed: "Tell you Brigade Commander Zhao, you're welcome." We are going to the provinces, the distance is long, and there may be a delay of several days. You'd better go back and hurry up and train, don't delay your business!"

Qian Dasheng scratched his head: "Then tell me, where are you going, I can talk back to the brigade commander! Otherwise, his temper will definitely be criticized if he knows that I didn't send you!"

Chu Feng smiled, and could only tell Qian Dasheng his destination.

"It's thousands of kilometers away from here, and it's still convenient for me to take the train!" Chu Feng said.

Qian Dasheng nodded, and saluted Chu Feng and Wang Yanbing: "Then the two of you will go slowly, and we will get together again if we have a chance!"

Chu Feng and Wang Yanbing also returned a military salute, watched them leave, and then went to the train station to buy tickets.

To go to Li Erniu, you must first go to a second-class city in a certain province in the Central Plains, and then transfer trains to get there.

Although Wang Yanbing's house is broken, it is still in the city.

Li Erniu's home is a real rural area, and it is still in the mountains.

If you want to go there, it's really a bit of a hassle.

Three hours later, the two got on the train and headed for Li Erniu's house.

It wasn't until the next morning that the green train stopped at the station.

As soon as the two got out of the car, a colonel ran over.

"May I ask if you are Captain Chu Feng Chu?" the colonel asked.

Chu Feng looked at him in surprise: "Yes, you are?"

The colonel immediately saluted and said with a smile: "I am Liu Bing, the operational staff officer of the Central Plains Military Region, and I used to be a subordinate of Brigade Commander Lan Zhiguang. This time I was ordered to pick you up, and the car was already waiting outside!"

Chu Feng immediately realized that it must have been Zhao Changshan who informed Lan Zhiguang that he would come, so Lan Zhiguang asked someone to pick him up in advance.

Lan Zhiguang is a member of the Central Plains Military Region, but his troops are not stationed here.

Chu Feng was grateful in his heart, and he couldn't be embarrassed by this Lan Zhiguang, and he actually sent his old subordinates from before.

Chu Feng hurriedly said: "I have received your wishes, we can just go by ourselves, we can't delay your work!"

Liu Bing shook his head: "Don't worry, Captain Chu, Brigade Commander Lan has already greeted my leader, and I can move freely within half a month." Don't shirk it, otherwise if I go back now, Brigade Commander Lan and my leaders won't let me go!"

Since they all said so, Chu Feng could only nod in agreement, and he couldn't live up to the kindness of others.

Four military vehicles have already been parked outside the station.

After getting in the car, Chu Feng asked Liu Bing to drive to the shopping malls in the city to buy some food.

Since he was going to Li Erniu's house, he naturally couldn't go there empty-handed.

But people in the mountains must rarely eat fruit, and it is easy to waste it if you buy it.

So Chu Feng specially went to the mall to buy a lot of packaged food and bought a lot of household items, which are the most affordable for people in the mountains.

This purchase actually bought a truckload, and even Chu Feng himself was frightened.

Fortunately, he buys a lot of things, and the mall provides trucks for delivery, but he needs to pay a little freight.

They had just finished buying things here, and He Chenguang called and said that they had also arrived in the city.

Chu Feng immediately asked Liu Bing to drive to pick them up.

It's also not convenient to go to the mountains, and with military vehicles, you can just go there together.

He Chenguang, Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei came together.

It's very easy for them to go home to visit their relatives, and after two days they feel bored, and they wish they could come out early.

"Hey, captain, why do you buy so many things?" Song Kaifei looked at the truckload of things slowly, startled.

Chu Feng shrugged: "Let's go to Erniu's house as a guest, we can't go empty-handed! I heard that Erniu and their village have a very harmonious relationship, let's bring more things, it can be regarded as giving Erniu a long face!"

He Chenguang gave a thumbs up: "Your face is really too big, Erniu can't be happy to die when he sees it!"

Chu Feng smiled and waved his hand: "Let's go, get in the car, it's quite far to Erniu's house!"

Several people immediately got into the car, Liu Bing followed the navigation, and several military vehicles and trucks roared towards Li Erniu's house.

By seven o'clock in the evening, it was already close to the county seat of Li Erniu's family.

Liu Bing proposed to stay here for one night temporarily.

Chu Feng thought about it, it was not good to disturb others at such a late hour.

And at night, the road in the mountains is not easy to walk.

Everyone stayed in the county town for one night, and after breakfast the next morning, they immediately drove towards Li Erniu's house.

Two hours later, the convoy finally arrived at Li Erniu's village.

However, this village is very large, Li Erniu doesn't have a mobile phone, and Chu Feng doesn't know where to drive.

Just as a villager was passing by, Chu Feng rolled down the window.

Before he could ask, the villagers smiled and said, "You're here to find Erniu, right?"

Chu Feng smiled: "How do you know?"

The villager said: "He, like you, wears a military uniform. "

"Then where is his home?" asked Chu Feng.

The villagers pointed to the main road and said, "Follow this road, which house you see the most girls in front of the door, and that is his house!"

"What's the situation?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

The villagers laughed and said, "Erniu, now he is the man that all the girls in our village want to marry the most!"

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