Everyone loaded the bullets, and the night vision devices were hung on their heads.

The world in front of me suddenly turned green, but the night became much clearer in an instant.

In front of the helicopter, a large cargo ship appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This 10,000-ton freighter is like a giant sea turtle, slowly crawling forward in the dark.

Chu Feng quickly assigned the tasks of each group: "Falcon, prepare to snipe!"

"Yes!" He Chenguang replied coldly.

He held the gun on the side of the helicopter door, holding it in place with a rope so that it wouldn't swing back and forth.

Chu Feng shouted to the pilot, "Go to the front of the ship first!"

The pilot was surprised and said, "Captain Chu, this is very dangerous. The ship is sailing, and if we get in front of it, there is a good chance that it will be crashed!"

Chu Feng asked in a cold voice, "How much time do you have before the ship crashes over?"

"About five seconds!"

Chu Feng looked at He Chenguang: "Falcon, five seconds, kill two people, is it enough?"

He Chenguang confidently made an OK gesture: "No problem!"

Chu Feng said to the pilot: "Just five seconds, do it!"


The pilot no longer hesitated, and flew the helicopter to the front of the freighter.

In the cockpit of the freighter, the captain and first mate are sailing with guns pointed to their heads by pirates.

They thought about resisting, but when the second mate was shot dead by a pirate, they gave up completely.

But they were convinced that the state would not abandon them, because the captain sent a distress signal before the pirates boarded the ship.

As long as you survive, there is sure to be hope of survival.

The captain rubbed his sleepy eyes, just about to yawn.

Suddenly, a helicopter appeared directly in front of the ship, and its roar blocked the way of the entire ship.

"Helicopter!" the first mate opened his mouth excitedly: "Is it our helicopter?"

The dozen or so pirates in the cabin were instantly shocked, and everyone stood up one after another.

One of them put a gun to the captain's head and yelled, "Drive over to me, knock them out, quick!"

At the same time, on the helicopter, He Chenguang's muzzle was already aimed at the pirate's head.

"Fire!" Chu Feng yelled.

He Chenguang pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a bullet rushed out of the chamber of the gun, flying over the dark sea, and directly piercing the pirate's brain.

At the same time as He Chenguang pulled the trigger, the squad light machine gun in Chu Feng's hand also opened fire with him.

He doesn't need night vision devices, and with his eagle eye, he can clearly see the location of each pirate.

Bullets rained down on the cockpit.

The fragile partitions of the cockpit were all holes in an instant.

But every bullet seemed to have an eye, and after entering the cockpit, it grazed each hostage's side and hit each pirate's body directly.

"Bang bang bang..."

The pirates didn't even have time to pick up their guns, and they were instantly overturned by the beaten people.

The recruits were all stunned, they were completely shocked by Chu Feng's divine marksmanship.

The squad light machine gun can shoot with only two hands, and the bullets are so accurate.

Is this still human?

The legendary Rambo saw Chu Feng, and he had to bow to the wind!

In less than five seconds, the entire cockpit of pirates was all dealt with.

Chu Feng yelled at the recruits in the cabin who were in a daze: "What are you still doing in a daze, preparing to land!"

The recruits reacted violently.

They suddenly remembered that they were not here to see the play, but to kill people.

The helicopter immediately lowered the rope, and the recruits and veterans were ready to land on the ship along the rope.

But at this moment, a large number of pirates suddenly rushed out of the cabin of the freighter.

They were alarmed by the sound of gunfire.

The pirates ran out and saw the helicopter and immediately understood what was going on.

He raised his gun, pointed it at the two helicopters and opened fire.

"I'll go to your uncle's!" Chu Feng threw away the machine gun.

Pick up the RPG from the side and aim it directly below to pull the trigger.

The rocket erupted in a cloud of flames and whistled down from the helicopter.


The huge explosion ignited a ferocious flame, a small crater was blown out of the deck, and more than two dozen pirates were blown into the air, several directly into the sea.

Everyone, including the veterans, opened their mouths wide in shock.

This firepower is too fierce, Chu Feng doesn't look like he is saving people, but like he wants to blow up the whole ship.

Chu Feng finished firing a rocket and immediately reloaded it.

Pull the trigger directly at the pirate spot, and then continue to load one.

He knew very well that the surface of the ship was solid, and the rockets would destroy the deck at most, posing no threat to the ship's safety.

But by doing so, he was able to save the recruit's life.

After all, it is the first time for the recruits to go to the battlefield, and it is inevitable that there will be tension and mistakes.

And the price of mistakes is only a dead end.

They were faced with the most vicious pirates.

There is no mercy on the part of the people.

If you are not cruel to him, he will be ruthless to you.

Therefore, Lin Yu didn't mean to keep his hand at all, and the rockets bombarded the boat one after another.

Six rockets went down, and the ship was already devastated by the explosion.

The corpses of pirates lay on their backs, and there were many corpses of pirates floating on the sea, and no pirates dared to gather together on the ship.

Chu Feng threw the rocket aside and looked back at a group of stunned soldiers: "What are you doing with me?" Go down, eliminate the pirates, quickly!"

Lin Yu's eyes looked like he was about to kill, whether it was a recruit or a veteran, he was taken aback.

Wang Yanbing was the first to jump up and yell: "Quick, go down, go down, save the hostages, kill the pirates!"

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